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Software Showcase (6th June in LA/7th June in Europe))


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lol man at the end that was the ultimate troll.


You can play New Super Mario Bros 2 on the show floor tomorow and well the people at home.......YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO WAIT MOTHER FUCKERS TROLOLOLOLOLOOL.


Best troll ever. But still some cool footage and Castlevania looks awsome, nothing new though which is a shame.

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Where's my Animal Crossing, Nintendo? :cry: At least they mentioned it at the last two E3s.. A few days ago, I was planning to stay up for this conference, but after Tuesday's disaster, I decided against it - looks like I might the right decision.

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Painful lesson learnt. Expect nothing. That way you can't be disappointed. So I expect nothing from their 3DS conference.


I was right to expect nothing new from their conference and I got nothing. But you know what? I am disappointed. This years whole E3 was a disaster. No surprises. I thought it would be one of the best and should've been but it goes down as one of the worst for me. Thanks Nintendo for nothing!

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Nintendo has recently taken up a poliy of there being a short time from reveal to launch. Unfortunately, it means we'll occasionally have years like this year


So where's Layton then? It should be coming out by the end of this year (as per the usual schedule of releases)

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I'm just shocked at how inept NIntendo have been at exciting its fans, it's really not hard to do. They announced ONE NEW GAME - Pikmin, and we all knew that was coming. Even the 3DS is failing to excite this year. Some really good stuff but no big title. As if you don't sneak what's coming out int the future, EVERYBODY does it!! Very worrying times. Just understand what the fuck Nintendo have been working on...

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Just watched the show. Disappointed there wasn't much new stuff when they said there would be. Saying that the games they did show look good but it's mostly the Mario games that I am interested in and those are all due out in "Holiday" (i.e. before Christmas) doesn't seem to be much after that.


Unless they are holding games like Layton back to after the new year but they should have still shown them in some capacity.


Oh well, looks like it's up to Nintendo Direct to deliver the goods.


This year's E3 has killed my hype for future E3s.

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Wait so they haven't announced information on any new projects? or previously announced ones like Zelda and Animal crossing?


Man they really have gone to the opposite end of the spectrum to the 3ds launches reveal everything and revealed only a few months of releases


Well e3 has changed over the years but this year it's completed it's transformation to mainstream infomercial!

In a way it's logical, the masses (who it now appeals to via MTV) only care for things coming soon, and would quickly forget about future projects! The e3 we expected is dead and gone officially this year


It's basically gone like how movies are announced, those who care find niche magazines or media outlets to find out about planned movies , where as the masses only find out through trailers about the upcoming months releases through the mainstream media/trailers

E3 is now a trailer reel for the jersey shore generation who have short attention spans and only care about what's hot and happening (soon) its funny e3 would have been typically called a haven for geeks,now it's like a movie premier for the masses


Let's hope at the Tokyo event soon they announce things, and via Nintendo direct

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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But it's common fucking sense. EVen the masses want to know what's coming out for the machines. They'll see Watch Dogs and all that, not think about when they're actually out and want the mahicnes they are on.


And also in a way. It's a moot point. It's not that E3 is shit any more, it's that Nintendo has absolutely atrocious 3rd party support and limp 1st party titles.

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This is the last I'm going to respond to negativity because it's really starting to annoy me (I'm fine with constructive stuff, but come on...), but trust me...there is more coming. EA, Activision, Capcom etc. are having their own things away from E3 where games will undoubtedly be revealed. Unlike Microsoft and Sony, Nintendo have more of their own first party stuff so can do it themselves.


Yes, they should have shown some games they were working on for 2013, but that doesn't mean their support is limp and everything. These games are the ones in the last two months of this year and that's it. Stop acting like they're the only games that are going to come for the system

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Where's my Animal Crossing, Nintendo? :cry:
I would love to know this too. :mad:


At the moment, the only upcoming game on my to-buy list is Rhythm Tengoku Wii (I'll be damned if I call it Beat the beat! :heh:)! That's likely to be the final Wii game I get, which is fine, got 60+ titles in the collection, and the system is at the end of its life cycle.

But as far as the 3DS is concerned, I have absolutely no idea what/when my next purchase will be! ::shrug: Which for a system that's just over a year old, is not cool in my opinion. :nono:


Yeah, we know about quite a few games, NSB2, Luigi's Mansion 2, Paper Mario, Animal Crossing... But I can't believe we still don't know when they are releasing! :o


Plus, I'm not massively excited for any of those games, other than Animal Crossing. And I get a terrible feeling it isn't coming out this year, hence the silence at E3.

