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N-Europe London Meet 2012 - 30th June!


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Last night was pretty mental. I drank way too much. This morning I woke up in some stranger's bed in Kennington. LOL. At first I thought I was with Charlie but the guy wasn't Scottish. I have no idea who he was, but I am very grateful that he let me stay in his bed, especially as I had chundered over my clothes.


I have no recollection of ever ringing you Rez, sorry for ringing at 3 in the morning and sorry for not getting to the hostel. I don't know how or when I left the club, I was probably chucked out for being a massive pisshead. I also left my bag in the cloakroom and had to wait for the restaurant to open to get my bag back, so because of that I've only just got home.


Sorry if I worried anyone. Thanks for trying to look for me Charlie and Bard, next year I'll give you my number!


Anyway, the meet was amazing. It was a genuine pleasure to meet you all. I'm sorry that I didn't end up saying goodbye to everyone, I had planned to go to the hostel but that obviously went wrong!


Hahahaha, that is fucking amazing. Glad you're okay, and that is a hell of a story. Don't worry about ringing me! Not least because we only got to bed like half an hour or so before anyway, and it takes me yonks to get to sleep.


I will post the full story of everything soon. Right now I am nearly dead though. Diving into bed after the match.



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Last night was pretty mental. I drank way too much. This morning I woke up in some stranger's bed in Kennington. LOL. At first I thought I was with Charlie but the guy wasn't Scottish. I have no idea who he was, but I am very grateful that he let me stay in his bed, especially as I had chundered over my clothes.


I have no recollection of ever ringing you Rez, sorry for ringing at 3 in the morning and sorry for not getting to the hostel. I don't know how or when I left the club, I was probably chucked out for being a massive pisshead. I also left my bag in the cloakroom and had to wait for the restaurant to open to get my bag back, so because of that I've only just got home.


Sorry if I worried anyone. Thanks for trying to look for me Charlie and Bard, next year I'll give you my number!


Anyway, the meet was amazing. It was a genuine pleasure to meet you all. I'm sorry that I didn't end up saying goodbye to everyone, I had planned to go to the hostel but that obviously went wrong!


Thankfully you are ok, glad to have met you yesterday. It was a pleasure indeed.


Whoever that person who let you stay at theirs is a very nice person indeed, at least you had somewhere to stay and were not on the streets.

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Well, I think it's obvious, but I'd like to thank everyone who DID make it for making it, and mostly, making it awesome. Smaller than more recent meets but I genuinely still think it could be one of the best. Special mentions to @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane for making it from so far, and @Goafer for getting Danny to us alive. @ReZourceman @Jimbob @The Peeps @Cube @Marcamillian @Yvonne @The_Arbitor @The Bard @Zell @Twozzok @Daft(briefly) and even @Dyson despite being at work at the time, you're all awesome. So are all your penises.


Last night was pretty mental. I drank way too much. This morning I woke up in some stranger's bed in Kennington. LOL. At first I thought I was with Charlie but the guy wasn't Scottish. I have no idea who he was, but I am very grateful that he let me stay in his bed, especially as I had chundered over my clothes.


I have no recollection of ever ringing you Rez, sorry for ringing at 3 in the morning and sorry for not getting to the hostel. I don't know how or when I left the club, I was probably chucked out for being a massive pisshead. I also left my bag in the cloakroom and had to wait for the restaurant to open to get my bag back, so because of that I've only just got home.


Sorry if I worried anyone. Thanks for trying to look for me Charlie and Bard, next year I'll give you my number!


Anyway, the meet was amazing. It was a genuine pleasure to meet you all. I'm sorry that I didn't end up saying goodbye to everyone, I had planned to go to the hostel but that obviously went wrong!


This sounds amazing. Did you ever discover who he was?

Edited by Rummy
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Last night was pretty mental. I drank way too much. This morning I woke up in some stranger's bed in Kennington. LOL. At first I thought I was with Charlie but the guy wasn't Scottish. I have no idea who he was, but I am very grateful that he let me stay in his bed, especially as I had chundered over my clothes.


