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I'm just messing around, unless the sympathy card is working.




You heard the man, there can be threads for separate anime shows.



Haha. Well, i didn't actually say it like that. Right now, there's still a debate regarding these "official" threads going on. Do we keep them or do we have seperate thread?, etc.


Personally, i like to see less threads on one particular subject. For example, we do not need about 10 or so threads on the latest Wii launch price rumour. That's pretty specific, so may require only one thread.

But when it comes to things like TV, you wouldn't expect to talk about Lost or 24 in the same thread. I think a thread dedicated to Lost and one dedicated to 24 would be pretty sufficient.


About the anime thread: It could be considered a bit overkill for one thread. But, the upside is, due to the diverseness (w00t, new word?) there is more conversation going on. Hence, the thread is actually proving to be pretty popular right now!:)


Right now, it would be wise to use the thread, until we can come to some sort of conclusion regarding these official threads.

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About the anime thread: It could be considered a bit overkill for one thread. But, the upside is, due to the diverseness (w00t, new word?) there is more conversation going on. Hence, the thread is actually proving to be pretty popular right now!:)


Yeah, it's a good thread. To be perfectly honest, there's not an anime series I can think of that warrents it's own thread since the anime thread seems to go through daily stages of discussion about a particular anime.


Then there's the actual matter that Revo-Europe's anime nerd community is fairly small compared to say, music nerds.

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Yeah, it's a good thread. To be perfectly honest, there's not an anime series I can think of that warrents it's own thread since the anime thread seems to go through daily stages of discussion about a particular anime.


I wouldn't mind if things stayed the way they were at the moment, with just the official thread. To be honest, it probably will be better that way, for now.


But, i've put in a suggestion in that anime thread about possibly dividing things up into seperate threads. Whether or not this will work positively or not remains to be seen.

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on my forum i have a specia board just for noobs just to get used to the forum and stuff (it does not increase post count) this may be a good thing for this forum. what do you think.


Newbies to the forum seem to adjust fairly quickly, I find. What's nice about this forum is it isn't particularly discriminate against new members, everyone is welcomed with open arms - especially if they're female.

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I think we should seriously consider removing 'official threads' in almost all instances. They put me off reading about subjects I want to read about, and I'm sure they put other people off too. The forums are busy, but not that many new threads are made, so I don't really see why official threads are around.


At the very least I think we should create a poll asking if people like them. It seems to me that only a few mods like them. The site survived for a long time without official threads.

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I suggest the option of having a custom descripton (under the poster's name-ie Regular, Frequent poster etc) when you reach 1000 posts.


That would require having a different user category, and then once a member has moved past 1000 moving them into said category. Not only would it be a lot of faff, it would mean the Meaningless Thread is spammed more just for the sake of putting "I REWL" as their custom titles.


I think we should seriously consider removing 'official threads' in almost all instances. They put me off reading about subjects I want to read about, and I'm sure they put other people off too. The forums are busy, but not that many new threads are made, so I don't really see why official threads are around.


At the very least I think we should create a poll asking if people like them. It seems to me that only a few mods like them. The site survived for a long time without official threads.


Its been discussed before, I'd say they have been in large used and welcome, the amount of people against them isn't really sufficient to change anything.


Why are you "put off" from reading them anyway?

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Well when you see a 'Mario Galaxy online??!!' thread title its actually quite exciting. When you see a 14 page thread called 'Official Mario Galaxy Thread' its less exciting. Anyway if I'm in a minority then that's that I suppose.


I dont think we should have official threads, or sticky threads. If a threads popular, it will stay at the top.

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