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That rumour is months old and I see no reason to not believe it (hell I actually predicted that EA would try to pull a Sony/Nintendo Playstation way back in 2011 when they appeared on stage and then later those comments from Iwata at one of their shareholder meetings came out about them wanting to work with an outside partner on the Wii U online service...)


It's also the type of thing that EA has pulled before in the past (see what they did with completely abandoning the Dreamcast after failing to blackmail SEGA into giving them exclusive rights to all sports games on the console...)


interesting stuff thanks for that link. EA have a terrible history of acting like a spoilt child so that conspiracy theory isn't that crazy to believe.

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With the Wii there were plenty of excuses and self-fulfilling prophesies, some more substantial than others - power, lack of a 'hardcore' audience blah blah. There's no such excuse on a brand new console that is more than powerful enough and purposely courting third parties and 'core' gamers. Of course I'm not forgetting the treatment of the Wii, but I think this is the most brazen example yet.


I suppose their defence will be that the gamepad features make this unique and, unlike the trilogy, it includes most (if not all) the DLC. From what I've seen I can't tell if the use of the Upad makes this at all worthwhile.

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interesting stuff thanks for that link. EA have a terrible history of acting like a spoilt child so that conspiracy theory isn't that crazy to believe.


Exactly. If EA hadn't tried this sort of crap before I wouldn't give it the time of day.


However, all the facts fit the rumour (it also predicts the release of Mass Effect Trilogy to boot!), Peter Moore did go to Japan to meet with Iwata and this is exactly the type of thing that EA is known for doing in the past.


Regardless of whether or not it's actually true word for word, I bet this will be used as a scapegoat for their crappy/non-existent future support on the console.

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Oh, hi Wii! Completely forgot that you ended up getting shafted the same way...




Well... more extreme examples have happened before... [cough]EA shafting Dreamcast after being denied complete exclusivity - Tales of Graces being released on the same day as FF13 in Japan and then conveniently having an enhanced PS3 version ready to go less than a year later[/cough]


Nah, obviously EA are just stupid and don't realise that they're killing off a project that they actually believe in...


But it doesn't matter. I don't expect EA to provide any Wii U support whatsoever after this debacle. They've set it up to fail for a reason and all that's left for us to do is to look elsewhere at the likes of WB Games, Ubisoft and Activision - the publishers who are actually supporting the console...


Yeah, i think it's more theyre just fucking stupid and always go for the laziest solution.

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This information comes from ShockingAlberto, a NeoGAF member who's been known to get some inside info from time to time.


I threw some questions out in the ether and the response to the whole ME3/METri thing appears to be "EA did not expect Wii U owners to buy Mass Effect, anyway, so no point in porting over three games. If ME3 sells gangbusters, they'll consider it a proper summer home for Mass Effect."

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Well, I for one think this whole thing is hilarious. At first I thought it was a bit weird/stupid to release a compilation of all three games on other systems around the same time as Mass Effect 3 on the Wii U, but the reaction in this thread has been more than worth it. :p


All this talk about how "I can't believe they're doing this to us Nintendo fans!" makes it sound like people physically can't buy another system. Like if someone told them that they were huge Nintendo fans but also liked Halo, their heads would explode. Xbox 360s and PlayStation 3s are pretty cheap these days! Way cheaper than a Wii U.


If anyone's interested in Mass Effect, you've had five years to check it out. And soon the entire trilogy will be available on three systems! So much choice!


I don't know, I kind of feel like if you only own a Wii this console generation, you've made the choice to miss out on pretty much every big multi-platform game. Don't start whining about how you're missing out on Mass Effect when you knew you'd need another system to play it. You've made your bed.

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All this talk about how "I can't believe they're doing this to us Nintendo fans!" makes it sound like people physically can't buy another system. Like if someone told them that they were huge Nintendo fans but also liked Halo, their heads would explode. Xbox 360s and PlayStation 3s are pretty cheap these days! Way cheaper than a Wii U.


Sorry but this is completely missing the point. It's the fact that ME3 has been sent out to die - either deliberately sabotaged or bungled in the most spectacular fashion. Either way it's going to amount to ANOTHER self-fulfilling prophesy for 3rd party support. That's what's causing the reaction. ME3 on the WiiU is now redundant - EA's decision, regardless of what motive you attribute, if any. How is this difficult to understand?

