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Whether its possible, i don't know. But it makes sense for Wii Channels forum to become a sub forum within the main Wii forum.


Personally I think it'd be a good idea if Wii Channels Discussion became Nintendo Download Discussion, incorporating Channels, the Virtual Console, WiiWare, and the newly launched DSiWare.

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Us mods have been discussing the possibilities since before the DSi launched. After debating various possibilities we decided that keeping all the DSi discussion within the handheld board would be best. Merging DSiWare with the Wii Channels discussion could be confusing to those who might not automatically know what topics apply to what console, and making another board for DSiWare could leave us with a new board that doesn't see a great deal of activity.


So seeing as the handheld board itself is fairly quiet we don't see any reason to remove the DSi element from it. The injection of newfound handheld gaming enthusiasm from us members can only be a good thing. If it looks like things are getting too hectic in there then of course we'll rethink. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

It appears to be an RSS feed (or similar) of new threads. There's also this, which is the same but entries consist only of the time stamp rather than of the whole first post. It's the sort of thing some people might want to use, especially mods/admins to check for rogue threads.


Edit: They both seem a bit buggy though, especially the one I found which doesn't work in my reader at all, purportedly because it has an XML error. Incidentally there are also feeds at /RSS3 and so on, but they're just clones of /RSS2.

Edited by Supergrunch
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I've been mulling over a monthly article focusing on the forums for a while, collating the best (and possibly worst) posts and quotes, threads, members, etc. etc. It'd be interesting to know what everyone thinks of this.


That would be great. It would also be interesting to have an article that has the best posts, ect. of all time or just a general forum history.

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^ Aah, that was something we should have done with C-E before Tim pulled the plug on it. :hmm:


Some sort of compressed archive or something ripped from the forum. But then, nobody would have been bothered to prowl through years of threads to find a few decent ones just for nostalgia's sake.


Have I contradicted myself? I'll go now...

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You can see the topic titles for a few pages and some profiles. Gen Chit Chat is the only one that seems to work. Unfortunately you can't see some any of the actual topics.


Although some pages will show a log-in screen. Copy the URL (minus the archive.org parts) and do a search of that and hope there's an older page.


It's not perfect, and it's slow, but it's better than nothing.






Was that THE jar thread?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've noticed a fair few question threads recently and I think it might be good if they have their own section of the boards.


To clarify, I'm referring to topics which are simple enquiries as opposed to points of discussion, such as this and this. Sometimes you just want to ask questions — "Are Tesco's website prices for games the same in-store?", "Where's the best place to exchange Sterling to Euros?" — that aren't out to spur debate, they simply require a straightforward or prompt answer. So for instance, "What is your view on capital punishment?" is a question but one that's looking for opinions and debate and thus would be at home in Chit-Chat, whereas, "What can I use to get rid of sticker residue on my game boxes?" really isn't looking for anyone to wax philosophical.


If such threads we're all placed in, say, an 'Ask N-E' sub-forum of General Chit-Chat it would both keep all such ephemeral topics in one place and mean there's a handy resource to search; the sub-forum could have certain guidelines in regards to concise titling of topics so that searching would be easy.

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But things aren't that black or white. Who's to say whether a thread will spur debate or not? And the board is General chit chat not General philosophy. It's not as if the board is way too busy at the moment and by adding another sub forum people just wouldn't use it and the main board would become less active.

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No things aren't black and white, but I tend to assume that people have some sort of common sense and the capacity to think for themselves. The distinction is something of a blurred line, sure, but I made the suggestion with the intent of it actually encouraging activity on the 'boards.


How so? Well, first off a fire-and-forget question section allows people to quickly ask something that they couldn't really make a point of discussion out of and otherwise wouldn't have posted. If they get an answer, great, mission accomplished. And hey, somehow it turned into a debate so even better, Chit-Chat here we come.


Secondly it would pave the way to getting rid of the Import and Game Help boards — High Scores could be reborn as something a bit more substantial¹ — which are rarely visited areas for the vast majority of members. Consolidating their contents into a General sub-forum would more than likely increase their exposure, meaning more people get answers to their questions.


Thirdly, and perhaps this is being a bit hopeful, it might encourage people to up the quality of the topics they start in Chit-Chat. Not that I'm pissing on the current content, merely that if there was a distinction between a no-nonsense question and a point of discussion it could have people put a bit more thought into crafting their original posts.



¹Perhaps N-E could have its own challenges, a bit like the ones that appeared in N64 Magazine's Game Club? It was something I was toying with starting up a year or so ago, but frankly I'm in no position to do so and I'm certainly not trying to push responsibility onto someone else as it would be a hassle to manage.

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Factoring in the fact im super tired and about to sleep but I see no problem in little question threads popping up (within reason) and once the question has been handled send it to the attic. (within reason, it shouldn't open the floodgates to questions such as "should I have soup or salad for lunch?")


Will think more tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the suggestions thread, not the questions thread. If you want to ask your question, go to the questions thread. If you want to use this thread, the format should have been: "I suggest you make me admin".


Either way: no.

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  • 1 month later...

Can we haz teh


"I like this post" feature, PLEEEAASSSSEEEEE. Theres been loadz of times when I've wanted to acknowledge a post for example, DannyBoys post in the 56 stars thread, I sniggered big style and want to say this, but if I just put "I loll'd" it'd be considered spam.


They haz this on TowersTimes.co.uk forums, its very out of the way and I think it would be mega hax please.



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