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Captain America: The Winter Soldier


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Went to the cinema to watch it tonight, but just as the adverts finished we were staring at a blank screen. Then we were sent home because they were having technical issues so I didn't get to see it today. But I was given a ticket to watch it tomorrow. Hopefully the technical problems are solved. We had a massive hail storm this afternoon which I think caused it.


They really should put a roof on that projector room.

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The whole Hydra twist took me by surprise, from what I remember of the comics wasn't Bucky turned into the Winter Soldier by a Russian group? So I was expecting the "main badguy" in the film to be Russia or some breakaway organisation in Russia. Wasn't expecting any Hydra involvement at all but in terms of both Cap films it makes sense for this sequel to have it all tied together.


Can't believe though they had Hydra inflitrate into SHIELD so well and so much...Sitwell being a badguy was a shocker, I liked him :( Thought he was real good in that One-Shot "Item 47".... wonder what that means for the guy and girl in that One-Shot? Since Sitwell recruited them did he also recruit them to Hyrda? Assuming those characters ever reappear (which I hope they do....I think they would appear in the TV show but haven't yet)



Also loved the little hints at other characters and past events like when Fury shows Cap the 3 new ships and Cap asks if Stark helped with the new engines and Fury goes "he had some suggestions after getting an "up close" look at one of the older models" or something, referencing Stark fixing the engine in Avengers :)


Also when Sitwell is naming possible targets of project insight I heard him say "Stephen Strange" :D WOOOOOTTTTT Can't remember if he used any other names, he described a lot of them, like "valdictorian i some high school" were any of those references to anyone from the comics?


And when Insight was picking its targets, I spotted it targetted Stark/Avengers Tower and there were a few people it showed with names but I didn't see them properly....were any of those comic characters or just random random names?



Also loved Stan Lee's cameo again..... still can't over that he is 90 years old now!



Can't wait to see how this ends up effecting Agents of SHIELD, since Coulson was recently looking for Fury but Fury had gone off the grid I assume the show is currently inside the timeline of the film, sometime after Fury was attacked but before the final battle of the film. The rebuilding of SHIELD will probably fall to Coulson and other agents we've seen in the show like Agent Hand and Agent Blake and maybe Bill Paxtons character (I'd like to see more from him).... Giving Coulson the plane and the freedom to pick his own ops was prolly Furys plan to keep him out of Hydra's firing line and to have a trusted agent able to pick up the pieces if things went south which they did. Given all the badguys they have locked up "The Fridge" they can;t possibly have really fully disbanded SHIELD.





Oh and teh Zola appearence was just brilliant! I had wondered after the first Cap film if he would return in his robot form but thought surely that would look too silly on film, they way they decided to go with was great :D



Edited by Mokong
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Answers to questions above; (saw it a second time yesterday).


When Sitwell mentions the Insight targets, he only specifically names Bruce Banner and Stephen Strange.


When the Insight is selecting targets, I was madly darting my eyes at all the names and didn't see anyone special.




That will definitely be one for the freeze-frame on Blu-Ray.

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Great film. Not quite as good as Iron Man 3 or Thor 2, but still great. Also, is it wrong that I'm more interested in how it will affect Agents of SHIELD than other films?


First of, Captain America was great in this, and it was nice to see him working with Black Widow (I would have liked to have seen Maria Hill get a bit more of the action, though). He felt more superhero-like than in the first or Avengers, and had lots of good moments (like when all the SHIELD agents get in the lift) and the action was brilliant throughout the film.


I've never heard of the Falcon guy before, so it was a nice surprise when he got his suit, and him taking on the Helicarrier actually reminded me of Kid Icarus: Uprising (btw, was the name "Icarus" taken when this character was made in the comics? It seems very much like the military would have called it "Project Icarus" or something like that). Anyway, he was a pretty awesome character. Hopefully someone decides to fix his wing jetpack thing so he can appear again.


The HYDRA/SHIELD plot was unexpected and brilliant, and I'm curious as to how much they'll touch onto the information going to the internet. While all the TAHITI stuff is likely not part of the SHIELD or HYDRA databases, Coulson being alive would be, and I'm sure that Tony Stark would be all over the information. I'm also curious if Tony will find out about HYDRA killing his parents (speaking of that, the Zola computer thing was great).


And there's the whole SHIELD shutting down thing, which will greatly affect Agents of SHIELD (perhaps they chose the long name so season 2 could be "Marvel's Agents"). It will also mean that the world will depend on the superheroes even more, unless SHIELD gets reformed, or a new thing is put in its place.


Also, it was great to see Nick Fury get some proper action. That car chase sequence was great. As for the Winter Soldier "surprise" - that was pretty much the only thing I knew about the film.


One thing I thought was a bit odd was some of the "after" scenes towards the end, with Maria Hill joining Stark Industries (seems a bit random for her, unless she Tony, his building and his communications technology are going to be the "HQ" for the other heroes). There was the not-neighbour SHIELD agent joining the CIA which cut to her perfect shooting and the random goon who's burnt (but presumably alive) body was recovered. Are those two part of any comics?


