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You'll be disadvantaged if you watch LC because it's so boring you'll be too full of regrets of wasting your life watching that to enjoy Defenders.


LC appeared in JJ so you've met him. IF punches stuff. There, you're caught up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone else here watched 13 Seasons Why?


My wife said that everyone at her work had been watching it, and it was really good - worth a binge. I wasn't really sold on the trailer, it looked a bit Pretty Little Liars to me, but we sat down yesterday and ended up watching 9 episode, and then the final 4 today. It's really addictive.


Anyone else?

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Has anyone else here watched 13 Seasons Why?


My wife said that everyone at her work had been watching it, and it was really good - worth a binge. I wasn't really sold on the trailer, it looked a bit Pretty Little Liars to me, but we sat down yesterday and ended up watching 9 episode, and then the final 4 today. It's really addictive.


Anyone else?


I thoroughly enjoyed it, although it definitely gets better as it goes on. The first episodes felt a bit meh, with it being a bit hard to believe that Hannah was ready to kill herself. She seemed more angsty teen than suicide risk. But fuck me if things didn't escalate towards the end. That final episode was hard to watch.


I also really liked Tony. His mysterious motivations towards the beginning were intriguing and he always seemed like an honest, but flawed character. Plus dat Mustang.

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I thoroughly enjoyed it, although it definitely gets better as it goes on. The first episodes felt a bit meh, with it being a bit hard to believe that Hannah was ready to kill herself. She seemed more angsty teen than suicide risk. But fuck me if things didn't escalate towards the end. That final episode was hard to watch.


I also really liked Tony. His mysterious motivations towards the beginning were intriguing and he always seemed like an honest, but flawed character. Plus dat Mustang.


Ol' Tone was such an odd character. He seemed like he should be about 40 rather than a high school student, and as such seemed a bit out of place.


I got a bit annoyed about his 'wise mysterious dude' schtick, and thought it was great when Clay called him out on it.



Was a bit annoyed at how they seemed to lean towards setting up a second season rather than tieing up all the loose ends of this one - made the ending a bit unsatisfying.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Finished the second season of Master of None and really enjoyed it.


I get that Francesca was kind of an empty personality, but she was very charming and Italian so of course I was sold straight away. Was great seeing the first two episodes set in Modena as I was there last year and a friend is from there (even if its just a backdrop rather than using the city for any particular reason other the fact that's where Aziz went). Plus all the Italian felt like I was practising while watching.


And I've been listening to this a fair bit:


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  • 2 weeks later...

It's handy with Netflix being able to offer certain shows for offline viewing, been able to catch-up on some shows i've been slow watching due to other commitments. Caught fully up with Orange is the New Black and Better Call Saul, now i've decided to start watching House of Cards. Only watched the first episode to see what it's like, and just from that i can tell it's going to be an interesting show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone tried watching their exclusive "comedy" things?


I gave Norm McDonald, Dana Carvey (Party on) and Sarah Silverman a try and couldn't watch past the 10-15 mark, they were that shit.



Watched Death Note though, most enjoyable. I can totally see Willem Defor voicing Ryuk in da coming film.

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Has anyone else here watched 13 Seasons Why?


My wife said that everyone at her work had been watching it, and it was really good - worth a binge. I wasn't really sold on the trailer, it looked a bit Pretty Little Liars to me, but we sat down yesterday and ended up watching 9 episode, and then the final 4 today. It's really addictive.


Anyone else?


For the most part I enjoyed it. My biggest issue was that each episode was just too long, far too much filler content that could have been removed to improve the timing and pacing.


Good to see a show tackling a difficult subject matter and not shirking away from showing the harrowing moments.

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For the most part I enjoyed it. My biggest issue was that each episode was just too long, far too much filler content that could have been removed to improve the timing and pacing.


Good to see a show tackling a difficult subject matter and not shirking away from showing the harrowing moments.

Yeah, it could easily have been 10 or 11 Reasons Why.

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I'm working my way through it naow. The first couple of "reasons" didn't actually seem to be reasons, just saying "I met this person" without saying what they did. It unfolds later what it appears they have done, but it's weird that it wasn't mentioned on their tape.