So that leaves 3 first party titles that I'm kinda "meh" about, probably all coming out at the same bloody time (or within like a couple of weeks of each other) at the end of the year. Meaning it's even less likely that I'll want to pick them up. GREAT! :indeed:


How it should pan out:

August = NSMB2

September = Paper Mario

October = Luigi's Mansion 2

November/December = Animal Crossing


How it will probably go:

August = ...

September = ...

October = ...

November/December = NSMB2, Paper Mario, Luigi's Mansion 2 (cram 'em all in there, Nintendo! With the Wii U launch too, Nice one! icon14.gif)

2013 = Animal Crossing



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I really do think people are over reacting


Sure they announced only a few things coming out soon, but they kept saying they have too much info to reveal, so did a Nintendo direct Sunday, the "main" conference Tuesday (goin out on MTV so tailored to the masses) then the 3ds software showcase, then on the Nintendo site and they said more in the upcoming weeks!


That's ten times what the others have done!


More info is coming, e3 is different now! It's not needed as info can be given immediately in a timely manner rather than rushed for a once a year conference

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This is the last I'm going to respond to negativity because it's really starting to annoy me (I'm fine with constructive stuff, but come on...), but trust me...there is more coming. EA, Activision, Capcom etc. are having their own things away from E3 where games will undoubtedly be revealed. Unlike Microsoft and Sony, Nintendo have more of their own first party stuff so can do it themselves.


Yes, they should have shown some games they were working on for 2013, but that doesn't mean their support is limp and everything. These games are the ones in the last two months of this year and that's it. Stop acting like they're the only games that are going to come for the system


This word right here is the problem. It's not undoubtedly at all, there is doubt as we've had no inclination as to there being games coming from them other than EA and even then EA wouldn't say whether or not that we'd be getting the same content etc as the other console versions.


The fact that Nintendo haven't answered questions that fans have wanted answers to since last years E3 and when they have been directly asked they've just skirted around the question is a joke. That's not how to get consumers on board!

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It doesn't help when they promise they'll give us the information. They said the Wii U will "tick all the boxes" for everyone last E3 (online, 3rd party support, other stuff). We're still waiting.

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The fact that Nintendo haven't answered questions that fans have wanted answers to since last years E3 and when they have been directly asked they've just skirted around the question is a joke. That's not how to get consumers on board!


What I don't get is how come none of the press have asked question about the online setup? :wtf: The stuff that was asked at the roundtable was laughable.

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Personally, I think it would have been a good idea for them to at least mention some of these titles, just to let people know they're working on them. Even if they then said release dates wouldn't be until 2013, at least everyone would know they're still in development. Just seems a bit odd that games that were possibly mentioned two years ago have suddenly disappeared from any release list.

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It doesn't help when they promise they'll give us the information. They said the Wii U will "tick all the boxes" for everyone last E3 (online, 3rd party support, other stuff). We're still waiting.


This. This post here says it all. Come on Nintendo, where's your proof? You've had a year to present it to us!

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So that leaves 3 first party titles that I'm kinda "meh" about, probably all coming out at the same bloody time (or within like a couple of weeks of each other) at the end of the year.


I've got a feeling you're spot on about those titles (bar NSMB2) all releasing within weeks of each other, and also getting mixed up with the release of the Wii U and Pokémon Black and White 2. 2012 should have been a big year for first party Nintendo games, what with the launch of the Wii U and the 3DS being well past its launch window, but it's not looking at all hopeful now.


I would assume that we'll get the Q3 releases within the next month, and NSMB2 will be on there, but as we don't usually get the Q4 releases until late August, it's going to be a while before we know about the rest. That is, of course, assuming that the text-heavy Pokémon and Paper Mario are even released in Europe this year..

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I really do think people are over reacting


Sure they announced only a few things coming out soon, but they kept saying they have too much info to reveal, so did a Nintendo direct Sunday, the "main" conference Tuesday (goin out on MTV so tailored to the masses) then the 3ds software showcase, then on the Nintendo site and they said more in the upcoming weeks!


That's ten times what the others have done!


More info is coming, e3 is different now! It's not needed as info can be given immediately in a timely manner rather than rushed for a once a year conference


But they didn't really announce enough stuff to justify having three separate shows. They could easily have fit everything into their main conference.

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