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Project X Zone (Capcom x Sega x Namco Bandai)


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Genuinely surprised/amazed this is getting localised. Thought that with the amount of red tape around all of the licenses for characters that it's be a nightmare but I suppose given that all of the characters are housed by the 3 development houses then it was probably easier to get the go-ahead on something like this as opposed to the amount of hoops Capcom had to jump through to get Tatsunoko vs Capcom localised.


From the scant amounts of gameplay I've seen, it didn't look like anything special, but that was only a very small look at the game. Perhaps it's better than what I saw.


This may give me reason to consider picking up a 3DS again in the summer.

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  • 2 months later...

The sprite work is just lovely. I'm not too keen on strategy RPGs (will still get this though), but I'd love to see some action games/platformers with graphics as good as this, such as a Mega Man game with that Mega Man sprite.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Darn, that is amazing. It might even be the best spritework I've ever seen, up there with Sega's System 32 (which I mentioned in the Sonic the Hedgehog 3D Claasics thread). I mean, the sprites themselves are great, but the animation and (in particular) ther scaling are just incredible.


If Nintendo wants a benchmark for how good 2D Zelda and Metroid could be, they should look to this game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just tried the demo, no idea what was going on. :heh:


Pretty much how I felt at first, I mean just check out the in-game menus... info overload. Having said that I enjoyed it a lot, also the fighting is based almost entirely on timing. Time your hits properly then you can get some good points, build a combo and unleash a special (don't know how I did that though, just got lucky I suppose).


The music though, ugh. It's amazing!

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I didn't understand it either!


So, it's a turn-based strategy with real-time battles (similar to the Tales series). You do have to be somewhat competent at fighting games, I think, as the special moves require fairly complex button combinations.


Whilst I'm baffled at the moment, it could be good if I get to grips with it. The presentation is too good to ignore!

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Try playing it in Japanese. ;)
Well... the voices are in Japanese. :hehe:


Anyway, I had another go at the demo, this time the gameplay really clicked. Like @\-Dem0\- mentioned before, it's all about timing. You need to time your attacks to hit just as an enemy is about to land from a previous attack (to juggle them), this is how you deal critical hits too. :awesome:


It's actually a pretty awesome system, I'm definitely looking forward to the full game. :)

Shame it's out after (and quite close to) Animal Crossing though... :blank:

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The moves in the game are VERY simple to perform, just push a direction on the circle pad and press the A button. You just have to time it right so that while the enemy is in midair your attacks don't miss them otherwise you'll drop the combo and the battle will end prematurely. I'm not sure when the best time is to use support characters but I'll figure it out when I get the full game although I'll wait for the game to go on sale first. I don't know who any of the characters are other than the Capcom cast and fighting game characters cause I don't play RPGs :D

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I've tried the demo for a 4th time and was able to finish off most of the enemies in my radius in one turn. I think the best time to attack is when the enemy is just above your character, I was able to get some critical hits with the right timing.


Shame she's just a support character in this though. :(


Yeah, I don't really know her but she made me laugh with her attack.


"Choo, choo!"

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Yeah... this game isn't for me...


It's a strategy RPG with no strategy whatsoever. Each enemy takes an eternity to kill and it just devolves into frantic button mashing.


Although as fangasms go, this is number one for sure. No game could wank off a fan like this one! It serves its purpose masterfully :bowdown:

Edited by Dcubed
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Yeah, I don't really know her but she made me laugh with her attack.


"Choo, choo!"

You should definitely get to know her better. :hehe:


Beginning of Space Channel 5:


Legendary moment from SC5 Part 2:



Yeah... this game isn't for me...


It's a strategy RPG with no strategy whatsoever. Each enemy takes an eternity to kill and it just devolves into frantic button mashing.

Can't argue about the strategy, but then it's only a tiny demo. ::shrug: The emphasis is clearly on just learning the attack system.

I'm going to assume the full game has a bit more going on in that department.


As for enemies taking ages to kill and button mashing... nah. :blank:

Button mashing will get you absolutely nowhere in this game, you need to time attacks properly in order to build up a combo and deal some decent damage, add cross attacks into the mix (again, with the correct timing) and you can absolutely destroy enemies! Seriously, it's possible to take out most of the ones in the demo in a single turn. :cool:


Although as fangasms go, this is number one for sure. No game could wank off a fan like this one! It serves its purpose masterfully :bowdown:
I don't know what you're talking about...




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I love Ulala (Ooh la la - great humour!) The way she came in dancing as all the Sega characters attacked cracked me up, especially the bloke from Space Harrier! It's bonkers!


As for enemies taking ages to kill and button mashing... nah. :blank:

Button mashing will get you absolutely nowhere in this game, you need to time attacks properly in order to build up a combo and deal some decent damage, add cross attacks into the mix (again, with the correct timing) and you can absolutely destroy enemies! Seriously, it's possible to take out most of the ones in the demo in a single turn. :cool:


Do you think you can complete the demo with just standard attacks, if you time them well? I don't really understand the special moves, cross attacks, supports etc.

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