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Your Gaming Set Up (56k Yikes!)


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So I was talking to Dom on msn about how my gaming TV is so far from my PC so I need a wireless adaptor for my 360 to go on LIVE :sad:

He was saying how he has his PC and all his consoles in the same room...and in his bedroom. I was wondering...what is everyone's gaming set up like?


My main gaming TV is downstairs in one of the biggest rooms at the far left of the house and the TV is a 32" widescreen flatscreen(not HD). I sit on a big chair to play, hate sofas for gaming :heh:

My PC is upstairs in a tiny room near my bedroom(19" LCD monitor). I also have my dreamcast downstairs in a small cosy room on a small, normal TV.

As for handhelds...I play em anywhere...although usually in bed. So yeah, I have no consoles or PC in my bedroom.





PS: pictures would be nice :smile:

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My Maing Gaming TV is the little one in my bedroom (though at my dad's it's a 28")

To the right of my tv on a 4 tier stack is my PS2, they are on the top.

NExt down is my stereo With my gamecube to the right of it

2nd tot he bottom is my N64 with games

Bottom is my video collection.


My snes is in a drawer with my contollers and such, to keep it all clean.


I used to use a pull-out bed thingy under my bed but switched to a little chair with a cusion so my neck and eyes don't hurt as much.


EDIT: Images, as requested

This is the 4-tier thing i mentioned, in the order i mentioned



My drawer with controllers and the snes. Under the Mario Paint box is my ZX Spectrum



The chair, on the right is the chair i now use, in the centre is the one i sued to use, on the left is the 4-tier stack thingy.



And jsut thought you might like to see this:

My psp (you can guess what it really is from the screen)



I also keep my Aerial cables and RGB cables in a dupboard above the controller drawer

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Well, My PC is basically right next to my 32" widescreen TV (just like you). I have my Gamecube and Ps2 sitting next to each other under my DVD/VCR combo which sits under the TV. My PSone sits in front of my Gamecube, on the floor.


I usually have my TV, Gamecube and Ps2 connected to my Hi-Fi speakers so whenver I play a game the Hi-Fi is usually up and the music erupts (for me, music in a game is very important). But right now my Hi-Fi is in the living room for christmas and I can't be arsed moving it back right now lol.


I would say that I have a fairly large room so when I play games I either sit on the sofa with my feet up on the table, sitting back with my wavebird (normal wires PS2 and Gamecube can't reach that far back) or I just sit in front of my PC, on my PC chair and play - depends on my mood. :heh:

So yeah, pics might come soon.

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Hey guys while we're discussing this, can some one help ease my conscience does playing video games on a plasma tv ruin it or what? As i need a new tv for my room, and i don't know what to buy a plasma or LCD, but i don't want to buy one or the other to just find out games will ruin the one i got!

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I'll be needing to amend this soon. This is my temporary room until everything is sorted out upstairs, hence the yellowing on the skirting and wires trailing about the place. I figured I'd get the Gremlin in the shot because it looks badass, and also you should ignore the crappy TV.




You guys always make me feel bad when you show me how much nicer your setup is than mine. :(


Ignore the dust too, you know how things are.

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Colin - Locke for the win.


I do enjoy these "my cock is bigger than yours" threads. I have 2 gaming setups - one for the PC/360/GC and the other for the PS2/DVDs/General TV watching.


First is the PC - I use the HDTV for my PC monitor as well 360-playing:




Next is the TV with nerdy figures.




Mason is about to die on the TV. :sad:


Edit - I just noticed that Solidus Snake has apparently had too much to drink in that picture.

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I have my PC in my room and if I set up my 'cube I set it up in my room with my small TV. The same if I wanted to set up my Dreamcast or N64.


I don't like all them fancy set ups where everything is next to each other it's kind of geeky. I would prefer everything more spread out, and also replace most of it with my music stuff liek my bass, amp and effect consoles etc.


But I'd love a huge telly!

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I was waiting for this kind of topic to arrive, now I can show everyone my very nearly complete setup!


Well here goes...




This is my 27" LCD TV which as you can see is mounted on the wall, with the cables actually running through the wall so they are not visible. As you can see I use this as my PC monitor (with this very topic being displayed!)...




This is my wireless keyboard, mouse and media remote which I use for my PC, the remote is excellent because it means that I control music/dvd's whilst in bed (I have my PC hooked up to the surround sound as well as DVD, GC and FV, and whilst watching DVD's using the computer it looks SO much clearer, I was literally blown away when I put Episode 3 on!)...




In this image you can see everything that is currently hooked up to my TV. On the little shelving unit from top to bottom there is a centre speaker from my surroind sound system, freeview box, amp/reciever (for surround sound), dvd recorder and finally my Gamecube. My PC is to the right of this shelving unit and then next to that is my sub...




The final picture is just one I took to show the two front speakers of my surround sound system, simple as that.


Well there ya go, my nice setup is there for all to see! The only thing I still need to do is get some small casing for the speaker cables so they're not visible anymore and maybe in the futrue a nicer PC case, becasue my current one isn't too great!

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Guest Stefkov

i dont really have a steup cos im only 15, id love a better tv but what the hell am i gonna


this pic, well my crappy tv, only a small amount of games, 4 controlers even though i dont have 4 friends.................. but the two black ones came with the cube, and i bought the wavebird and the purple one cam with the stand the GC is on. behind the GBa box is a FF box with the link cable, but i sold that game. i would actually have a lot more games if i didnt sell them all, like i got rid of about 3 games just to be able to get Animal crossing which i then foolishly traded for donkey konga. that little brown box is my pokemon cards. which ive kept for no reason.

and then my pc stup which is not really a setup


my desk is a mess. wireless mouse which has 8 buttons. headphones which i bought from game a week ago, for a tenner, cheap. that little basket type thing has all my NOM mags in, its about a foot deep. and theres my wifi dongle stuck with bluetack on my tower, the desk is about 3-4 feet away from my gaming 'setup' so im set if i want to get a revo (which i will)

oh yeah the grabber machine, got that for christmas, its great.


im also very happy with how the pics turned out from my new camera which i got for christmas, it isnt a £100 + one but its pretty good.

everyone else seems to be putting up images so i will also

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Heres mine' date=' my PC is kept just a bit back from this on the left hand side so its all wired up rather than wireless.




Now that's just orgasmic!!!


And Rolf Just needs a bigger TV!!


My room's too small to fit lotsa stuff in...I wish it was!!...My seating consists of just 2 beanbags under my bed (which is up high) and the other people can sit on the floor (with pillows from my bed or without). My TV's a few feet away and is a 27" Widescreen on a stand with my PS on my

DVD/VCR player on the bottom part and my Cube on the glass shelf.


There's also a shelf of handhelds, DS & Cube games next to the beanbags but i'v got no space for more shelving cozza the cupboard!! :weep: I'm thinking to put the TV under the bed n the bags (and a sofabed) on the TVs side though, then I can use the cupboard shalving which is almost unaccessible cozza the TV.


My PC is downstairs in the old Dining room.


Okay...I gabbled on then....I think I'll try n get a pic.

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