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I've cranked up the thread titles from "1,2,3, more" to "1,2,3,4,5 more" because as FL said most threads dont pass that. I know there are a few topics that do but they tend to reach dozens of pages so we can't accomodate for those. Stops having thread titles that take up a lot of room because all page numbers from 1-60odd are included like on Xsorbit.


At present its on 30 threads per page. On days in which I've only come on once there have been times when not every thread has a new reply, so I think they should stay.


Moria to clear things up, do you mean have a board just for you and friends or something. Whereby you pay to get in and chat about "what you want" (but is still subject to moderation ;)) or something else?


Oh and the blue outline on avatars is because of IE. Ill look into changing it.

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Moria to clear things up, do you mean have a board just for you and friends or something. Whereby you pay to get in and chat about "what you want" (but is still subject to moderation ;)) or something else?


There is an extra board made called "Paid Members Only". You pay £5 and you get access to it. I don't know what you'd talk about in it. YOu could also get a custom user title and some other stuff. http://www.splfever.co.uk do this, people pay £5 and they get access to the special forum, an email address ([email protected]). It was basically an idea to get some money into RE so we can continue with the high-quality site we're getting at the moment - it can't be cheap to run!

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There is an extra board made called "Paid Members Only". You pay £5 and you get access to it. I don't know what you'd talk about in it. YOu could also get a custom user title and some other stuff. http://www.splfever.co.uk do this, people pay £5 and they get access to the special forum, an email address ([email protected]). It was basically an idea to get some money into RE so we can continue with the high-quality site we're getting at the moment - it can't be cheap to run!


I personally don't think that that is enough content to justify the £5 fee, imo. A special forum and an email address are good ideas, but what would be on the special forum? :hmm:

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Huh, about the music forum, Platty raised exactly the same points as the last time I put the idea of a music forum to the other staff members back at c-e. But you say that the Creative and Tech boards needed to be made. Why? All those threads could be in general chit chat, because in essence, that's what they are.


The only reason I think that there are that many posts in those boards is because they were themselves created, giving people a devoted thread to a certain topic where people can discuss said topic all day long. Music is something everyone can talk about. If you make a 'Music Discussion' thread or something like that, I guarantee you it will soon be filled.

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Huh, about the music forum, Platty raised exactly the same points as the last time I put the idea of a music forum to the other staff members back at c-e. But you say that the Creative and Tech boards needed to be made. Why? All those threads could be in general chit chat, because in essence, that's what they are.


The only reason I think that there are that many posts in those boards is because they were themselves created, giving people a devoted thread to a certain topic where people can discuss said topic all day long. Music is something everyone can talk about. If you make a 'Music Discussion' thread or something like that, I guarantee you it will soon be filled.


The creative and tech boards were more or less required because gen chat got flooded at times when people had computer problems. Also, people asking about how to make sigs/can you make me a sig/how do you put a sig in your sig, etc.

I think Platty's just worried about gen chit chat becoming too "specific" if we start adding too many subforums or boards. I feel the same as well, because if we do add a music board, we will more or less be forced to add a sports board, a tv board, a film board, magazine, politics, etc. If we do this, gen chit will be devoid of so many threads.

Although, i wouldn't mind trying out a music board to see how it would go, maybe on a limited trial basis?

Also, i think we're worried about people's tastes clashing. In most music topics, some people laugh at other people's taste or the usual "rap is shit" stuff. This would be on a wider scale if we added the board.


Bearing in mind, we've only just started these forums. I think it would be wise for us to get settled in first, and to conquer some of the other problems and issues, before we go "perfecting" this forum.

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dont get me wrong im a massive music fan, and love my music i listen to and cant live without it whether it be at home, in my car on the train, going to gigs or whatever and i would love a place to talk about my musical tastes with everyone, but i dont think here is the right place..


its just if we do people will just be demanding other boards and i know they will, and they will be using the exact same argument you are about there being a creative board and tech board! a member who is into football could just as easily say he wants a board all about football as there is a lot of interest in it, then when i say no, the member will say well there is a music board! i just dont want this nintendo revolution forum becoming like many other forums i see around the internet with tons of boards and not much going on in them, its all very crappy.


the forum has only just opened and we are still fiddling about with it so in time (and i mean give us time) perhaps it may happen after some more discussion and maybe we can have it but for now i hope you can understand the reasons why its a no.

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hahaha, nicely said bob :P


see, everyone would be happy! People can go and talk about music in the music board, and those who don't like music can watch metaphorical paint dry in the general forum, minding their own business! ;)


But seriously, peoples opinions differ on every subject. People have clashing views all the time. In political threads for example, you'll always get one moron coming in saying 'bush sucks lolo111!!!' or words to that effect. And hey, it makes things interesting when more intellectual people come in and put them down with their razor sharp wit.


I think music is different to sport and TV as a discussion topic, because as well as there being many genres of music, there's the creative side of music, the theoretical side of it, the practical side, the technological side, all the bands and categories of music to discuss.


Go on Fierce_Link. You know me love you long time. ;)


I disagree with you Platty, in that football as a topic doesn't produce as many threads in general as music does, or many other forms of entertainment. But I suppose I have no alternative but to accept that the board will never be made, so perhaps I should just give up trying to justify it now.

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Neg. It needs to be the code to automatically stop links being blue, its just coincidental that the link happens to be avatar-shaped. The avatars actually have an automatic 1pixel black border but it doesnt show on IE cause IE sucks.

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Is there are way to stop the "time-out" refresh on read/unread threads on VBulletin? I can go away from the forum with unread threads and they are usually showing as unread when I return; however, if I sit on any page for too long, i.e. reading a particularly long series of posts or I leave the computer for a while, when I go back to the thread list it's marked everything as read, unless threads have new posts in the meantime. The old XSOrbit forums didn't do this, which was one of the few good things about it, is this "hard-wired" in the VBulletin code or can it be lengthened (considerably)/disabled?

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