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Monster Hunter 4!!!!


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@Blade pretty sure the Wii U power consumption is a fraction of the PS4


I will be picking this up, haven't really managed to get into 3 as I never had anyone to play it with (didn't get it on Wii, by the time I got a Wii U most people were done with it and no one near me had the 3DS version!) so hope to change that with 4!

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I'll be buying/playing Monster Hunter 4 for definite! :D


I still have faith that voice chat will be included being that it's Capcom and we got it for MH3U so this really should have it by default. : peace:


I sure hope so.

I'm not gonna claim that the lack of it will ruin the game, but it would hurt.


Goes without saying, but the 3DS MH3 didn't have it for obvious reasons.

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It makes a lot of sense


Power consumption:


PS4: 139.8 W


Wii U: 33 W


Well, this is such a boring conversation - about cost savings in respect of electricity consumption.


As I cannot, quite frankly be arsed with it I will just have to cough up and get black ops 2 or whatever.

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Well, this is such a boring conversation - about cost savings in respect of electricity consumption.


As I cannot, quite frankly be arsed with it I will just have to cough up and get black ops 2 or whatever.


I was just suggesting an alternative cheaper way of having voice chat. Don't go buying Black Ops 2 just yet.

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Doesn't the Wii U have a voice chat app built in? Failing that you all could buy a Wii speak adapter and use that :D


I'm getting the game for sure, just bought a Circle Pad Pro XL from Shopto for just over £5, now I just gotta wait for the game to come out. @RedShell regarding the New 3DS the only difference is that it has quicker loading times and you can post to Miiverse. I like Miiverse but it's not worth shelling out £180 for especially when my current 3DS XL is fully functional.

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regarding the New 3DS the only difference is that it has quicker loading times and you can post to Miiverse
Cool. But what happens when New 3DS and current 3DS owners play online together? Will those that are playing on the New 3DS just have to wait for anyone using the original hardware? ::shrug:'Cos that would be funny. :heh:


But yeah, I ain't fussed about not being able to post screens to Miiverse, or the faster loading times. As someone that grew up playing the C64, I'm more than capable of waiting for games to load. ;)

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idk if they've fixed it yet but you can't start a group call from the mobile Skype.


Oh man, you're absolutely right. I remember raging about that quite recently when playing a Wii U game funnily enough. Thanks for jogging my stupid memory. Fucking Skype. Now I'm actually angry again...


Why is something so simple made so difficult?

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Cool. But what happens when New 3DS and current 3DS owners play online together? Will those that are playing on the New 3DS just have to wait for anyone using the original hardware? ::shrug:'Cos that would be funny. :heh:


But yeah, I ain't fussed about not being able to post screens to Miiverse, or the faster loading times. As someone that grew up playing the C64, I'm more than capable of waiting for games to load. ;)


They'll have to wait around but I believe it's only at the start of quests. I play MHFU on Vita with my friend on PSP and I have to wait for him to start the quest but during the mission I can move between areas a lot quicker than he can.

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Had a quick go. Couldn't resist. Demo contains local and online multiplayer, but online isn't available right now.


Tried out the Sword & Shield (My fave weapon from 3) and the Insect staff.


Sword & Shield is pretty much exactly the same, but more fluid. I get the feeling a lot of the weapons from 3 will feel like this.


The insect staff is an interesting weapon. You use a "Kinsect" to basically leech stat boosts and health recovery from monsters, what you get depends on where you hit the monster with it. I'll have to play with that a bit more.

Obviously, being able to pole vault can open opportunities to ride monsters.


I'm sure most of you know about the jumping on monsters mechanic. It's really simple. Basically, when an opportunity arises, performing a jump attack (X in the air) and successfully hitting the monster can cause you to ride the monster and get more attacks on it.


Keep mashing X until the monster thrashes around, then hold R to cling on. If you get the stabby bar (Capcom, hope you're reading, you should call it that) full, then you stun the monster.

I can already see jumping on monsters being the difference between success and failure! It changes so much!

I can already picture the multiplayer moment when someone is about to get whacked, but then some awesome hero performs a successful jump attack and everyone cheers over the hopeful voice chat.

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Who out of the old gang is getting this then? @kav82, @S\.C\.G, @RedShell?



I will most certainly be getting it and I plan to put in as many hours as I have both version of 3 we played...though yeah that likely will be spread over a much longer time frame


Between 2 kids and shift work hopefully will still manage to play online with the Brotherhood of N-E, I'm actually thinking this being only on 3DS might help me with that so I can at least bring it to work and play a bit of offline on lunch breaks to hopefully not fall too far behind...but yeah I'll be looking for you guys to help me out online : peace:


Guess who's downloading the Special Demo.


Psssttt... It's meeee.


Will give some impressions soon. Currently in a DKC 3 race with @Dcubed.


