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and as all powerful nerd, would it be possible to import some type of latex script into the forum for mathematical formula. It would help me help more people with their maths homework. cheers
I've found a hack that sounds appropriate, but how necessary is it to install a hack for one tiny userbase? And then have to explain the codes etc... can't you just do stuff in MS office and attach images or something?
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i suggest a new rule be made against naming a thread something like "question" or "urgent help needed" or "what the heck" so we know what a threads about withought having to go in and read it.
If you mouseover the thread title you should be able to see the actual topic of it pop up :)
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So that everyone sees the last post in the MPOTD thread, may I suggest you, at least for now, sticky it, or at least keep bumping it.

I fear that if you don't, once it gets buried, next to no one is going to go look for it, and see what the problem is. Once you unlock it, the current last post will be lost in the depths, and people who haven't read it will go back to their old ways.

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Hmmmm. Maybe a section of this site called "Another Realm" or some such ala this very similar website ;


Another Realm @ HCRealms


It has like Games threads, Random Comments etc, and NONE OF THE THREADS add to post count - So that clears that up. I know theres a lot of folk here, who really dont care about post count, but would love to see an area like this. I also understand that it is extremely unlikely this will happen, but Im throwing it out there anyway.


What is the reason for not actually wanting ;


A) A general chit chat thread

B) A section like above.


If its bandwith constraints or some such, maybe a donor system should be implemented with PM and Avatar bonues, Id certainly donate to this excellent site - I love the people here.

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ReZ, we just don't want spam and stuff like that... yes we could have a stupid spam board where there are no posts added, but that's so messy and leads to people posting images and all sorts of crap that we don't want to see here, and thinking that it means they can break the rules. (Although if you like, I'll see what the other reds and blues think of a postcount-free spam thread board...)


As I said in the MPT details, I'd rather see people using the #cube-europe chat room :) there was once a time when that place was totally packed out, a few years ago I was in there every day with up to 50 people and having a great laugh. Chat rooms were invented for general chat, forums were invented for proper discussions, debates, questions and news.


So that everyone sees the last post in the MPOTD thread, may I suggest you, at least for now, sticky it, or at least keep bumping it.

I fear that if you don't, once it gets buried, next to no one is going to go look for it, and see what the problem is. Once you unlock it, the current last post will be lost in the depths, and people who haven't read it will go back to their old ways.

There's an announcement stickied to the top of each board. If people don't see that and carry on their old ways, we'll just enforce the rule. Then they'll learn :)
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Yeah, I think it could work. On the one I posted you're not allowed to post images anyway.


The thing with a "spam board" in comparison to a Chat room is that, the casual member IE me cant go to the chat, and look at what was talked about, whereas in say a Random Comments Thread or discussion, I can post part of my discussion, leave, folk will discuss it and I can come back, pick up where we left off and read and discuss some more.


The reason I am passionate about this, is because I have laughed so much from reading discussions on the board I linked to. If one was here with these folk it would be great - and with the correct rules in place it wont be abused.

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How about changing the : peace: smilie to :V:?

It's quicker to type, and...well, I doubt I need to you explain what the significance of V is in regards to peace...


It's not important in anyway, shape, or form, but it's an idea.

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How about changing the : peace: smilie to :V:?

It's quicker to type, and...well, I doubt I need to you explain what the significance of V is in regards to peace...


It's not important in anyway, shape, or form, but it's an idea.


You are aware the 'V' symbol is not peace, but rather the two fingers?

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Yeah, doesn't it refer to "Victory" - where the soldiers used to raise their fingers to show they hadn't had them removed, and could still fire a bow and arrow? I don't know why I remember that, but I can't have made it up.

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Yeah, doesn't it refer to "Victory" - where the soldiers used to raise their fingers to show they hadn't had them removed, and could still fire a bow and arrow? I don't know why I remember that, but I can't have made it up.


If thats true, that is a nice piece of history i have just learnt. :D

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The definative answer


V for victory = VE-day when 2nd world war ended




reverse it and you have V -for swearing. .. = the bows and arrows story of Englands Heritage. Soldiers would show the V sign before the battle and so its has been kept as a sign of aggression.




The one finger variety is a variant along the lines of "screw you mother fucker" = american gangster stylee deviance




V for victory also has been adopted as the national pose of every korean and japanese tourist beacuse they are odd. NB often two hands



I suspect the latter is the origin of the internet : peace: . However no one outside japan or korea can ever know the true meaning of : peace:


Therefore, i suggest : peace: is removed as a smiley and replaced with a picture of the prophet mohammed instead.

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'V' started as a patrotic pride thing and troops were encouraged to stick their fingers up (as in swearing in a 'V' fasion) to Germans. I sawed it on a learning video. Had Churchill doing it to the camera.


Hmmmm. Maybe a section of this site called "Another Realm" or some such ala this very similar website ;


Another Realm @ HCRealms


It has like Games threads, Random Comments etc, and NONE OF THE THREADS add to post count - So that clears that up. I know theres a lot of folk here, who really dont care about post count, but would love to see an area like this. I also understand that it is extremely unlikely this will happen, but Im throwing it out there anyway.


What is the reason for not actually wanting ;


A) A general chit chat thread

B) A section like above.


If its bandwith constraints or some such, maybe a donor system should be implemented with PM and Avatar bonues, Id certainly donate to this excellent site - I love the people here.


1. We want to cut down on crap period. The fact it adds to the post count is a pain but a bigger pain is this forum is turning into a crap-filled one.


2. We will never ask for user donations and offer bonuses for it. As again this will make people feel they are superior, much like people think they are if they're post count is several k.

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A music forum with strict rules and banned access to it for people who can't get along with sharing their opinions with people.


I actually think they'd be less arguing in an actual music forum because the wide range of threads that would be created. The main reason for arguing in the current music thread is because people with such different tastes and opinions are having to share one thread.

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and as all powerful nerd, would it be possible to import some type of latex script into the forum for mathematical formula. It would help me help more people with their maths homework. cheers

Chris, if you download open office math for now, then you can create pictures of maths forumulae etc. then host them somewhere like photobucket.


I suppose I ought to do that when I'm doing homework help really...

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Yeah, doesn't it refer to "Victory" - where the soldiers used to raise their fingers to show they hadn't had them removed, and could still fire a bow and arrow? I don't know why I remember that, but I can't have made it up.


I got taught that in history too, apparently they would be removed by enemies because they are the fingers needed to string and fire a bow or something like that.

As for suggestions, I'm with the idea of a kind of 'spam' board to some extent without post counts, though it might take away from the activity of any other boards and get a bit out of hand. Though you said you don't want that sort of stuff, so that's fair enough.

As for post counts, I think they should just be done away with anyway(well, hidden away) and a rep system introduced(encouraging quality of posts, ideally).

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