I have no recollection of ever ringing you Rez, sorry for ringing at 3 in the morning and sorry for not getting to the hostel. I don't know how or when I left the club, I was probably chucked out for being a massive pisshead. I also left my bag in the cloakroom and had to wait for the restaurant to open to get my bag back, so because of that I've only just got home.


Sorry if I worried anyone. Thanks for trying to look for me Charlie and Bard, next year I'll give you my number!


Anyway, the meet was amazing. It was a genuine pleasure to meet you all. I'm sorry that I didn't end up saying goodbye to everyone, I had planned to go to the hostel but that obviously went wrong!


The Hangover 3: now screening nationwide

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My body was wreck yesterday. I got to Euston at about 2:30 and had to wait an hour for my train (thank fuck I was first class so could use the lounge!).


Got on the train and watched episodes of Arrested Development and then The Italian Job until I managed to sleep for 20 minutes. Got back to Glasgow and hopped a taxi back to the flat. Got a domino's pizza, watched the 2nd half of the match and then crashed out.


Still absolutely shattered now! Going to bed at 6am (if not later) and then getting up at 9am to play football does not go well together!




Bard, in a cage.


Edited by Charlie
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I feel like an absolute reprobate after these last two nights. The meet was pretty sweet this year, as soon as I arrived, the first port of call was the molestation of ReZ, an endeavour in which I persisted throughout the day/night. Was super cool to see a bunch of meet veterans and also @Yvonne and @Zell for the first time, both were wicked dudes. Disappeared for a bit to get unreasonably stoned at Euston, and after that point, the whole night is a little hazy. Returned and had a great talk with @Marcamillan about his various activities with hide and seek, which sounded like a bunch of fun. Then we headed to Namco station, met up with @Daft and then Charlie, Zell and I decided to head to the club, and after getting a sweaty bro hug with each forumer, we buggered off.


I remember Charlie, Zell and I were pretty bummed as soon as we got into the club because it was empty, so instead we sat down and drank shot after shot of Jagermeister. We turned around at some point to find the place pretty much full to the brim of slammin hot asian chicks, which Charlie and I proceeded to bashfully dance around, until I said fuck it, took my shirt off and started rubbing my sweaty boob juice on random passers by. Went up to the table next to us and started asking a dude there if his daddy told him not to share his special toy with other boys. I don't know why, I'm just an awful person:



Charlie convinced Zell to start chatting up one of our group, although I never got any indication how that went, instead, we just went to the bar and starting doing Sambuca shots one after another. I think it was at that point that we lost Zell. As we got on the bus, we realised that Zell wasn't actually with us, and we didn't have his number or anything, so we got off and that's when the night got really really surreal.


Trying to figure out bus routes in an indescribably drunken stupor isn't a particularly fun experience, and while we were busy with that shit we ran into a pretty fit eastern European chick who we started following for some reason and making really obvious passes at. The rest of the night consisted of stealing food from Tesco Express, falling asleep in a casino amidst whirring slot machines and people who obviously really hate maths playing roulette. The casino was particularly scary, because no sooner had we fallen asleep then a rather large black man shook us awake with an obviously enraged expression on his face and we bolted the fuck out of there. Had a really stupid conversation with some potheads on Leicester Sq after I asked if I could borrow their spliff, which totally spun off into a conversation about how exactly one goes about "borrowing" consumables.


Finally got a cheap cab to my friend Newton's house, where we encountered him re-enacting that one scene from Resident Evil with the zombie crouched over the body, slowly turning its head to look gormlessly into the camera. Except he was crouched over the toilet bowl, and instead of blood, his face was caked in puke.


Woke up the next morning looking and feeling like this:




Then Charlie left and I was left confused and bewildered, wondering if all that shit had actually happened or whether it was just some colossal fever dream.


I still owe Charlie a drink or two, so hopefully we'll figure something out for next years meet ;). We were kinda worried that Zell had died, but thankfully it was probably more just a case of unwanted molestation. I kinda want to hear to full story on that.

Edited by The Bard
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Wow that brings back some memories...


I had no idea we did Sambuca shots.

No idea you took your top off in the club.


Had forgotten about Tesco, the guys with the spliff and the Eastern European girl. Although you made it sound much creepier than we actually were - she was more than happy to wander about with us!

