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New Years Resolutions


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I suppose my main thing next year is to figure out what on earth I want to do with my life. I'm 20 and really, I'm still pretty clueless apart from a few very faint ideas. The only thing I know is that I want to move to the United States for some period of time at some point in the foreseeable future.

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If you want to change your life, why not do it now rather than wait for a date in the calendar?


For many people it's easier and has more meaning when it coincides with a new year.


End this dry spell before the world ends


Pretty much this.


Give her to Serebii? He's not the only one going through a long-term dry spell. Where's my sacrificial virgin?




*virginity not necessary.


Maybe we should all just get together and have sex with each other go out on the town together.




I want to become better at handling the demands of uni, and I want to improve my self-esteem. I would say I want to become more social, but the thing is I'm not actually interested in becoming more social, I just think I am because I have myself convinced it will improve my self-esteem when it fact it's the other way around.


Oh, and a girlfriend would be nice, but the main thing is the self-esteem. The rest will follow.

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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So are resolutions things you plan to do or whatever? I've never really made resolutions so yeah. =P



I plan to move out to the UK.

I hope to find a job there, though it'll probably be a (part-time) job that's not related to what I want to do. But that's ok.

I plan to get my driver's licence hopefully. Yay (not yay since it scares me haha).



And most of all, I hope to live a happy life. That's all that really matters. =)

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I plan to move out to the UK.


I approve.


I plan to take more advantage of living in London. I've been there for about 15 months now and only went to the ballet the other day and still not been to the theatre (being piss poor was a major factor in that). Will rectify that!

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I don't really make them, generally I just tell myself that I should try to improve my social situation in the following year. This year I didn't make out too badly actually. I don't really have a core group of friends that I talk to on a day to day basis anymore (different universities, etc.) but its forcing me to be more social in other ways. I've started dressing better, I talk to people more in class, I've gotten rid of a lot of my anxiety. Someone actually said to me "You're a great conversationalist" a few months ago, which would have been something unthinkable for 1 year ago me. I really do have to thank a particular conversation I had with a person (who I'm unfortunately no longer on speaking terms with, but that's another story) about six months ago that really got me started on all of this, made me realize there was hope after all.


2011 has been the first year I've improved my life in a long time. Hopefully I can continue this into the new year. Ultimately in a years time, I'd like to say that I've met tons of new friends and perhaps a girlfriend, but those thinks can't exactly be planned. So my new years resolution for this year, same as last year, but this time I mean it, because this year has taught me that its possible.

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I can't believe how much I've grown as a person over the last year. Apparently i've lost loads of weight, which i didn't even try to do, just happened. Was in XL/L stuff, now M fits perfect.


That's not even what i was talking about, i've grown like in the inside. I'm actually a really strong person. The past few months have been ridiculously shitty, but i feel like i've dealt with it all pretty well. I've grown in confidence, and i'm not afraid to be myself and express myself in my own way. I'm still one of those people who can't say no, seriously, ask me something and i'll do it, i can't physically say no, which is annoying, but good in a way.


I don't even think this post is on topic, but i felt like saying it following Emasher's post.

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My resolution is to eat healthier - I currently have an ok diet and do not need to lose any weight. I'm probably classed as underweight.


But it annoys me being skinny - I'd like to have a little bit more weight on me.


So I have an appointment with a dietician in the new year and I am going to be consuming much healthier foods and getting big meals of an eveing rather than something quick.


That's my biggest one really - there are other little ones that I won't bore you with :grin:

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I guess mine don't really count since they are goals and not resolutions...

But I still managed to do one of them already! And one will happen in 17 days and I'm working on the other one, whoo.


I plan to move out to the UK.

I hope to find a job there, though it'll probably be a (part-time) job that's not related to what I want to do. But that's ok.

I plan to get my driver's licence hopefully. Yay (not yay since it scares me haha). - Done!


I guess one of my resolutions then is lose weight and eat healthy (will start working on that when I've moved).

Maybe another one should be to keep on drawing/creating things, 'cause I'm afraid I might neglect it once I get a job!

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