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I'd tab that!

Coolness Bears

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How can you guys have so many tabs open at once? Think of your system resources!


I break into sweat if I have more then three running simultaneously. I'm the same way with cluttered desktops - but ironically my actual desk is usually a mess.

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Tabs? I often have two windows AND multiple tabs open! : o




-Two windows: For watching videos AND browsing at the same time : D Also, if I'm listening to music on youtube, it makes it easier to press "repeat" or select the next song when the player is open in a separate window.


-A lot of sites I tab open immediately when I open the browser, like:


  • youtube: for new channel comments, videos etc
  • facebook
  • twitter
  • blogger
  • gmail
  • uni email etc
  • n-europe forums: first I open "new posts" and keep that open in a separate tab, then open every interesting thread in its own tab and close when I'm done reading / commenting. Pretty much how I operate with any web site, really.

Generally, I like many tabs, but I also like seeing them all! With two windows, it's about 10 tabs, with one window about 16, before you cannot see them all at the same time. That's probably where my tab count usually lingers; I keep the basic stuff open and create new tabs for anything else that interests me, but also close those fairly quickly after reading etc. If the browser gets too bloated with tabs, I might just close it altogether and start again from scratch. Also, when doing school work, I may open a whole new window with just school stuff in it. That way I can shut down the "entertainment" window more quickly after I've browsed it a little...


So yeah, multi-tasking for teh win! xD I might also have Guitar Pro, Sony Vegas, Word / Excel, Webcam etc open at the same time, depending on what I'm doing... ; D

Edited by Ville
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I'm surprised at how many just have like 1 or 2 open.


Well, I do aim to please! You, particularly!



How can you guys have so many tabs open at once? Think of your system resources!


I break into sweat if I have more then three running simultaneously. I'm the same way with cluttered desktops - but ironically my actual desk is usually a mess.


Pfft! It doesn't even seem to phase it! Sometimes it seems it might have forgotten a tab or two and need to load, but on the whole it's fine with it! Tbh I sometimes think maybe the comps outmatching my use, I probably could never have this many on my old laptop!

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I have two monitors. Pretty much always have KNEE, Facebook and Tumblr up and then during the course of the day I tab out. I usually end up with loads.


I regularly end up with over 10/20 tabs open. But then I multitask like fiend so I do usually flick through all of them.


Oh snap, I always have - Fb, twitter, tumblr and youtube.


I rarely mind you bother looking at them if I'm gaming and sometimes end up falling asleep and realising people are trying to get a hold of me on one network or another.


I rarely have more tabs than that though, it annoys me otherwise.

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This thread has been enlightening. I just didn't realise people worked the internet like that. I browse one site at a time. But I use tabs quite a lot within that. So I'll go on N-Europe for example and then TAB OPEN 3DS section, Wii section and OTHER GAMES section. Then in the 3DS I'll tab open all the pages I want to read, read them straight away and delete. I do it more for ease than keeping them open in the future.


For articles and stuff I want to read but not yet I used to use instpaper but now use reading list.


I find it mad people have loads of tabs open all the time.

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At work I usually have 8-10 open because most of those are stuff I need all day (data bases, info resources etc). At home I tend to just have about 3 except when I think "I'll read this later" and end up opening loads...and usually something crashes and I lose them anyway.

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I don't often have any more than 2 or 3 tabs open at a time..


N-Europe is basically always open when I'm online and I'll use a second tab to browse through other sites. A third tab is then opened if a link on a site leads somewhere else :heh:


The only time any more than that are open is if I'm maybe comparing the prices of games, DVDs or CDs across a number of different sites or if friends send me links to songs they want me to listen to or videos I should watch on Youtube.


As for my desktop, the only think on there is the Recycle Bin :grin:

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I like having quite a few tabs open at once. Usually it's:


- N-Europe, could be anywhere between 1 to 4 tabs open for this

- Hotmail

- Anywhere between 1 to 6 guitar tabs

- Youtube...could be more than one of these

- Another website or three if I'm working

- BBC Sport, particularly if there's something interesting happening that day


I'll do that, with MSN on in the background. Maybe a film, too.


Tabs are important to me. Means I can quickly jump from one thing to another. It's very useful when I'm doing some planning or work for school. Or, just in general, when I'm chilling out in the evening.

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Ha! Awesome thread idea. On forums I always look at the main page and open in new tabs all the threads I want to look at, then go to something else until x loads etc etc blah blah.


Currently I have;


Merlin Mania Forums (theme park)

Merlin Mania Avatars thread

Merlin Mania LC15 thread (??)

Merlin Mania SW7 thread (Alton Towers 2013 coaster)

Merlin Mania Paultons Park thread

Merlin Mania 2 large Universal announcements thread

N-E Thundercats thread

N-E I'd Tab That thread

N-E Phoenix Wright Movie thread

The Escapist - Zero Punctuation

Eurobricks Action Themes Main Page

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I usually dont have anything more than 6, simply because there was once a time where I had over 30+ tabs open, chrome crashed, chrome closed, then chrome asked me if I wanted to open the tabs during my last session, I accidently chose yes and chrome crashed while trying to open all 30+ tabs.

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