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Cloak and Dagger Mafia

The Peeps

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Or he could be lynched by a double voter? Even so, I'm willing to take the chance on Yvonne's information, as my biggest concern is if it's wrong. If mr-paul can't be lynched then we lose nothing on that as there's no other leads atm that I'm aware of, and if he turns out either town or mafia I think we have a viable lynch/ally in Yvonne.


Helps if I Vote:mr-paul, duh.

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mr-paul (7): Yvonne, Cube, Jayseven, EEVILMURRAY, Diageo, Jimbob, Rummy


Majority is 8


The Agents were cautious but chose not to take mr-paul at his word. After all, they were all spies and spies lie.


Or not.


Day 4 has ended


NIGHT FOUR Begins Now Please Send In Your PMs

Edited by The Peeps
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Night Four


One Agent returned home for the night, his job already taken care of. Another Agent was detained in his office all evening. One other Agent kept an eye on his office door again but it did not open all night.


One Agent had a very confusing night. His original target smacked him in the face and sent him away. He headed back to his own office but was stopped by another Agent. After a dazed conversation the other Agent basically had to push him into the direction of another office and he switched the room number with a different office before going home and putting an ice-pack to his head. Another Agent visited two offices and switched some files around.


Agent 11 finally went out to utilise his new abilities. He wanted to find a certain Agent to see if he could be trusted but he was interrupted on his way to the Agent's office. He was walking down a corridor when he was jumped by a shadowy figure. The assailant pinned him down and wrapped his arm around Agent 11's throat. He suffocated and died within minutes.


Agent 11 has been killed. He was good. Diageo is no longer in the game.


Agent 42 wanted to get to the bottom of all of this power switching. Unfortunately someone had come in during his mid-evening nap and tied him up. Thankfully someone came into his office before the night was over. Perhaps he would still get to do something tonight. The figure came in but didn't turn on the light. This was the first warning sign for Agent 42. The second was the wire that was extended across his throat.


Agent 42 has been killed. He was good. Dannyboy-the-Dane is no longer in the game.


Two factions dragged fresh corpses into the basement. They discovered each other and began shooting. There would be no witnesses! After a while, one Agent called out to another for more ammo and his voice was recognised. The two sides held fire and in the light, saw that they were friends.


Players (13):




DAY FIVE Begins Now


Majority is 7

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What the... a second killer? Oh boy...


Jimbob...is there anything you'd like to say?


NEW POST: Sorry, Jimbob. I made a mistake, I thought I had redirected you to Diageo, but I redirected you to Cube. That's what I get for changing my mind about my targets after sending them :heh:


By the way, I didn't reveal this, as I feared the mafia would stop me somehow, but I was enhanced back on Night 3, and got to redirect two people last night:


Jimbob to Cube

aqui1a to ReZ


ReZ, Cube, anything unusual happened to you?

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OK I'm back from Boston. I have to stay up all day otherwise I'm going to fuck my sleeping pattern so I'm about to crack out more theories than the freelancer I sat next to all summer. JUST WATCH OUT.


@Jayseven what did you do last night? It's really important. I think I've figured out something big.


I think there are three mafia groups. A is two people, B is two people, and C is made of one person from A and one person from B. This would explain why the writeup ends this way, why there are two kills, why no one has special vote powers and why no one killed the cop last night. Thoughts?

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My new power. I used what I call 'mirror mode' -- whoever targets me ends up targetting themselves. I thumped someone upside the head. They went on to be manipulated into switching some doors around so I don't know what the thumping was supposed to be.


It does seem that someone else's power is to target someone to switch two doors around.

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@ɾɐʎsǝʌǝu your new name confuses my head.


Last night I roleblocked Tales and was successful, I think I must be in the first paragraph of the write up.


It very much looks like Yvonne's theory about several different mafia groups could be true, although this is the first night where we have had two kills, right? So either there could be a designated killer who was boosted and killed twice, there are two or three factions and they've just been unsuccessful on previous nights, or we are wrong and there is just one mafia faction, and one vigilante or neutral killer.

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There are a couple of thing I'm thinking on that front - the mafia groups cannot kill each other - is one possibility. Which would explain the "fights" that get resolved. Also I recall there being no kill, then Eddie became Tales. That seems awfully scummy to me, but then two kills last night makes that less likely if you are truthful.


I will explore the possibilities that led to the events of yesterday too. For now I'll just say i have a Finger of Suspicion for Rummy.

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My new power. I used what I call 'mirror mode'


Did you use this on your avatar? :heh:


Anyway, there seems to be a lot of redirections going on. And now a second roleblocker? I'm guessing the guy who wonks people in the head is the mafia roleblocker, going by flavour.


Then again, mafia games are never clear, are they?

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I appear in the write-up, but didn't do anything last night so I have no information. From the way he is talking, I do suspect mr-paul (simply on the way he is writing and nothing else), but other than that I can't really pick anyone out to trust or distrust specifically. If mr-paul did another epic write-up analysis, I would start to trust him more, but just his post about believing Yvonne reeked of mafia to me. Probably just being paranoid :D

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I appear in the write-up, but didn't do anything last night so I have no information. From the way he is talking, I do suspect mr-paul (simply on the way he is writing and nothing else), but other than that I can't really pick anyone out to trust or distrust specifically. If mr-paul did another epic write-up analysis, I would start to trust him more, but just his post about believing Yvonne reeked of mafia to me. Probably just being paranoid :D


I was actually thinking of doing one of my epic posts, mainly to try and work out who now has which power and who's done what to whom! I'm currently in the middle of filling out a big application form so maybe tonight :P

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Some fiend has swapped my powers, so I am happy to reveal it and list my previous targets, might help us track down all the powers/redirections going on.


Right, I was a power swapper and my targets have been as follows;

Night 1 - Rez and Dohnut

Night 2 - Jonnas and Danny, but I was told I didn't success as someone was guarding the door to Danny's office. This is why I previously found it strange someone had managed to redirect/swap him.

Night 3 - Tales and Yvonne

Night 4- Danny and Diageo, but I'm not sure if this worked as I had my power changed this night too.

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That's interesting Rummy, that means I can confirm Rez's power/previous power as an enhancer (I was told I should enhance on night 1, and a serum was included in the note on my desk that told me this - I didn't want to say anything at the time, but seeing as it's now sort of been revealed I don't mind sharing the information)


I'd rather not say, @Yvonne, if that's okay. Why, did you target me?

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