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So here is my story.


I left my house at 8:30am, leaving what I thought was plenty of time. I arrive at the train station (adjacent to my flat) at 8:38am, and take a gander at the departure board. Hmmm. West Ruislip eh? Goafer had previously in the morning eluded that there were problems with Marylebone.


No problems, I thought....lets see. Ah. 8:40am? I've missed that one. When is the next one.




9:40am. Nightmare. I speak to the woman, buy my ticket and am on my way, she says "You might catch it!" but it was already 8:41am by this point and I knew it would pull away as I near it. Sure enough, I was about 15 seconds away from the train and it left. So I waited for an hour at the train station, listening to Linkin Park's new album. Finally the train came and I was on my way.


I then arrived at West Ruislip and I discovered how far away from central London West Ruislip is. It took another 25 minutes to get into LDN and meet up with Goafer and Dannyboy-the-Dane at Marble Arch. Hellos, kisses and rapes were exchanged and we were soon joined by Jimbob.


We moved our way through Hyde Park, noticing some areas of building site type things. This is fine.


We arrived and met up with the only other person there....Cube! He was actually on time, and by this point we were roughly one hour late.


Suddenly a torrent of people began to arrive and we were joined by Yvonne, Twozzok, The Peeps, Zell, Arbitor and more and more. When we had a fair sized group we began to play....




But first....some sillyness. A group of girls approached. They were of age, and were in fact rather attractive. Having previously in the short time we had been together played the "getting my musk on" gag, my LYNX chocolate flavour was to hand. Realising my opportunity I leapt to my feet and began "getting my musk on" once again, whilst ensuring that the group of attractive women caught my trance-like-dance, I was like a sexy peacock showing my feathers. I soon realised that what I was doing was a huge mistake....all of the women suddenly leapt on top of me. I was outnumbered. Struggling to breath and doing everything I could to escape, they began to undress me. One by one they made love to me. All I could do try to scream for help but it was useless, they each had their filthy way with me.


After the group of women moved on, I regained my composure, and they sat maybe 200 feet away from us. Anyway, we started playing 1,000 Blank Cards (or whatever its name is?) and it was....epic fun. Straight away I got given a card that terrified me. Dance in the middle of the circle. Nightmare. I rarely dance even when drunk, let alone sober, but this was Hyde Park, this was the N-Europe Meet, the weather was glorious and I sure as hell didn't plan on letting anyone down, so I got up and I gave it all I got/ All my swinging moves and some that I didn't know I even had. But it went on for so long....so much dancing. Other highlights of 1,000 Blank Cards include "Let a penis into the wild" in which The Peeps drew a penis on a piece of paper, and let it go.....then minutes later a litter-picker picked it up, looked at it, and wandered away looking at our group and back at the picture and back at our group with absolute disgust.


Soon, it was time to play a live mafia game! The Peeps ran the Live Simpsons Mafia game. I was mafia with Dannyboy, he was Mr Burns, I was Dr Hibbert (a role investigator). I targeted Rummy on night 1 and discovered he was an investigator, to which I tried aligning myself with, stating I trusted him absolutely. This went down well and we formed a trusting bond, whilst he still showed slithers of suspicsion against me. Dannyboy was discovered and I was left on my own, having to choose kill targets wisely, the game slowly dwindled down to just myself, Yvonne, Arbitor and Rummy.....I took a gamble and killed Yvonne, leaving Rummy, myself and Arbitor. Arbitor claimed to be (and was) protector. I was up against the wall, knowing the only way out was to lynch Arbitor, and realising that all game I'd been saying I trusted Rummy there was only one option to me....lynch Arbitor. Rummy joined me and I screwed everyone over.


It was huge fun, and being able to bluff so well IRL was a really big buzz!


Then (or before, events order is hard) happened....THE PENIS DRAWING COMPETITION. There were four categories, veiny, intertwined, semen splattered vagina and elastic. Each player played valiantly with different interpretations being encouraged and applauded, including a "cunt" (my face) in the vagina category. Once I had decided on winners, the group of women returned. (this time not many of them, maybe five or so) I saw my opportunity and I pounced. I showed them the drawings, starting with "Would you like to see these pictures of penis', we had a competition." or words to that affect. They responded well. One seemed to become aroused at Yvonne's drawing of the vagina. When I reached my page, there was a reaction of "ooohs" and "aaaahs" that lit up my ears with pleasure. One asked "Are you a professional penis draw-er" and I had made some new friends.


