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Awesome stuff thread


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Wasn't sure if I should put this in the Funny thread or here, but since it bloody made front page of one of the papers today *facepalm* by virtue of that it should prolly be classed as awesome on some level :heh:




This guy has become somewhat famous in Irish circles of social websites like twitter... even Irish player Séan St. Ledger was tweeting bout it last night.... (doesn't he have a game to be concentrating on not the internet :mad:)


Guys name is Eamon Keegan and was trending in Ireland Twitter yesterday by the hastag #eamonnkeegantheguywholickedacroatsbreast ... possibily one of the longest hashtags I've seen :heh:


Just imagine his mother going to the shops this morning and passing the news stand, haha :eek:

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I was on 2FM today on the Colm Hayes show (national radio station in Ireland for those non-Irish members here)


They asked people to text in some thoughts on tonights team since Trap didn't name teh squad yesterday and is waiting till last minute. So I sent in a text as a bit of a joke, next thing my phone starts ringing asking if I'd like to go on air and talk about my thoughts on the game, haha.


I was in the car stuck in traffic at the time, lucky they didn't want to do the segment there and then and said they'd call me back in few mins, so mad dash to find a safe spot to pull the car over, then my battery on phone starts beeping so quick sim card swap with teh wifes phone just before they called back, haha.


Waiting for the podcast of teh show to be uploaded, once it's on their site I'll post a link here :D




And the shows podcast is up,




I'm on from 24 mins 50 seconds up to about the 40th min (it's not all me for 20 mins :heh:)

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