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Moving House


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So....the reference stage. Is it basically just making sure you're not a bum/are employed and not a gypsy?


For mine, they asked simple questions such as asking my work to confirm my wage. They may also do a credit check (although my place didn't).

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Currently packing for our move tomorrow. We've been doing it for the past 3 days on and off... Tonight's session: 4hours 30 minutes and counting :nono:.


Tomorrow morning Dan's dad is picking me up in the hire van and we're driving down to Leeds to pick up some furniture from my parents. I'm a little nervous as it will be the first time our parents have properly met!

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Currently packing for our move tomorrow. We've been doing it for the past 3 days on and off... Tonight's session: 4hours 30 minutes and counting :nono:.


Tomorrow morning Dan's dad is picking me up in the hire van and we're driving down to Leeds to pick up some furniture from my parents. I'm a little nervous as it will be the first time our parents have properly met!


I haaate packing. The whole process is lame. Packing something away, only to unpack it later. I'm going to patent some kind of teleportation device, where the objects get from one place to the other instantly.


Good luck with the parents meeting stuff. I've only just braved it and had Ine meet my clan. Getting both sets to meet each other seems a long way off yet!

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Currently packing for our move tomorrow. We've been doing it for the past 3 days on and off... Tonight's session: 4hours 30 minutes and counting :nono:.


Tomorrow morning Dan's dad is picking me up in the hire van and we're driving down to Leeds to pick up some furniture from my parents. I'm a little nervous as it will be the first time our parents have properly met!


We're in! We've done...umm...a lot of unpacking. Saturday was mental and basically blurred past us but we got loads done. Pictures soon!:bouncy:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Let me tell you all a tale of Nationwide, and why I highly recommend never using Nationwide to secure a Mortgage.



Nationwide required a copy of Heather and my payslips for the mortgage application. They cannot accept the original copies through the post for some reason so ask for a copy either photocopied or scanned.


We scan a copy and send it (colour & Black & White) they confirm it and accept it, they then need to pass this copy of our payslips to another department, but rather than use this strange new technology of email with an attachment they must fax our scanned copies of the payslips. as expected the quality gets worse in the fax and the department can't read the payslips.


they tell us our payslips are unreadable and ask us to send it another method, so we fax it, we photocopy it and sent it via post, we take digital photo's of it and email it.


each of these fail the next stage where they have to be faxed to another department because they are unreadable.


all this farting around took 2 weeks believe it or not.



Okay another solution, send our employer a employer reference request (Heather and I work at the same company, so we think great this'll be easy)


1st attempt Nationwide send the request to our work with an open address of.. Brightside group. No contact name, no department... just Brightside.


2nd attempt after giving them a contact name and department, they send the requests, but our work due to data protection act cannot complete the form because the request doesn't have Heather or my NI numbers and DOBS on the request.


so the request is sent back to Nationwide in-complete.



Now this was the beginning of this week. Last night I receive a call from the estate agents of who we are selling our house with. Our potential buyer has had a change of circumstance and need a date, and want to ideally have the house by next Friday, if not they have said they will pull out of the offer and look to rent a house elsewhere as they need a home.


So Nationwide fortunately sent out a request to our work last night, and sure enough our work received this request today..... here's the hilarious part friends.... they only sent it for Heather, not for me... and I'm still very much needing an employer reference.


Time ticking, now have 7 days for Nationwide to get an employer reference for me and Heather, Our employment have Heather's request from Nationwide, but nothing for me.



I went ape shit at them on the phone, they cannot apparently send requests via Fax form. It has to be via post... again went completely bat shit crazy at them telling them that their incompetence could end up costing me and Heather selling our house and that I threatened further legal action and that my solicitors had been notified.


They then sent the requests to my Payroll department via fax while I was on the phone... So at least I made them cave.



But I can't believe how long this is taking them.

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What makes this tougher is that due to me being moved to a new office building, And Heather being moved too, we're in different location to where our Payroll & HR departments are.


So reliant on phone and email to keep up with them, and unfortunately they seem to ignore phone calls when I call and take an age to reply to my emails.


Going to head down to their office at lunch and speak to them at their desk.

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Ha, they sound ridiculous. What a stone age and backwards company. Every company I've spoken to recently (including my own) are doing every thing they can to avoid sending things by post with the recent increase in costs.




Hope it all goes well.

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Ha, they sound ridiculous. What a stone age and backwards company.


At work the other day, I got an email asking for our fax number so they could fax over a list of items they want to order, so we can fax them back an invoice with the total amount so they could post out a cheque to us in order to pay for the goods.


Note the side of the business they were contacting is an online-only shop.

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Right so Nationwide managed to fax over the requests Friday, and our HR Department managed to complete the requests and fax them back Friday afternoon.


Nationwide aren't open on Saturday's so no further progress was made,


Estate agents have spoken to Nationwide this morning and have escalated the case so hopefully hear something back today / tomorrow.



in the words of Sir Alex Ferguson - "Squeaky bum time"

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now comes the awkward moment when I advise that I work for Nationwide in one of the mortgage centres!


now obviously I can't speak for your case since I've not dealt with it personally, but I do find it weird when they said they can't fax references, I mean in my department we want fax numbers or email addresses so we don't delay things unnecessarily.


I'm assuming from your messages that you went through a branch directly (lack of mention of financial adviser) and recently we've been in the process of moving branches to our new system (not excusing service issues).


I'm back at work tomorrow, so if you want me to have a look at your case and see where it's at you can PM me your reference number (should start either M2 or M55). Of course I'll understand if you don't want some random guy looking up your details!

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now comes the awkward moment when I advise that I work for Nationwide in one of the mortgage centres!


now obviously I can't speak for your case since I've not dealt with it personally, but I do find it weird when they said they can't fax references, I mean in my department we want fax numbers or email addresses so we don't delay things unnecessarily.


I'm assuming from your messages that you went through a branch directly (lack of mention of financial adviser) and recently we've been in the process of moving branches to our new system (not excusing service issues).


I'm back at work tomorrow, so if you want me to have a look at your case and see where it's at you can PM me your reference number (should start either M2 or M55). Of course I'll understand if you don't want some random guy looking up your details!


Thanks for the offer :) but fortunately they managed to get the contracts sent out to our solicitors and estate agents.


Now our solicitors, our buyers solicitors and the guys we're buying our new house off solicitors are all thrashing out dates.


Basically... 11th June looks good, (get back from Download that day :blank: ) but we need to persuade the guy buying our house to accept this date. Hopefully he will.

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Good luck, I'm sure it'll be fine!


Waiting on a house today, one both my friend and I want, the landlord seems happy with us, but we're waiting to hear on whether we're the better choice for the house.


Fingers crossed the email is today and then I can start planning what we need to buy!

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Oh yeah, I got a new place to live!


It's a mad little Sheffield terrace with a really chilled landlady, she doesn't even want a bond, she's mostly had friends living there for the last 8 years. Everything is kind of old, but well made, original wooden trims. Nice carpet added in the living room, the only space that really needs one. 3 massive bedrooms, the master bedroom is literally twice the size of the one I have now and the attic room is insanely huge.


There's a spare sofa and bed in there too, when we already own 2 sofas, a bed and a sofa bed.


She's adding in the last double glazing and...


a motherfunking dishwasher.

I just bought 30 cardboard boxes in preparation for this move!

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a motherfunking dishwasher.


This is one thing I'm really looking forward to having in the new house.


Washing up man... ugh.


If only there was some form of motherfunking Ironing machine...



Now I think about it; What the hell does my fiancée do in the house at the moment?


I guess cooking and... ::shrug:

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