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Mass Effect 3


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And don't forget how some limited editions of games (*cough*N7 edition)


Everyone complained when they announced that it wasn't exclusive to the N7 Edition.


Until that point, there were no complaints about an exclusive squad member in the N7 edition of the came.

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Also, Nintendo fans won't be getting ME1, and likely not even ME2. They should get SOMETHING in return.

In return for what? Not buying BioWare's games previously?


No one's entitled to special treatment because of the hardware they own.

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I already own a 360 with the whole ME trilogy for it, yet somehow I'm positive about the extra content.


I never said anyone's entitled to anything. However, do you remember when Resident Evil 4 came out for the PS2? They got it very late, but by the time they got it, they got a whole slew of extra content, much more than I think EA will give us. Extra costumes, extra guns, extra side campaigns and I believe extra chapters for the single player campaign. And despite RE4 being marketed as a GC exclusive, I don't recall GC owners moaning over it very much.


And I don't quite get the negativity here. We're getting the last chapter in the perhaps greatest franchise of the last decade, perhaps even with some exclusive content... and you're objecting?

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I really wouldn't want to play this without having played the previous 2.


People are talking about them changing the ending, but what if they changed the start of the game to make playing the first two even less vital, making the whole thing a little more self contained.

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I already own a 360 with the whole ME trilogy for it, yet somehow I'm positive about the extra content.


I never said anyone's entitled to anything. However, do you remember when Resident Evil 4 came out for the PS2? They got it very late, but by the time they got it, they got a whole slew of extra content, much more than I think EA will give us. Extra costumes, extra guns, extra side campaigns and I believe extra chapters for the single player campaign. And despite RE4 being marketed as a GC exclusive, I don't recall GC owners moaning over it very much.

I'm sure if the Cube-Europe boards still existed we could find some moaning.


Exclusive content doesn't make much sense in this world of DLC. Unlike the GameCube era we have systems in place to distribute such additions, so there's little excuse or reason to limit fresh content to a specific platform.


That said, obviously I don't have a problem with EA releasing a good port. Making use of the GamePad's screen is simply playing to the strengths of the platform, but including story content that would be just as viable for previously released versions is rather more cynical.

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People are talking about them changing the ending, but what if they changed the start of the game to make playing the first two even less vital, making the whole thing a little more self contained.

I think BioWare made Mass Effect 3 about as self-contained as they could already. It's very obvious that they shaped the story so it'd be approachable to new players. The default Shepards for the second and third games have made some... questionable decisions, but they're decisions that carry with them as little baggage as possible from previous games.


There's very little they can do to replace the feeling you get when you meet that one guy from the first game again because you let him live the last time you met him, though (even if he just gets replaced with some new guy if he's dead - but imagine only ever seeing the new guy!). Who's Mordin and why should I care about his plight? Sorry, Wrex - we're not old buddies. I just met you. (Actually, maybe it'd be Wreav - he carries with him less baggage.)


Those were the things that made Mass Effect 3 so great for me.



We're getting the last chapter in the perhaps greatest franchise of the last decade

We got in in April. ;)


And I'm not getting any exclusive content, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

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IWe got in in April. ;)


We're getting the last chapter sometime in the summer.


The problem with exclusive content for Mass Effect 3 is, even if I bought a Wii U and the Wii U version of Mass Effect, there will be no way to play the game with my characters - characters I made five years ago.

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it would be nice if the WiiU version got some exclusive or timed DLC included on disk


Give me a Varia suit for Fem-Shep and I'll be happy! :)



So how do people want the GamePad to be used? I've had a few thoughts, after 30+ hours playtime on the 360 version.


Codex entries popping up on the Pad when you unlock them - I'm thinking this could be quite useful for any new players, and those who had a long gap between playing the 2nd and 3rd game. I watched some of the Lost recaps Sky had running just before the last series aired, there were little info boxes popping up all the time explaining character backgrounds, where they fitted in to the story, relationships etc. I found it a good way to refresh my memory on the characters and story, and spotted links I'd never registered before. I think this would be pretty cool in ME3 on Wii U.


Quick access to Maps, Journal etc. - It may seem like a lazy way to use the screen but this is something I'd personally find useful. I'm always losing track of all the side quests I've taken on, or where I need to go next.


