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Mario Tennis Open


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Oh great. I ended up buckling after thinking the chance shots would be an absolute game breaker. Then people said they didn't mater. Now they actiaybare as shit a they sound. What were Nintendo/Camelot thinking? NOTHING about chance shots sounds good. NOTHING!!


I'll see hat its like when I get home and play it. But surely it can't be worse than I'm expecting it to be.

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I don't get why so many of you bought it in the first place, we were always saying that it didn't look anywhere near as good as the originals and especially when the video/reviews came out that the chance shots were too much; but then you all bought it anyway!

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I don't get why so many of you bought it in the first place, we were always saying that it didn't look anywhere near as good as the originals and especially when the video/reviews came out that the chance shots were too much; but then you all bought it anyway!


In my defense, Shopto sent it out a day earlier than I was expecting and I was dabbling with cancelling it. They did the same with Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City, luckly I really enjoyed that game, so it worked out well. :D

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Well, I'm still very much enjoying it. Going for high scores on the mini-games, and kicking ass/taking names (player medals) online. :D


Have played some seriously intense matches online as well though, this game can be just as competitive as the other versions, if not more so.

Once you get good, chance shots really don't influence the game that much.


I've played people that just go for chance shots all the time, and usually they're much easier opponents as a result. Just way too predictable and therefore easy to counter. ;)

You're much better off mixing things up, going for occasional chance shots here and there, but mainly sticking to the fundamentals of tennis.


There's absolutely no doubt that the game should have included an option to play without chance shots, I completely agree with that criticism. But they're no way, in my opinion, a game breaker. :nono:

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Well, I'm still very much enjoying it. Going for high scores on the mini-games, and kicking ass/taking names (player medals) online. :D


Have played some seriously intense matches online as well though, this game can be just as competitive as the other versions, if not more so.

Once you get good, chance shots really don't influence the game that much.


I've played people that just go for chance shots all the time, and usually they're much easier opponents as a result. Just way too predictable and therefore easy to counter. ;)

You're much better off mixing things up, going for occasional chance shots here and there, but mainly sticking to the fundamentals of tennis.


There's absolutely no doubt that the game should have included an option to play without chance shots, I completely agree with that criticism. But they're no way, in my opinion, a game breaker. :nono:


Completely. I think chance shots are a master stroke really. I think they add such a great dimension to the game play. In the early tournaments, they're a way of getting you through it quickly, and you're a failure if you rely on them. It really adds a poker-like strategy to the game... tricky the opponent into making you think you're gonna take shots that you're not.


And people seem to be complaining about it just being difficult. I love the difficulty.. its intense. I can really feel myself naturally getting better at it through skill and concentration, rather than through artificial things like levelling up. It's really rare for games to do that these days.


So many people seem to be going into this game negetively, deciding they hate chance shots. Yes, chance shots are there, they're very common but they're not just some instant-win mechanic that makes the game bad.


Continue with it. The thing is this game takes time and practice. In the first few tournaments the chance shots make you feel like they make you win every match, and when you go online you get beaten by everyone else because they know how to use them well. Just because you're bad at the start or find 1 player boring, don't give up. This game is a real, legitimate challenge that really rewards you when you keep playing.

Edited by Hamishmash
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I disagree. The chance shots ruin the game.


It's not tennis. At the end of the day the game is called Mario Tennis Open.

This game should be title 'Mario Chance Tennis'.


The thing is, even if the chance shots do get patched to be turned off (unlikely!) then you will not really be able to construct points like you could do in the earlier versions of this game. The chance shots are there for you to win the point. You can't do it without them unless you drop shot all the time.


The basic mechanics of a tennis game are not there. Therefore, if you're a tennis fan (or a proper tennis game fan), then you won't like this.

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Okay. So played it for a couple of hours, done the first batch if cups, tried the mini games, and dabbled online. Weird game. In one way Nintendo should be ashamed of themselves, this is the easiest, churn out version of the game they could have done, pointless cup system, decent but stripped down mini games and the most basic of online functionality. The only thing that looks like effort is the mini upgrades.


It plays okay. That's it. It's not tennis though whih is very disappointing. The chance shots ARE a shit inclusion. Why can't it be you build up a meter to then use them if they're so hell bent on having them in? To have them for most shots is so irritating. So it plays average too. I'm hoping the multilayer is where it's at, but I'm having serious lag online, not every match, but nearly half. And I never get lag on any game. So that's a massive disappointment too.


So timately the game is t very good. But saying that, I'm having fun playing it in a way. As some stupid crazy version of tennis. If the online holds up I'm sure that'll be fun, but it's a very worrying release from Nintendo.

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I think they just wanted to rush it out just before E3...



... with that said I'm more than confident that I'll be willing to forgive them in a week. ;)


Quite possibly - I am actually rather surprised there's been so little first party software out this half of the year. Back at Christmas, I was convinced we'd have at least two out of Animal Crossing, Paper Mario and Luigi's Mansion by the summer.

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I think it's been a good first half of the year for the 3DS with Mario 2 in the summer ready for a spunktastic autumn! Combined with the wii u it's going to be an insanely expensive end of the year for me!