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Well, I for one think this whole thing is hilarious. At first I thought it was a bit weird/stupid to release a compilation of all three games on other systems around the same time as Mass Effect 3 on the Wii U, but the reaction in this thread has been more than worth it. :p


All this talk about how "I can't believe they're doing this to us Nintendo fans!" makes it sound like people physically can't buy another system. Like if someone told them that they were huge Nintendo fans but also liked Halo, their heads would explode. Xbox 360s and PlayStation 3s are pretty cheap these days! Way cheaper than a Wii U.


If anyone's interested in Mass Effect, you've had five years to check it out. And soon the entire trilogy will be available on three systems! So much choice!


I don't know, I kind of feel like if you only own a Wii this console generation, you've made the choice to miss out on pretty much every big multi-platform game. Don't start whining about how you're missing out on Mass Effect when you knew you'd need another system to play it. You've made your bed.


I agree that if your gaming needs aren't met by one console then whining isn't an option; buying a 2nd platform is. This situation is a little different though. Releasing METri on the other platforms for price A, and then just a few days later release 1/3 of the Trilogy on WiiU for higher price B, just beggars belief.


In this case Nintendo fans have the absolute right to complain. No offence but multi platform owners need to get off their high horse once in a while and realise a lot of people are only in the position to own one console, and make their choice.


Reggie made a promise (maybe not quite a promise, but a statement) this gen that they want Wii U owners to only need one console - minus exclusives - so if that isn't delivered on, Nintendo fans have even more room to gripe and moan this coming gen.


Multplat owners, good for you.. lend me a tenner. :)

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I agree that if your gaming needs aren't met by one console then whining isn't an option; buying a 2nd platform is. This situation is a little different though. Releasing METri on the other platforms for price A, and then just a few days later release 1/3 of the Trilogy on WiiU for higher price B, just beggars belief.


In this case Nintendo fans have the absolute right to complain. No offence but multi platform owners need to get off their high horse once in a while and realise a lot of people are only in the position to own one console, and make their choice.


Reggie made a promise (maybe not quite a promise, but a statement) this gen that they want Wii U owners to only need one console - minus exclusives - so if that isn't delivered on, Nintendo fans have even more room to gripe and moan this coming gen.


Multplat owners, good for you.. lend me a tenner. :)


Hell I AM a multiplatform owner and this move pisses me off! Fuck EA (as if I needed any more reason to hate them :rolleyes: )

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Well, I have no vested interest in the third-party support on the Wii U and if it doesn't get any of the big multi-platform titles it'll just be that one console that I plug in when there's a new Nintendo game out, just like the Wii was.


So if EA decides not to release any of their high-profile games on the Wii U, the only people it'll affect are Nintendo stockholders and people who only own a Nintendo console. Somehow I always find the money to buy every new console eventually despite not having a lot of money, so I'm sure I'll manage. :smile:

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Well, I have no vested interest in the third-party support on the Wii U and if it doesn't get any of the big multi-platform titles it'll just be that one console that I plug in when there's a new Nintendo game out, just like the Wii was.


So if EA decides not to release any of their high-profile games on the Wii U, the only people it'll affect are Nintendo stockholders and people who only own a Nintendo console. Somehow I always find the money to buy every new console eventually despite not having a lot of money, so I'm sure I'll manage. :smile:


Wrong. It discourages other western 3rd parties from releasing games on the Wii U. That means less potential games that take advantage of the Wii U's unique capabilities, less unique experiences and a smaller potential market for the small developers that I actually care about.


As a multiplatform owner who wants to see a healthy market develop, for all types of games from all manners of developers, on Wii U where they are free to come up with games that provide all manners of unique experiences that take advantage of the Wii U's unique functionality; you bet your arse that EA's snubbing of the Wii U affects me!

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The prospect of EA bringing out the trilogy for the Wii U if this sells enough makes me want to buy it.

The knowledge that I in a year or two might be able to buy the whole trilogy for the Wii U for probably the same cost as ME3 makes me not want to buy it.


If EA bring out some Nintendo exclusive DLC, like a Varia suit, an Omni-Mastersword or a mission where you meet the Starfox team (whom then become a war asset, which appears in the big spacebattle cutscene towards the end of the game), I might get more interrested.


Jokes aside, this hasn't made me very happy.

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Considering that EA released footage of the Wii U version running at a full 60FPS, I do wonder if there's some sort of sabotage happening here...


Maybe they released an older build of the game out to manufacture, without telling the developers? (ALA Dead or Alive PS2)


I get the feeling that Straight Right aren't the ones to blame here. They seem like good people who are getting thrown under the bus by EA...

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