Shepards Emails - Why bother having to go back to particular terminals to check communications from team members or NPCs, send them straight to the GamePad instead.


Planet scanning - This is probably my only gripe with ME3, scanning all the planets and navigation of the galaxy in general is pretty clunky with the 360 pad. It's definitely and area I'd like to see improved on Wii U. I'd like EA to use the Wii weather channel as an example and let us spin the planets, zoom etc with the screen and double-tap to scan for treasure.

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I think the squad commands and biotic selection are certain, plus implementation of the codex similar to the iPad Datapad app.


The emails would handy, as you often got emails while on the Citadel of people asking to meet you on the Citadel, but you couldn't see them until you had left the Citadel. Probably have emails and stuff on the screen when in non-combat areas (such as the ship and citadel).


I'd also like to see them put door/safe hacking back in, considering it would be extremely quick to do it on the GamePad and wouldn't have to stop gameplay.

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  • 2 weeks later...
They should just get a PS3 and/or an Xbox 360.


Ahhh, how the rich live, buying multiple consoles. People like myself with little real income don't have that multitudinous option, instead, the only option available to us financially constrained residents of life is to invest in a single console or none at all.

I choose life, I choose Nintendo.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pretty much what we all expected but here it is confirmed.


While Bioware wouldn’t say too much about the Wii U version of Mass Effect 3, we got confirmation that the Extended Cut will be part of the package.


The extended ending is basically going to be part of the game instead," Michael Gamble, producer of the Mass Effect series said to Siliconera. "You won’t have to download it."

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The one thing I'd like to know is whether or not the From Ashes DLC and all the multiplayer DLC will also be included on the disc. Never got around to playing From Ashes but I did enjoy the multiplayer for what it was and liked that there was/has been a steady stream of new content there (If only they'd change the way you could unlock the content rather than having it through the pack system) and with the Wii U having a free online service, would potentially consider picking this up again on the cheap for some multiplayer fun seeing as I don't have XBL and see no point getting it for 1 game that I may play occasionally online.

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You know, the fact the extended cut will be on the disc actually makes this feel like a more robust game than on other systems. Like, on the current consoles the extra stuff is "tacked on" but here it's there from the get go. I like how that makes it feel more integrated with the game experience out of the box.


If we could have inter-system save file transfer I'd consider rebuying on Wii U. Sadly, that will never happen. Of course, the game might run like shit anyway though, so we'll see how that goes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those interested (which probably isn't that many) this got a mention at EA's Summer Showcase. They didn't do a hands on or really go into Wii U features but the one image showing the gamepad showed a map and icons for selecting your biotic/tech powers for use. Presumably carries over to your party members as well but alas, they didn't bother to go into it but the press is getting to go hands on with it so there should be some impressions turning up through the night/tomorrow.


Sounded like the DLC which has been released for the Multiplayer is being included along with the Extended Cut and an interactive comic covering Mass Effect 1 and 2 for choices but no mention of whether From Ashes or the new Leviathan DLC would also come on the disc.


Pretty much as expected but they really need to include the single player DLC on the disc if they want to attract sales at launch.

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Looks brilliant.

Hope they'll add SOME extra content. The game really lacks in the side quest department, so a few of those would be nice.


Well, this will probably come with the DLC that's due sometime this month on other consoles.


If they add anything more significant than a gun as exclusive content and not release it on the other consoles, the fans would tear Bioware apart.

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Well, this will probably come with the DLC that's due sometime this month on other consoles.


If they add anything more significant than a gun as exclusive content and not release it on the other consoles, the fans would tear Bioware apart.

Leviathan sure does sound interresting. I just hope it tells the story of the reapers better than how you find out about the Geth-Quarian conflict inside the consensus.


It indeed depends on what content it is that it'll get exclusively. If it's a little bit of extra Normandy banther, I don't think anyone'll complain. I personally think that it should be something Nintendo related. Like a Wiimote-pistol or Varia Suit armour. Although it'd perhaps feel a bit out of place, you could even add Samus as a squadmate.

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I don't know the locations that much in Mass Effect, but they should totally add some cameos like Captain Falcon sat drinking at a bar counter or something. Or an more vague character like Pico walking around.


And Samus' ship docked at one of the bays of a main ship.

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