Amidst this happenings an amateur film crew approached us. Three gentlemen from YouTube had appeared. Wielding an expensive camera, microphone, interviewer, director and camera-man I knew these guys had ambition, and they interviewed me. They asked about my sex life and whether I had ever experimented with vegetables or fruit in the bedroom. After adequately responding to their questions we talked some more and they showed interest in our group. This would not be the first time we would encounter the YouTube stars in the making.


Next we played another mafia game, this time Yvonne's. I was mafia. But....I did not realise it. Its a long story and somewhat embarrassing, but I did not realise I was evil. On the second day phase, people started harrassing me. I did not really fight against it that much, and then I died. My power turned out to be that I appeared good on death.....


....So I died and it was revealed that I was town. I was like "Yep" and people apologised, me still completely oblivious that I was actually evil, and accepting peoples sadness and regret. Before I died I tried taking down The Peeps though. Who was my team mate.....and I did not realise. Soon after, (with some games of Consequences, that Rummy should hopefully be transcribing) the game came to an end when The Peeps was found out. It ended and I didn't understand....how can a game with 10 players only have 1 mafia member. It was then revealed I was evil and I was like "What...." it was pretty fucking hilarious.


The YouTube crew then returned, with vagina-women. Or rather girls. I started talking a lot on camera about sex and semen amongst other subjects, and then started talking with the "girls2. About to go quite in depth, I realised these chicks might be too young to hear my shenanigans and I asked how old they were, expecting to hear "17" or something. 15 was their answer, and I put a hand to my face and turned away from the camera.


Later, the camera crew bought us a group of 12 year olds and we commented that the groups they were brining us were going (age-wise) in the wrong direction. Many people took videos and photos, and sun burn set in. Hunger set in even moreso and when reunited with The Bard, the whole group set off to Marble Arch.


Something quite embarrassing and amazing was about to happen to me.


Phwoar shag.


I started drinking a beer.


At this point (about 20:00pm) I had not eaten for 24 hours. Apparently this fact greatly effects how quickly you get drunk. It should be noted that I am a HUGE lightweight anyway, but anyway, soon into my beer it became clear that something was happening. I confessed to The Peeps that I was feeling somewhat tipsy and he informed me that it was because I had not eaten. It finally became clear, and taking advantage of the situation I began to take large gulps of my drink, before landing on a state one shade beyond "tipsy" and we arrived at KFC. I advised Dannyboy on boneless chicken options and manage to sway him on KFC and its awesomeness.


I got lots of pepper sachets.


We then decided to leave for Namco Station where Dyson was working. We took the tube, and gradually meandered towards the arcade. We met up with Daft and finally made it inside the arcade and said hello to Dyson (get the London look) and Dyson gave us....£50 free tokens including bumper car tokens. After masses of gaming the queues for the dodgems died down, and we had lost Zell, Charlie and The Bard to the promise of scantily clad ladies and alcohol - fair enough. We took to the dodgems and had a royal laugh of a time. An attractive young couple had it in for me, getting three incredibly rough bashes on me. It was hugely fun.


After getting hot and all OF THE LIGHTS, we vacated the building, Sprite from McDonalds in hand and had a chat outside, soon joined by Dyson on his break. We had some great photos, discussed my "The Big Book Of Dicks" book (volume 2 in pop up), and decided to head back to the hostel. By this time it was approximately 11:50pm I think. We went to the train station where we said goodbye to Rummy and Marca, and the dynamic team of ReZ, The Peeps, Dannyboy, Goafer, Cube and Jimbob made our way to Kensal Green and our hostel. The check in was happily and surprisingly painless and the facilities were about as expected - some what unpleasant but realistically absolutely fine for our intents and purposes and fairly clean. After de-clothing to some extent (getting comfortable), choosing beds and setting up Balderdash....we played....Balderdicks.


