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Assassin's Creed III


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You'll get completely burned out on Assassin's Creed if you try to play the other games first, unless you're planning on spreading them out and not playing this game until 2014. They're pretty long games. :p


I think you'll get the gist of the main story pretty easily, so you'll only be missing out on the details, and they're a convoluted mess at this point, anyway. Assassins: good guys. Templars: bad guys. Apples of Eden: MacGuffins. That's all you need to know, and I'm sure the game tells you as much in the intro. I say you should just dive right in!

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Oh I know, I have a couple. Just haven't actually got around to playing them. I just fancy diving straight into this, but don't want to miss out, do you think it'll be best to play all the others first?
Dazzy, just watch that 7min IGN video I posted in the Wii U AC thread, it'll catch you up on story for the most part.
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Damnit. I have had this lying around since Wednesday but as I wanted to complete Catherine for the 8th time to get the "All Endings"-achievement I haven't had time afterwards to play this. It's driving me nuts! I installed it tonight, though, so hopefully I can get some time with it on Saturday. (Problem is, I'm watching Fringe right now with my girl friend and she'd rather watch Fringe than watch me playing AC.)

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I did the Empire dealio thing, so god knows when it'll show up. Anyone used their subscription deal before, and if so, how long did the game take to arrive? Don't have time to play it at the moment anyway, but it would be nice to have it there. Y'know, as an option. So that I get distracted and play it loads instead of doing the work I have to do.

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My cousin's hit sequence 5;


Still not geared up properly? He's getting into it a bit more but is still incredibly defensive about the game. He's gotten used to the combat controls, and I think it's fair to say that the combat is better because it's not as easy anymore. The storyline does seem to be more interesting and less forgetful than much of Ezio's fare.



I promised him I'd not touch it 'til he finished it. He's spent maybe 12-15 hours on it so far (he's fairly slow with his games though, so I don't know if that's an accurate idea of the length of the game), and he's hoping he can get the majority of the memories done tonight/tomorrow.


Personally I do think that the game has been overhyped for the wrong elements, and it sems to be a game that needs to simmer for a while.

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Too bad for your friend, but I am enjoying it a lot. Hasn't really been any thing to complain about so far. The start of the game was not slow and only one "freeze" in 10-12 hours but it wasn't any big deal when the game save every two minutes. Other than that I'm loving it. Boston had me surprised, it is bigger and more fun than I thought it would be. So much else to say about this and that but I won't bother. The game is great.


How many have PS3s here? It's possible to join online games together right?

Edited by Tales
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So picked this up yesterday despite having only played a really small amount of the first Assassin's Creed and not liking it. Thought I'd give this the benefit of the doubt, though, due to the completely different setting.


Anyway, have been enjoying what I've played so far. Only on sequence 3 but definitely have to agree with @Jimbob that the 'prologue' is starting to drag a little now. Hopefully it doesn't go on too much longer.


Still, leaving a much better impression than the first one did, although I couldn't tell anyone what's happening with the story or who any of the characters are at the moment. Doubt I'll touch the multiplayer in anyway as I'll be picking up Halo 4 and NFS:MW which'll take up any multiplayer gaming I want to invest in.

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I heard


That you will start playing as Conner in sequence 4, the seeds are being planted in the first 3 sequences. And the areas (Boston, New York and the Frontier) are massive. Combat is 10 fold better than the Ezio trilogy.



I'm enjoying this very much so.


I confirm you begin as Conner in sequence 4, it's starting to get interesting thats for sure. Watching your mother die in the fire isn't what i was expecting. But at least you can air-assassinate animals for food, thats pretty fun.


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This game was amazing. I've been playing it for ridiculous amounts of time and now I completed it. I'll go back now to finish all the sidequests and find all the collectibles, but it was a great ride. Absolutely loved the animations for Connor is everything he did, just so fluid.


Interesting ending. I thought Desmond would decide not to save the world, and that would be the end of assassin's creed. But this way, with Juno set free, it's wide open for a sequel. Although he is dead, but we don't know what happens to the world with her free.


