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3DS Firmware Update - Includes Folders


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I really like eShop refresh - hope they continue the two-line menu in the Home screen.


....and they've fucked it up again....


This morning eShop has two scrollable lines; one for games and downloads and another for the 'optiony type things. Now, its all mixed up up options and shopping on one line and 'best sellers' on the second. What are they doing?

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Also, it's a bit of a shame that you can't change the folder colour or make your own icon for it; feels a bit too functional and not very Nintendo like. Oh well, I guess they've gotta save something for future updates!
I think having the icon (or part of it at least) of the first icon inside a folder, visible on the outside of that particular folder would've been better.

If that made any sense at all. :heh:


But yeah, some more ways to differentiate folders would be good.

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I like the ability to store games inside folders but I don't like having the first letter representing the folder but being that this is how things are going to be I've just settled with sticking a symbol in front of the text so it doesn't look 'messy' currently I have...


Black Star = VC

White Star = eShop

Music Note = apps


I think that'll do for now. :)

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Love the folders got things nice and clean now.


Got a folders for


GBA Ambassador games

NES Ambassador Games

3D Classics (of which I only have 3 anyway :heh:)



and "Others" which includes Nintendo Video, Eurosport Video, Mii Maker, Activity Log, AR Games, Download Play, Pokedex 3D and teh Health & Saftey Info App


Wanted to stick System Settings App in Others too but it won't let me put that in a folder :(


All I have on the Main Menu now is

Game Card (of cousre)

Zen Pinball


Streetpass Plaza


Faceraiders (the Wife still plays it)


3DS Sound

and System Settings


So tidy looking :D

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I've got two Nintendo zone hotspots close to my home. first it's Phones4u thats about 4 minutes away, then Pizza express thats around 15 minutes away. pretty cool.


Woah that's creepy! My nearest one is Phones4u too!


Of course I could always just do that trick to access Nintendo Zone at home anyway :yay:

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Actually did ye all have to manually download the update this morning or did it spotpass d/l for you overnight?


All previous updates (minus the 1st as it wasn't availble for auto d/l) downloaded via spotpass for me but not this one.


Left the 3DS on all night expecting the update to be ready in the morning but I had nothing when I checked.


Tried to open the eShop and it told me I needed to update the system so it started a manual download

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I like this update. I think it shows that Nintendo are serious about using online features of their consoles to their full extent.


Like many others have said, I wish there was the ability to change the colours of the folders.


I'm still hoping that one of the future updates will contain some kind of in-game messaging functionality. Even if they just make the letter box app one of the apps which can be launched while in a game.

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What's on the zones?!


"Nintendo Zone is a free location based, interactive service that allows you to access exciting content including upcoming trailers of games in 2D and 3D, product information, 2D and 3D screenshots, Nintendo 3DS game demos and free video clips."


Haven't tried it yet, but I will on my way to uni tomorrow.


Not in Ireland though apparently... not even in Dublin... poor form :(


Don't know what kinda stuff is on the Zone, but it's a shame nonetheless, is Ireland not part of the EU Nintendo? or are there some other factors that I just don't know.


@Dcubed There's over 400 stores across the UK I think, what would be creepy is if we live near the same one! :laughing:

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wheres the nintendo zone finder? Is it just the hotspot finder on intends website?!


Okay it is. Bit confused as all the hotspots on available services just say all the bass stuff a wifi connection can do, so aren't these just wifi connections?!

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Patching is most definitely important, btw how's your homescreen looking Ike? I've cut the Downloadables into 5 Folders.


Got it down to:




Might reorder them a bit later, but I decided to keep the GB games and some other download titles on the main menu for a bit to keep it interesting. Only got 2 Game Gear games, seemed a bit silly to put them in their own folder to me :laughing:

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You're right about keeping it 'interesting' Ike, I kept the 3DS downloads on the homescreen, although there's not much there it allows me to zoom in and enjoy the bigger icons.


@darksnowman was you aware that you was moving a 'gift'? or do you know what's inside?

it did make me laugh though!

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On the vita board someone said Vita won the updates as they had Skype... Weird. Vita needs folders more than the 3DS, can only fit 10 icons on the screen and it's a git to move them about AND each game has it's own icon so it clogs up even more, there isn't a game inserted bubble (as they are on vita).. such a stupid system. Can't wait to folder up all the stuff on the vita. (remember when iPhone did it too, seems like such a basic function yet all companies take an age to implement it!


Patching is the big one though really, can't wait to see extra content and such. Got some extra levels on Escape Plan last week in an update, nice that Nintendo are very slowly catching up!

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Can someone tell me how the patches work for games with this update?


Same as everything else in the world. You can update there games and it'll fix bugs and add new stuff. When you go in the shop it tells you you have games that need updating so that's helpful.

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The answer is we don't know and won't know until the middle of May when the Mario Kart 7 patch arrives. We don't know if it will update the game automatically in the background or if you'll receive some sort of prompt via SpotPass. Nor do we know whether you'll have to go to the eShop (I don't see why you'd need to) or not.

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The answer is we don't know and won't know until the middle of May when the Mario Kart 7 patch arrives. We don't know if it will update the game automatically in the background or if you'll receive some sort of prompt via SpotPass. Nor do we know whether you'll have to go to the eShop (I don't see why you'd need to) or not.
According to Satoru Shibata, it will need to be downloaded manually:


once this update data is released, you will need to download it from Nintendo eShop, in order to play online.
The last update was (apart from the folders) just laying the groundwork for patches.
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