On to the after credits: I wasn't expecting to see Quicksilver or Scarlet Witch (I notice they're twins in this, while they're different ages in X-Men), so that was good. And I'm even more sure that the orb in Loki's staff is one of the infinity stone/gems.


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One thing I thought was a bit odd was some of the "after" scenes towards the end, with Maria Hill joining Stark Industries (seems a bit random for her, unless she Tony, his building and his communications technology are going to be the "HQ" for the other heroes).


... would make some amount of sense, considering the remaining "A" on the Stark Tower after Avengers Assemble hinted at it becoming the Avengers Tower at some point.


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Well I thought this was rather good, my only niggling question;

Isn't Cap's shield supposed to absorb vibrations and shit? Thor hit it with his hammer in avengers and nothing happened, yet in this a few punches and a small rocket sent him flying fifty feet!



Otherwise very much enjoyed it. I liked it bringing in Falcon, and without much fuss. Enjoyed Hyrda as the 'villain' also. It felt a little less superhero-y than the other superhero films, which made a nice change.

Edited by Rummy
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Captain America was great. Action choreography was awesome. I loved to see the small team of "core members" of SHIELD do their thing (only Coulson was missing..). And those are simply some very interesting developments for the Marvel universe. It´s strange though. Although I prefer the modern setting, that doesn´t stop me from missing the WW2 setting a bit. But that´s not an issue. Thankfully there were still lots of retro aspects. Zola in that old bunker was great.


Not being a comic expert, and having a forgetful memory, lots of things flew over my head. I was obviously not aware what the significance was of that Winter Soldier, and I forgot all about Bucky, so his initial reveal didn´t do as much for me as he would for others (like Bob then), but I like the character, and I can´t wait to find out what he´ll do when he shows up again. I also like that falcon guy, both the character and the actor, although I don´t like his suit.


As I said, I´m no comic expert, so these links amongst others were helpful:




Apparently that guy on the STRIKE team, and that neighbour/nurse/agent are bigger characters than this particular film lets on.

Are there any minor spoilers I´d enjoy from Agents of SHIELD now I´ve seen the film? I´ll have to wait untill it´s available on Netflix, but I´ll watch it eventually.


Marvel is on a roll. I´m really liking this trend of superhero films that are getting better and better. Phase one was a bit hit or miss. I loved Iron man 1, hated Iron man 2, Thor was barely ok, with Captain America and the last Hulk film being slightly better. I have yet to see Iron man 3, so I can´t comment on it, but Thor 2 was fantastic, and so was this one. Having all the films set in the same universe, and having small but significant reference between eachother and future films, is just plain genius, both business-wise and creatively. They´re doing many things right, of which the most important thing for them is building the hype. Going through a few mediocre films in phase one was worth it, because the pay-off (i.e. The avengers) was simply excellent. Like I said, I´m no comic guy. Even now I´m not likely to buy a comic. But several years ago, I could care less about the likes of Captain America. Now I´m fucking anticipating talking space raccoons and antmans. In contrast: Superman vs Batman does nothing for me. And I even like Ben Affleck! Bring on Guardians of the galaxy.

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One of those links just rips off the other :blank: down to copying the "party favour" which was in no way an Easter Egg but a complete bit of unmissable dialogue :p

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Captain America was great. Action choreography was awesome. I loved to see the small team of "core members" of SHIELD do their thing (only Coulson was missing..). And those are simply some very interesting developments for the Marvel universe. It´s strange though. Although I prefer the modern setting, that doesn´t stop me from missing the WW2 setting a bit. But that´s not an issue. Thankfully there were still lots of retro aspects. Zola in that old bunker was great.


Not being a comic expert, and having a forgetful memory, lots of things flew over my head. I was obviously not aware what the significance was of that Winter Soldier, and I forgot all about Bucky, so his initial reveal didn´t do as much for me as he would for others (like Bob then), but I like the character, and I can´t wait to find out what he´ll do when he shows up again. I also like that falcon guy, both the character and the actor, although I don´t like his suit.


As I said, I´m no comic expert, so these links amongst others were helpful:




Apparently that guy on the STRIKE team, and that neighbour/nurse/agent are bigger characters than this particular film lets on.

Are there any minor spoilers I´d enjoy from Agents of SHIELD now I´ve seen the film? I´ll have to wait untill it´s available on Netflix, but I´ll watch it eventually.


