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Arrested Development Season 4


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you won't have to wait a week between each episode as they will all go live on Netflix at exactly the same time.


I am booking that day off work!


I'm glad they're sticking to the original format. It would have been a bit unsatisfying as the most laughs come when they're all together.


To be honest I assumed the whole family would be there, but the narrative focus would be on one character per episode.

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Started rewatching this, halfway into the second season now. It's still not that funny, not laugh-out-loud funny but "clever" funny.


Since I'm not using it as background noise it's more entertaining than I remember, but not worth everyone blowing their load over.

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I didn't actually think it would be one character and no one else...


I assumed it would be just one character. Alone. In a featureless room. For 23 minutes.


I'm glad that won't be the case.

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Apparently the new season may end up as 13 episodes according to David Cross (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/22/david-cross-arrested-development_n_1822254.html?utm_hp_ref=tv). He also had this to say:


"It's really audacious and amazing. I think a lot of people will miss the work that is involved, the story, the Venn diagrams that are being created, the domino effect that characters have with each other in their various episodes. I know what he's doing, and this has never been done on a TV show like this. This makes 'Lost' look like a Spaulding Grey monologue. You'll have to watch each episode more than once."
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I spasmed and flailed my arms when I read all episodes will go live on Netflix at once.


Such a fantastic show, which reminds me...you should all watch Archer! It has such great similarities, right down to Judy Greer being crazy and Jessica Walter playing the Lucille Bluth as Malory Archer.


Edit: Oh, I also realized that this is way more impressive than Joss Whedon getting Firefly's cast back together for Serenity. Larger cast, and episodes and possible movie

Edited by Nolan
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