There were some fantastic answers, but the highlight has to be "Name the definition of "Dragees" " with The Peeps' answer being "A slang term for people with no legs". The conversation (dragged) on and we discussed about how people with no legs who have their wheel chairs stolen are targeted by abusive shouters. Dragees. Wow. Amazing.


We eventually went to bed at about 2:30am, needing to be up in about 5 hours. It took me a while to sleep, it was fairly hot and (well it always takes me ages) but anyway, my phone went off at about 3:00am, and I saw it was Zell. I answered and he asked me for details of the hostel and where we were. I gave the info, then texted him to reconfirm, including the tube station. I then realised that I didn't know how he was going to get here as the tube's wouldn't be running at this point. Somewhat worried I pondered for a little before quickly falling asleep. The morning rose around and we vacated our room, checking out the breakfast. It was hot and cramped and we decided to grab something elsewhere.


We went to Leicester Square, but unfortunatley made it passed 10:30am so McDonalds breakfast was a no go. So we had Subway instead (non-breakfast menu). Goafer had meatball marinara for the first time.


We then briefly walked around China town, went to Orbital Comics as is the NE Sunday Tradition/to keep ReZ happy, and then went to Rendezvous, AKA frozen yogurt of the gods. I had cookies and cream and pistachio flavour. I will not lie, I was upset that there was no peanut flavour as I had a massive hankering for it.


Before we knew it, it was time to go, and we parted ways.


Goafer, Dannyboy and I ran for our train from Paddington, and I got off at West Ruislip to wait for my train to Aylesbury. So tired, I nearly fell asleep several times on the train, but I finally made it home.


And so ended the best meet ever. So many hilarious and random stories. You all made it so amazing, it was great to see so many of you again, and it was fantastic to meet the few of you that had not made a meet before!




Here is a really short video.


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In the process of sorting my videos, on part 5 of 13. Yes, thats 13 parts. Writing up the weekend as well, i think it would be easier to just include the link to my Youtube page. Or put all 13 videos linked in here, not sure.

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That sounds awesome mate, haha.


Did you get with that girl I coerced you into talking to?


I have no clue whatsoever. I don't remember her name or what she looked like.


This sounds amazing. Did you ever discover who he was?


Erm, no. I feel quite bad about this actually. I'm pretty sure I was still half drunk when I left his house and as you could probably guess I was confused as fuck. While he was very nice, he had a look on his face that suggested that he didn't exactly want me sticking around for much longer.


Charlie convinced Zell to start chatting up one of our group, although I never got any indication how that went, instead, we just went to the bar and starting doing Sambuca shots one after another. I think it was at that point that we lost Zell. As we got on the bus, we realised that Zell wasn't actually with us, and we didn't have his number or anything, so we got off and that's when the night got really really surreal.


Oh I think I remember Sambuca actually. Well, maybe it wasn't Sambucas. I looked through my wallet to try and piece together my night and I have drink receipts from about 2am. Two receipts at £21 each. Ouch.


So after that I must have wandered out and tried (and failed) to get to the hostel. Still not sure how I got to Kennington.


I still owe Charlie a drink or two, so hopefully we'll figure something out for next years meet ;). We were kinda worried that Zell had died, but thankfully it was probably more just a case of unwanted molestation. I kinda want to hear to full story on that.


"Unwanted" molestation. As opposed to wanted molestation?


I love the concern: "kinda worried that Zell had died". :laughing:


Maybe next year I'll just stay at the arcade. Seems a much safer option than going clubbing with Bard and Charlie.

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Yeah I have a problem with N-E meets and alcohol, might be a good idea to keep it sober next year :heh:. Also the worry was totally sincere man, we spent an hour wandering around Trafalgar looking for you. The whole night made for a pretty funny story, but I wouldn't have minded staying at the arcade either. I shudder to consider the amount of money we wasted...

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This was absolutely amazing. Literally one of the best days I've ever had. I think I have about 90 minutes of footage that I'll be putting together and uploading at some point. Massive thanks to everyone there. It was a blast.


Also massive, massive props to Goafer for being the nicest and most welcoming person ever. I felt like a guest at a 5-star hotel. Definitely member of the year.

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