Although changing weapons got a bit annoying, and the whole time I was thinking of the WiiU remote, and how it could have sped weapon changing up significantly, and kept me from looking at my map all the time. Would have removed the clutter from the screen too. Made it a more immersive experience.


P.S. The ending credits are ridiculously long.

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Really enjoying this now. Put in about 8 hours and I'm apparently 20% complete (so potentially 40 hours in total which is pretty damn good if I keep to this pace) and I'm loving just running around the Frontier, climbing and jumping from trees looking for collectibles/viewpoints/missions. Was skeptical I'd enjoy it as much as I am but it feels 'fresh' to me.


Not caring much for the Desmond bits though. Probably has something to do with not knowing the whole story behind the series but I'd prefer not to break up Connor's story. Still, they seem like a small part from the little I've played so I can live with them as the rest of the game is brilliant. Even the naval battles :D

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Easily the best so far


You get a homestead which can be improved by recruiting people to it. Already got lumberjacks and looking at getting some more followers in the homestead. Ubisoft certainly have got to work with this, Assassins Creed mixed with Red Dead


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I had a bug last night where I got attacked during a custcene. I was just mid conversation, not able to control myself, camera pointing at the person I'm chatting with, when I suddenly hear that "you've been spotted" alert sound. Next thing I know I'm bouncing around, getting stabbed (but facial expression not changing).


But I figure I'm invincible during a cutscene. Nope. The screen starts to go red. So I had to skip it :/


Also had a tea-carrying mission objective who was inside a moving cart, and stayed inside it as it moved, completely inaccessible.


Someone sitting 3 feet above the bar, in a bar stool pose, with his head in the ceiling.


Besides all that though actually loving this game, it fits right in with the rest and is, in many ways, a great natural progression. Naval battles are great fun but don't feel tacked on like the tower defence in Revelations.


Only thing I've disliked so far is using LB to manage my Assassins. 1, it's poor design to have to hold a button for a menu that goes full-screen, especially when there's a moment's loading involved. And 2, if I had to visit pigeon coops in the previous games, why am I suddenly able to command my troops telepathically?


Also I still miss the original game's actual assassination missions. Whatever happened to those? Give me a target and a few ways to take him out once in a while.

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Really enjoying this now. Put in about 8 hours and I'm apparently 20% complete (so potentially 40 hours in total which is pretty damn good if I keep to this pace) and I'm loving just running around the Frontier, climbing and jumping from trees looking for collectibles/viewpoints/missions. Was skeptical I'd enjoy it as much as I am but it feels 'fresh' to me.


Not caring much for the Desmond bits though. Probably has something to do with not knowing the whole story behind the series but I'd prefer not to break up Connor's story. Still, they seem like a small part from the little I've played so I can live with them as the rest of the game is brilliant. Even the naval battles :D


So you've never played an assassins creed game before and you're still enjoying and it feeling like you're missing nothing?!

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I'd say playing the other games kind of hinders when learning the controls because you expect it to be like the previous ones. Like in the tutorial running part. Usually I held R1 and X to run up things, but now it's to vault over obstacles. I kept vaulting over the fence and falling to my death. Also, I can't kill two guards while in low profile, but I've been trying to for ages. Took me nearly the whole game to figure out you can kill two guards in high profile very easily without drawing attention or increasing notoriety.

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Started playing with some snazzy Sennheister headphones late last night - they are making the experience amazing. Walking into the theatre royal was such a sight/sound!


I spent about 45 mins, soaking it up. When my cousin was playing I was mostly just in the room but not watching once the story started progressing seriously. Knowing, though, that there's 4+ sequences of 'intro' means I can relax and not rush.


My only wonderment is whether I should try to 100% sync the first time through or just hit the story up and return to bits... I suppose I'll give it a go.


That board game - I forget what it's called - was quite addictive to play. It's like a mix between othello and draughts. Took me 3 games to pick it up -- the person you play against is charming; leans one way to fart loudly the other. Lovely.

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