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  • 3 months later...

So, I can't quote posts properly right now. If I click "quote", all I get is an empty box in which to write my reply. The quote simply doesn't show up, even if I pick the "Quote+" button.


There's a workaround: if I select "Quote+", and then reply in an entirely different thread, then it asks me if I want to include it in the reply. But it's a very cumbersome way of doing it.


Has this been happening to the whole forum, or is it just with me?

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It happens with me with certain users sometimes. I think it's an issue with the quote plugin not being able to deal with some characters in the post or the user's name. I can never quote @Sméagol for example. I'm not sure it can be resolved right now as we don't have a license for updates anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Is the forum looking weird for anyone else? I'm using the N-Europe Full Width skin and fonts are the wrong type/colour and it looks like some images arent loading. I'm at work though so not able to check too much if its on my end.


The full width theme still looks fine to me.


A server hosting some aspects might've been down or slow yesterday as we launched a festival site in a hurry/without a CDN to hit a deadline... :p

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The full width theme still looks fine to me.


A server hosting some aspects might've been down or slow yesterday as we launched a festival site in a hurry/without a CDN to hit a deadline... :p


Yeah thanks, it turned out it was Chrome on my work PC. Came in this morning and it was still doing it so I reset all the settings and its fine now.

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Hey there!


I was looking up some info on Metroid Prime: Federation Force in the general /games section. When i click on the review tab, the following message is shown:


404 - Article #34889 not found


You may not be able to visit this page because of:


an out-of-date bookmark/favourite

a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this site

a mistyped address

you have no access to this page

The requested resource was not found.

An error has occurred while processing your request.


Please try one of the following pages:


Home Page


If difficulties persist, please contact the System Administrator of this site.


Using Firefox and the Full Width skin. Error can be reproduced.

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Hey there!


I was looking up some info on Metroid Prime: Federation Force in the general /games section. When i click on the review tab, the following message is shown:


Using Firefox and the Full Width skin. Error can be reproduced.


That's odd, I had a look and while I didn't get an error message I did find the review score and synopsis but not the actual review. :hmm:


We might need to redo the game info page on that one at some point, thanks for bringing it to our attention. :)


In any case, you can find the review you were looking for here...


N-Europe Review




: peace:

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  • 3 months later...

Just testing to see if my post appears as I posted in the Bought thread and while the post is still in there, it doesnt appear on the main forum page as new or that I was the last poster.


EDIT: Well it worked. Must have been a glitch or something the last time I posted then.

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Been getting a lot of CloudFlare interstitial pages over the past 24 hours or so saying that the website host is erroring. I'm guessing you're still experiencing high load on one of the other sites on your box.
Same. This thread opens normally, but the criminal mugshot thread gives me that error.
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Yeah its currently telling me that Sméagol was the last person to post in that thread but when you go in theres nothing from him.

Yeah, I was wondering what was happening, I did a shift-F5 so I didn't think it was a cache issue. My post didn't display, but I was mentioned as the last poster. Thought it may have been a DB error where the first post of a new page got lost or something. When I made a doublepost for testing purposes it was fixed.

Been getting a lot of CloudFlare interstitial pages over the past 24 hours or so saying that the website host is erroring. I'm guessing you're still experiencing high load on one of the other sites on your box.

Get these frequently (to the point of getting annoying) as well. Currently refreshing helps, though a while back I had to wait for some time before I could access the site again.

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