Marvel is on a roll. I´m really liking this trend of superhero films that are getting better and better. Phase one was a bit hit or miss. I loved Iron man 1, hated Iron man 2, Thor was barely ok, with Captain America and the last Hulk film being slightly better. I have yet to see Iron man 3, so I can´t comment on it, but Thor 2 was fantastic, and so was this one. Having all the films set in the same universe, and having small but significant reference between eachother and future films, is just plain genius, both business-wise and creatively. They´re doing many things right, of which the most important thing for them is building the hype. Going through a few mediocre films in phase one was worth it, because the pay-off (i.e. The avengers) was simply excellent. Like I said, I´m no comic guy. Even now I´m not likely to buy a comic. But several years ago, I could care less about the likes of Captain America. Now I´m fucking anticipating talking space raccoons and antmans. In contrast: Superman vs Batman does nothing for me. And I even like Ben Affleck! Bring on Guardians of the galaxy.


I completely forgot about Bucky too, and I've even read about him before. Stuff about those other characters is interesting too! I'm really quite naiive on the Captain America lore.


I did think the choreography was generally good - but I remember feeling very early on(during the ship scenes) that it was a bit wobbly camera obscuring. Not sure why as it definitely picked up later, but a couple of the shots on the ship just seemed to obscure the action a bit.


(PS I'm sure you couldn't have cared less about Captain America :P)

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Well I thought this was rather good, my only niggling question;

Isn't Cap's shield supposed to absorb vibrations and shit? Thor hit it with his hammer in avengers and nothing happened, yet in this a few punches and a small rocket sent him flying fifty feet!


I wouldn't question the logic of a material that absorbs all vibrations too much. :heh:

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Didnt think it was that great. Best bit of the film was:


Furys gravestone. Ezekiel 25:17 ^^


Yeah, really don't understand why everyone is going ape shit for this. It's really nowhere near as good or as smart as it thinks it is.


Honestly, this film has really broken the whole Disney/Marvel film series. It could have been brilliant but ALL they do is make films that appeal to the lowest common denominator. X-men at Fox, even Spider-Man (from what I hear, the new one is a really good), try to be a little more than just superficial superhero movies - Captain America is arguably not even a superhero move - and even though the resulting films are inconsistent in terms of quality, when they are good the are really good. The last Disney/Marvel film that was really any good was Iron Man. I thought Thor 2 was amazing but then I rewatched it recently and never have I not wanted to rewatch a film again, it was so dull.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched it last night, basically it was fantastic! :D


I loved the Cap, Bucky relationship so much! :)

I knew it was Bucky but it really didn't look like him at all with the mask/semi-mask, and even a bit without. Great transformation!


Black Widow was great as ever, Falcon was a fantastic introduction and a really likable actor, loved more Maria Hill especially her showing up in the van, and whilst I wasn't initially sure about the actress playing Sharon Carter I liked her too. Overall really great casting and performances.


The story and action scenes were just brilliant, the Nick Fury car scene and Cap/Widow/Falcon/WinterSoldier car scene were SO good. The opening Boat sequence was really cool too. Now that's how I imagine a SHIELD team to work together! they make the Agents of SHIELD team look really clumsy and noobish.


I'm already looking forward to Captain America 3 for more of these characters!

I have a feeling Bucky will come around in time to help Cap face off against a returning Red Skull.

Would be awesome to have Bucky and Falcon show up in The Avengers too.


Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch!!!!


I really wasn't expecting to see them as the mid-credits scene. As soon as I saw Baron Von Strucker I was hoping!!... but thought the scene might be a bit lame and end with just Loki's staff, but nope! :D


Btw when did that staff go missing? and was it snapped? It certainly wasn't shown in Avengers was it?

You'd have thought that would be SHIELDS top priority, and tracing it's energy signal or something.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ah man that's a shame. thought those had become tradition with every bluray release since they started with Thor. The last two were so so good too. any reason they didnt do a new one? I mean given the events at end of Cap2 not like they could have been short on ideas or even on some events from before the film.

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I could think of a few stories that could be told



1: Falcon In Training: Backstory to when Falcon first joined the Military and began training with the then prototype Falcon-suit


2: Sitwells Secrets: One more last spotlight for Agent Sitwell showing him doing some non-SHIELD work and some shadowy Hydra related work. Or bring back the characters from the Item 47 One-Shot that he turned into SHIELD agents.... as I want to know if he also turned them into Hydra also?


3: A comedy One-Shot with the cast of Agents of SHIELD: Set during the time after Coulson had his mind scanned by Raina and starts looking for Fury for more answers, he goes to the SHIELD HQ featured in Winter Solider looking for Fury, but Cap and Black Widow are there and not wanting to yet reveal to them he survived there's various scenes of him trying to hide and get in and out of the Building without both of them seeing him..... then when he gets out and back to his van/car waiting outside he sends Fitz back inside with some of his Captain America baseball cards telling Fitzs to find Cap get him to sign the cards pretending the cards are his (Fitz's) own.


4: Some sort of story to do with Zola before uploading his mind to the computer....maybe him secretly building the robot body from the comics (afterall we know he had blueprints) but being unable to finish it for some reason and opting to upload his mind to the computers as we saw in the film.


Those are just 4 ideas


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