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Awesome stuff thread


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I don't know if this is really 'awesome', as it makes me a little sad, but we have no other place for it really.



I originally came across it on facebook, so I'll just quote its desc here too while I'm at it.

You will not believe your eyes!!!!!!!

MIDWAY By Chris Jordan

This video is about an island in the ocean at 2000 km from any other coast line.

Nobody lives, only birds and yet ...............

You will not believe your eyes!!!!!!!


This film should be seen by the entire world, please don't throw anything into the sea. Unbelievable, just look at the consequences!!!!!


Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN8JYhByVYg


Source : http://www.midwayjourney.com/


Moral is, don't be littercunts.

Edited by Rummy
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I don't see what's so amazing about that.....they've been around since the Romans..



Romans? It looks similar to Marple Aqueduct, which built around the year 1800.


Although the Romans did also build some.

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Actually, mine was the Pontcysyllte aqueduct near Llangollen, and it does have a river underneath it too, but i'll admit, neither the canel or the river are as wide as the one in Germany.


My point was, canals over rivers are not that new (even Wales has a few!).


If your mind boggled at the German one, you should try going over one in a canal boat. Suddenly having a sheer 100ft drop appear by the side of your boat is pantscrappingly terrifying.

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If we're going to mention the Romans for building such bridges, the least we can do is call them Aqueduct Bridges.


Actually the least we can do is nothing, but we should always make some kind of effort.

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Awesome Dad.


YouTube Description:

"My three year old daughter and I play a lot of old games together. Her favorite is Donkey Kong. Two days ago, she asked me if she could play as the girl and save Mario. She's played as Peach in Super Mario Bros. 2 and naturally just assumed she could do the same in Donkey Kong. I told her we couldn't in that particular Mario game, she seemed really bummed out by that. So what else am I supposed to do? Now I'm up at midnight hacking the ROM, replacing Mario with Pauline. I'm using the 2010 NES Donkey Kong ROM. I've redrawn Mario's frames and I swapped the palettes in the ROM. I replaced the M at the top with a P for Pauline. Thanks to Kevin Wilson for giving me the lead on the tools and advice."


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I don't know if this is really 'awesome', as it makes me a little sad, but we have no other place for it really.



I originally came across it on facebook, so I'll just quote its desc here too while I'm at it.



Moral is, don't be littercunts.

I don't want to live on this planet any more... Another thing I should have added to the stuff the annoys you thread, people who litter... But that video got me thinking, I really need to make more effort to stop using plastic =/

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