(Don't bother asking how, it's not publicly released and I can't help you get it)


You have no idea how much distain I have for your mortal image at this very hour. My Switchaxe rusts on the wall and demands fresh Monster flesh to peal from Monster bone. But I must wait and polish and mend my armour from past battles with beasts now hunted to extinction in this now barren wasteland, awaiting patiently for the sandships to come and transport me to more fruitful lands where large beasts still roam.


Yet you, YOU, with the luxury of being born to a noble family get first preference and a private sandship with all your creature comforts. While we lower class folk who know not the priviledge of being of "Noble" decent must wait and crowd into ships with no private quaters, sleeping on woodboards wearing our armour to keep warm, our helmets as pillows and forced to eat the rats that stowed-away on board while we dream of our arrival to the new land where we can stretch our muscles once more and feel the thrill of the hunt, the sound of steel tearing through Monster flesh and the sound of our singing shall be heard from lands far away as we drink and feast at the new tavern to celebrate our victories and fill our bellies with MONSTER BURGERS!

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You have no idea how much distain I have for your mortal image at this very hour. My Switchaxe rusts on the wall and demands fresh Monster flesh to peal from Monster bone. But I must wait and polish and mend my armour from past battles with beasts now hunted to extinction in this now barren wasteland, awaiting patiently for the sandships to come and transport me to more fruitful lands where large beasts still roam.


Yet you, YOU, with the luxury of being born to a noble family get first preference and a private sandship with all your creature comforts. While we lower class folk who know not the priviledge of being of "Noble" decent must wait and crowd into ships with no private quaters, sleeping on woodboards wearing our armour to keep warm, our helmets as pillows and forced to eat the rats that stowed-away on board while we dream of our arrival to the new land where we can stretch our muscles once more and feel the thrill of the hunt, the sound of steel tearing through Monster flesh and the sound of our singing shall be heard from lands far away as we drink and feast at the new tavern to celebrate our victories and fill our bellies with MONSTER BURGERS!


Not only that, he also didn't give us a chance to guess who was downloading the special demo. :(

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You have no idea how much distain I have for your mortal image at this very hour. My Switchaxe rusts on the wall and demands fresh Monster flesh to peal from Monster bone. But I must wait and polish and mend my armour from past battles with beasts now hunted to extinction in this now barren wasteland, awaiting patiently for the sandships to come and transport me to more fruitful lands where large beasts still roam.


Yet you, YOU, with the luxury of being born to a noble family get first preference and a private sandship with all your creature comforts. While we lower class folk who know not the priviledge of being of "Noble" decent must wait and crowd into ships with no private quaters, sleeping on woodboards wearing our armour to keep warm, our helmets as pillows and forced to eat the rats that stowed-away on board while we dream of our arrival to the new land where we can stretch our muscles once more and feel the thrill of the hunt, the sound of steel tearing through Monster flesh and the sound of our singing shall be heard from lands far away as we drink and feast at the new tavern to celebrate our victories and fill our bellies with MONSTER BURGERS!


Noble, eh? I like the sound of that.

From now on, I want everyone to refer to me as the "Earl of Glen"!


I'm not even remotely sorry.



Not only that, he also didn't give us a chance to guess who was downloading the special demo. :(




I hereby renounce my short-lived "Earlness"

I believe everyone will remember me for my good work of taunting Mokong that one time, so long ago.



On to more important matters, I've been playing more of the demo.


I'm gonna put my findings in spoiler tags. Nothing majorly spoiler-ish about them, just want to save space a bit.


There are 3 different monsters to fight here. Each one represents a kind of difficulty level.

The Great Jaggi (Beginner)

The Tetsucabra (Intermediate)

The Gore Magala (Expert)


I'm gonna gloss over the Great Jaggi (We all know about it) and talk about the Tetsucabra briefly.



Isn't it just the cutest little froggy you ever did see?


The defining trait of this monster is it's tusks, obviously. It can use them to lift up boulders to protect itself, it can then launch said boulders or smash them causing fragments to fly out and cause damage.

It's quite mobile, making it tricky to hit. Not as bad as the Nargacuga but still a bit of a pain. Took me about 10 minutes with the Sword & Shield.


Moving on, we've got this bundle of nightmares.



This guy has a bit of a cold, and would like nothing more than to share those sniffles with you.


The Gore Magala looks uber-cool of course. But that's about the only positive trait it has.

I would describe it as "Monster Hunter's living embodiment of the plague" and I would be quite correct.

When fighting this thing, it leaves some kind of black mist around. Step into it (Or get hit by a breath attack) and you'll become infected with the Frenzy Virus.

Yes, I did say "infected". The Gore Magala is quite literally diseased.

When infected, a little bar shows up under your name and slowly rises. Let that get to the top and you lose your natural healing ability for quite a long time.

Nulberries can't cure it! It can only delay the bar.


But wait! Not all hope is lost! There is one way to counteract it, in fact, you can even use it to your advantage!