Okay, I've actually played the game a bit more and it's really growing on me. You can actually play tennis and although it's a simple crazy version, there's enough there to play a proper game. I don't really use the chance shots and feel I don't need to, but occasionally it just happens I do. Still wish they were there but hidden. So you pulled them off if you managed to be in the right place and did the right move. Just want to finish the single player and hope the multiplayer is strong enough!!


Seems quiet on these boards though!! Sort it out and get in the green!!

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I'm really enjoying the game thus far. Yeah the chance shots are very annoying but i get why they are in the game. The online is ok nothing special, im finding alot of lag while playing online tho which is dissapointing.


I think they could of done alot more with this game its very basic, but fun none the less

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Played it more and more now. Also played it in local multiplayer. So, the single player is absolute cack, way too easy and no incentive whatsoever to keep playing - why the hell can't you get coins playing single player matches? Ludicrous. The mini games are okay, pretty fun, but nothing more than a tiny diversion.


The mii customisation offers a nice incentive to keep playing but it's so terribly implemented. For stuff like this to work you have to be able to easily compare what effect the clothes have on your abilities, but you can't do this, it's awful.


Mujltiplayer is the only thing the game offers and luckily it is very fun to play, and this increases more and more. I'm not too keen on playing randoms online, it's okay, but I hate how short the matches are. But local multiplayer (and single cart) is excellent and (although I haven;t done it yet as no one on here seems to play the game) playing friends online is awesome too.


Other things which I hate in the game - lob and drop shot are ridiculous, you press B A to drop shot, which is a movement UP the buttons and A B for lobshot which is moving DOWN - no logic whatsoever!!


Also lobbing is pretty much useless outside of the chance lob which is then insanely over powered.


A lot of the courses are absolute bollocks too. Too busy, and with the tiny tiny screen it's hard to make out th ball sometimes. Especially on the mario galaxy level which was borderline unplayable in 2D and only a little better in 3D.


So yeah, LOADS to slag off. But it's so much fun in multiplayer it's worth keeping!!


PS Do people play this game or what? Would love to sort out some online games!!

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Frickin' Weegee! :mad::laughing:

Seriously, has anyone beaten him on Ace difficulty? ::shrug:


I swear it's a piss take by the developers. :heh:


It's not too bad, the doubles matches need working on. Unless there is a feature that removes your character from auto-going for the ball/hotspot, it's going to get annoying.
There is, just tap the L Button.


Blue Yoshi:
I don't see the image. :hmm:
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RedShell, you play this game a lot, why do you ignore my constant call outs for online gaming?! You scared....? :)


So what is the point in getting those stars, do you get anything for it? Kind of bores me a little playing the computer so won't do it unless I get something.

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RedShell, you play this game a lot, why do you ignore my constant call outs for online gaming?! You scared....? :)
If you're anything like CPU Luigi on Ace difficulty, then yes, I'm bloody terrified! :D

But anyway, I should be around again tonight if you fancy a few games, 9pm onwards. : peace:


So what is the point in getting those stars, do you get anything for it? Kind of bores me a little playing the computer so won't do it unless I get something.
Well, getting 1 star is required for a costume unlock (doesn't matter which character it's against) but other than that, no, you don't get anything. Apart from the satisfaction of winning a really tough match, or the severe frustration of losing to Luigi! :p
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If you're anything like CPU Luigi on Ace difficulty, then yes, I'm bloody terrified! :D

But anyway, I should be around again tonight if you fancy a few games, 9pm onwards. : peace:


Well, getting 1 star is required for a costume unlock (doesn't matter which character it's against) but other than that, no, you don't get anything. Apart from the satisfaction of winning a really tough match, or the severe frustration of losing to Luigi! :p


Yeah I'll definitely be about for that. Haven't played it with friends yet. Can we do epic 5 set 6 games per set matches?!


Is ONE STAR an 'ace' victory?


And no, I'm definitely not like Ace Luigi, probably more like Beginner Toad!

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Just started playing this today and i'm loving it so far.


I immediately turned off the gyro crap and got stuck in. Chance shots aren't as bad as people have been saying in here i have found. In most cases they are a great addition, as it adds that extra level of tactics, knowing what shot counters each one. I have just unlocked the Ace CPU level and havn't experienced too much chance shot spamming by the opponents. Maybe Ace level CPU will be more of a pain for that, but up til now i have found it pretty fair and i've had some immense rallies.


It is a shame that most points are won with a chance shot i'll admit, but i have won plenty of points just by outsmarting the CPU with standard shots and drawing them around the court, so i feel the natural tennis feel hasn't been completely sacrificed. All in all, chance shots are less game-breaking than power shots by far. Whether this is true online i don't know. I imagine it would be annoying if people always used them, then again it would make them predictable and easy to outsmart as well. I think there's a level of intelligence to this game that people are missing.


Sucks about the coins. I havn't been enticed to enter the shop once yet. Still, i can see alot of time being spent on this just completing all the cups with each character. I havn't gotten bored after 3 hours so far, so i just hope that stays true.

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