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New Super Mario Bros 2


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WTF!? Why haven't I got my Spotpass notification yet!?


Spot Pass feature unlock is kinda interesting...


Does kinda make me worry about what might happen if someone buys the game down the line and they're not sending out the notification any more. How else is someone meant to access the ingame store?


Edit: Oh never mind, apparently they said that if you haven't played in a long time, it will take longer to receive the message for the packs... I suppose the Spotpass message is pinged from the server when you play the game and it prepares a data package with your total coin count to be sent to Nintendo. I suppose that means that the Spotpass message will continue to get sent automatically and indefinitely so long as the 3DS online service continues to run (which is presumably forever)

Edited by Dcubed
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Only tried the Coin Challenge pack so far, but it's fun. I like how it has a different focus in its level design than the levels in the main game. Gives me a nice SMA4 vibe :) Also nice to see the fat hammer bros return from SMB3/NSMB Wii - Good to see that the new levels also have new enemies/mechanics to play with :D


Will try the other two packs later (looking forward to giving the Nerve Wracking Pack a shot on my work commute!)

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Oh wow, the Gold Rush pack is ridiculous! Got 30,000 on my first try. You really will rack up a million coins in no time with this one :laughing:


I haven't managed to beat the first level of the Nerve Wracking Pack yet! (It really does deserve all 5 difficulty stars! :o)


Can't help myself from trying to go for the Gold Flower in the first level :laughing: Has anyone managed to beat the level while also nabbing the flower yet?

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Damn. :o They should have at least made the Three-Pack Set a fiver, greedy buggers. :angry:

Meh, Nintendo needs the money to prove their philosophy is good before investors etc. push harder for them to become a "me too" company. I'm happy to spend £6 on these :p

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Perhaps I'll buy the Nerve Wrecking Pack but the price is way too high, sadly.


£2 is hardly going break the bank surely. Can't believe people are arguing over a few pennies. Greedy Nintendo, they didn't give us a £1 discount!! [/sarcasm]

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£2 is hardly going break the bank surely. Can't believe people are arguing over a few pennies. Greedy Nintendo, they didn't give us a £1 discount!! [/sarcasm]


No point in putting sarcasm at the end of the post, I only had to read the first sentence to know that you were either drunk or sarcastic.

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Hmm, no DLC for me. £2 per pack is not bad, but if there are eventually three sets at £6 each (and I've done my maths right), you'd end up paying £18 for the whole lot. What are the chances you'll really think it was worth paying £18 just to expand your game a bit? I'm sorry, I know it's optional, but I hope it's not a sign of the future.


The only one I'm tempted by is the Gold Rush pack, but I'd be paying real money just to get virtual money. The more I think about it, the more I think the coin-collecting aspect of NSMB 2 is an enormous experiment in satire!

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