While the bar is going up, attacking the Gore Magala will delay the infection, do enough damage and you can get rid of it completely! Succeed in this and your affinity temporarily increases, allowing you to really lay the smack down! You also become temporarily immune to further infection.


This fight took me just over 20 minutes (The time limit was 25 minutes, so it was tense), but I did it first time with the Sword & Shield without fainting! Even Nobility can be awesome!



Anyway, let's talk about some of the weapons.


I'm mostly gonna talk about the nuances of the Kinsect, now that I understand it a bit better.


The trick is to hold R and aim at a body part you want to extract from, this acts as a "Lock-on" function. Then unleash the Kinsect to get the essence you want. With practice, a hunter could essentially get the stat boosts or health recovery they need whenever they want.


Pole vaulting, with good timing, can be used to hit monsters that try to fly away upwards, a great advantage if pulled off. I'm pretty sure it could be used to jump over a charging Rathalos, although that's just me guessing.


The weapon isn't really for me though, despite it's quick attacks, you can't block with it, and I need to focus on guarding! If you like the Long Sword, you should give it a look, the fighting styles are similar.



The Charge Blade is a weapon that looks like a big Sword & Shield at first, but can be morphed into a more powerful axe.


If you're thinking "Former Earl of Glen, this sounds like the Switch Axe", you'd be right. They're very similar. I'm no Switch Axe expert, but from what I can gather. The Sword mode can block, while the axe mode is more powerful than the Switch Axe's axe mode.

Basically, they swapped the two around.


The general gist is to attack in Sword mode (Which also has a shield) to charge up phials. When they turn red, you must store the charge into the shield, otherwise it'll overheat causing it to bounce off of enemies, even if your sharpness is good.


Once you store a charge in your shield, you can use the Axe mode to unleash said charge for powerful attacks.


Despite it's nice block ability, I find the combo ability to be somewhat lacking, even in Sword & Shield mode. If you're a fan of the Switch Axe, definitely give it a look.



So after realising that Sword & Shield is still the perfect weapon for me. I noticed a little tab in the hunter menu called "Weapon Controls" Being the curious sort, I gave it a look and found flowcharts detailing the combos I could perform with my trusty pointy stick.


I was wrong about saying that the Sword & Shield is pretty much the same as MH3. It's got two new tricks.


While performing a combo, pushing the circle pad back and pressing A will make you hop back a bit and then perform an attack while hopping forward.

Holding A can actually make you charge up the hop attack, giving impressive damage if it connects.

It's no great sword, but it's awesome that there's a way to do a single powerful attack now!



So even if you know a weapon, take the time to look through it's weapon controls, you might be pleasantly surprised!


While mainly using the Sword & Shield, I also enjoy using the Bow now and again.


Let me save you the hassle, there's nothing different about the Bow. (Except the jump attack, but every weapon has that)



I'm afraid I don't really know enough about any of the other MH3 weapons to tell you what's new about them. Sorry to all those other hunters who like big bulky weapons. You're gonna have to find out for yourself.


Here's a few small things in the demo I also want to mention.


You're given the option to read a weapon tutorial at the start of a quest. These are quite helpful, giving basic controls and the general gist of how to use it. Much more easier to get to grips with then MH3's demo.


There's 2 difficulty modes "Beginner" and "Experienced"

Beginner basically makes your hunter stronger, gives you better items and points out the direction the target monster is via BIG MASSIVE RED ARROWS! You can't fight Gore Magala in this difficulty.

Experienced is what most of us would expect from Monster Hunter.


There's a new "Field Pouch" which allows you to carry things you find on the floor. So you can carry more stuff.


I don't know if it's because of a skill I might have been given with the armour, but I was able to always see where the target monster was on the map. Even without paintballs.


There's a new tab you can put on the bottom screen which basically lets you use an item just by touching it. Great for getting to Mega Potions without scrolling through the item menu!


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I will most certainly be getting it and I plan to put in as many hours as I have both version of 3 we played...though yeah that likely will be spread over a much longer time frame


This is why we have to use the Wii U & Black Ops 2 combination for voice chat. How else are we going to talk to Mokong during hunts. @Hero\-of\-Time, @kav82 @RedShell


I will most certainly be getting it and I plan to put in as many hours as I have both version of 3 we played...though yeah that likely will be spread over a much longer time frame


This is why we have to use the Wii U & Black Ops 2 combination for voice chat. How else are we going to talk to Mokong during hunts. @Hero\-of\-Time, @kav82 @RedShell

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I'm not fussed how we do it, just as long as I get to talk to you guys. We had so many laughs on Ultimate and want the good times to roll again.


You still gonna rock the LS @lostmario? No doubt I will switch between that and GS again. Up swinging and tripping shall be plentiful!


I can't wait :D


Anyone thinking of booking time off from work for this?

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