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I generally loved 13 Resons (edit: spelling error, but I watched dot dot dot again a few days ago, so I'm leaving it) why, except the ending. I didn't think the episodes were too long. What I hate is the forced hooks for another season, one that doesn't exist in the book that it's based on (all content is in season 1). They should have made an episode 14 to wrap things up (makes perfectly sense within the story too,

since there are 14 tapes in the end.

Deal with the perpetrator, see the aftermath, the end. But the way they ended it.. Everyone seems to have a gun, and the whole direction for season 2 seems to shift from a highschool drama to a highschool.. thriller.

Seriously, they made the photographer dude look like a potential serial killer by the end.


Would have been perfect if they finished it in one go. I mean, I guess there's a chance season 2 will turn out alright, but I'm not holding out much hope.


edit 2: On another note: when the fuck is The expanse season 2 coming??

Edited by Sméagol
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And that's what I'm worried about, that's drama on a whole different level. I don't think a show about why a girl committed suicide needs that kind of follow-up. I mean, just make a different series. Just don't have them break-out dancing at the end (sorry).


On another note, I loved Anne with an 'E', though I suspect that will not be for everyone. I used to watch Road to Avonlea as a kid. The show has a certain charm, I like seeing shows and films about that period in.. Well on the American continent, as this is set in Canada actually. Anyway , I like it, and the girl playing Anne is fantastic.


Also some time ago, I managed to finish Frequency (I stopped watching for some time), and I can confirm it is indeed crap. I'm not even going to spoiler this shit: they still don't catch the killer at the end of season 1. Which is the only season, since it has been (rightfully) cancelled in the meantime. Lots of relationship drama, lots of fucking up policework.. Some other storylines going nowhere, the show was a mess. Despite the occasional fun, despite the source material, despite the babes.. Not worth watching.


I need to finish Breaking Bad at some point, but I think the next series I'll be watching are Sense8 (which sadly has been cancelled as well, I enjoyed season 1), and then season 4 & 5 of Orange is the new black. After that I need to continue with Orphan Black and Outlander as well, and I need to start Fargo at some point. <sigh>


Well untill they put season 2 of The expanse online, then I'll drop everything for an allnighter. That's seriously my favourite show after Game of thrones at the moment. I hope Scifi won't fuck it up.

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Well untill they put season 2 of The expanse online, then I'll drop everything for an allnighter. That's seriously my favourite show after Game of thrones at the moment. I hope Scifi won't fuck it up.


I've never heard of that, so i Googled it, and it didn't seem familiar, but then I recognised the title of one of the episodes, and it pinged something in my mind. Checked the series of novels that it's based on, and yep, i've read the first one, Leviathan Wakes. Had no idea they'd made a show out of it. It's good then?

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I've never heard of that, so i Googled it, and it didn't seem familiar, but then I recognised the title of one of the episodes, and it pinged something in my mind. Checked the series of novels that it's based on, and yep, i've read the first one, Leviathan Wakes. Had no idea they'd made a show out of it. It's good then?

I haven't read the books (but if Scifi fucks up, I will obviously), so I can't compare, but personally I love the show, and I believe others do here on the forum, I've mentioned it here before. I've heard of other people who think season 1 has too slow of a build-up, my brother thought it was good but is not nearly as much of a fan as I am for example, but I hear season 2 is even better.


Edit: season 1 covers.. I think half of book 1, so if you start with the show it'll be a while before you start to see new material.

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Yeah, it could easily have been 10 or 11 Reasons Why.

I wouldn't have gone over 5 Reasons Why.


I can imagine the second season is probably going to be like the 2nd season of Broadchurch. Although probably less boring.


Now giving Orphan Black a try, although if they start dropping new clones (or whatever) every episode I'm out.

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Has anyone tried watching their exclusive "comedy" things?


I gave Norm McDonald, Dana Carvey (Party on) and Sarah Silverman a try and couldn't watch past the 10-15 mark, they were that shit.


I watched the Hasan Minhaj one and it was okay, but stand up isn't usually my thing.

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