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England Riots


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Zero Tollerence.


New York was the crime capital of the world at one point in the 80's. New major comes in and puts in a policy of zero tollerence. No crime was too small. They clamped down on the petty crimes first then moved up the scale.


It took a while but look at it now. Not crime free but alot better than London is now.

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Not 1st-generation immigrants, no, but probably 3rd-generation. Certainly new enough to this country that we can easily trace them back to somewhere else. I'm sorry if this offends, I really am, but most of them were black. Where do you think they came from, the Isle of Wight?


We have lovely black people in this country (including on this forum) who are 100% welcome, but uncontrolled immigration over the past decades has created vast communities with very different values to our own and nothing to contribute. London is like a different country now - a hellhole for anyone unfortunate enough to be left there. It doesn't feel like England at all.


Today, we see the evidence of this lawlessness, but it has been going on for decades - rape, muggings - and yet it's always been a taboo to say the vast majority of the perpetrators are black!


So, if you can't see the link between this and immigration, I'm afraid you're the one who's deluded.


This is in part a by-product of uncontrolled immigration.


But it is also due to the total lack of order and discipline in society. When political correctness takes hold of a nation and liberal thinking makes the criminal the 'victim' you end up with a situation like this.


These animals run riot and there will be a long line of bleeding heart liberals all wanted to make excuses for their actions and blame anyone but the perpetrators.


Where the police should be cracking skulls they are standing watching like statues, their hands tied by legislation that could ensure they lose their job and are prosecuted if they act in a way that may infringe the 'human rights' of the mindless thugs carryintg out the violence.

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This is in part a by-product of uncontrolled immigration.


But it is also due to the total lack of order and discipline in society. When political correctness takes hold of a nation and liberal thinking makes the criminal the 'victim' you end up with a situation like this.


These animals run riot and there will be a long line of bleeding heart liberals all wanted to make excuses for their actions and blame anyone but the perpetrators.


Where the police should be cracking skulls they are standing watching like statues, their hands tied by legislation that could ensure they lose their job and are prosecuted if they act in a way that may infringe the 'human rights' of the mindless thugs carryintg out the violence.


:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

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This is in part a by-product of uncontrolled immigration.


But it is also due to the total lack of order and discipline in society. When political correctness takes hold of a nation and liberal thinking makes the criminal the 'victim' you end up with a situation like this.


These animals run riot and there will be a long line of bleeding heart liberals all wanted to make excuses for their actions and blame anyone but the perpetrators.


Where the police should be cracking skulls they are standing watching like statues, their hands tied by legislation that could ensure they lose their job and are prosecuted if they act in a way that may infringe the 'human rights' of the mindless thugs carryintg out the violence.


You know, I really do wonder what it would be like to be as massively stupid and ill-informed as you.

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Libya recognizes UK rioters as official government of the UK


My god I love Wikileaks Twitter..

Arrived at by the same source:



Mehmanparast asked the British government to start dialogue with the protesters and to listen to their demands in order to calm the situation down.

I think he's missing the point - they don't appear to have any demands or be protesting.

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So once all the people are arrested, that's easily probably going to stretch into the thousands, which already over crowded jails are we going to put them in?


We live in a country nowadays where it's perfectly acceptable for this to happen yet all the vast majority can do is slag off the police and the politicians. I guarantee all those Police are dying to handle things properly, dispense some real justice but of course as soon as they breathe on someone the wrong way, their investigated. Instead they're out there doing everything they can (which is essentially nothing) and being hounded for it.



What exactly do you suggest we do? These people don't listen to reason, you can't rehabilitate them and send them on their way. They chose to do this for no other reason than because they could. Put the fear of god into them and it would soon stop.

Edited by Jon
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So once all the people are arrested, that's easily probably going to stretch into the thousands, which already over crowded jails are we going to put them in?


There's over 2500 spaces in our jails right now.


I do agree that people should lay off the police though. They did the best they could under difficult circumstances. They were too few in number under these unusual circumstances. Hiring more police isn't the answer, but maybe setting up some sort of TA-like militia force to bolster police numbers in times of civil unrest would help?


Also, lol;




Sales of impromptu weapons have gone through the roof on Amazon!

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So now I've been hearing that it was police bullets that have only been fired. I'm not exactly sure if this is true but if it is, it's no wonder there's a riot if the police acted that way.


Even if he never fired a shot it doesn't nessisary mean the police are in the wrong. Even in self defence there is pre-emptive, if for example they knew or believed he had a gun and he was refusing to co-operate but went for his pocket then they could justify shooting him - not to kill but they could have been a miss aim etc etc.


It will all come out eventually as to what actually happened and if the officers at the time were in the wrong then they could be arrested themselves and charged with something.


In my news an area of Cheshire (Warrington) people have been trying to organise a riot over facebook and twitter. Police have got the sites to take it all down and i have been told that the police have made a few arrests for Inciting public order. Also no police officers have been allowed to go home 'just in case'.


And cheshire like almost every other force have sent down some riot trained officers to london.

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There's over 2500 spaces in our jails right now.


I do agree that people should lay off the police though. They did the best they could under difficult circumstances. They were too few in number under these unusual circumstances. Hiring more police isn't the answer, but maybe setting up some sort of TA-like militia force to bolster police numbers in times of civil unrest would help?


Also, lol;




Sales of impromptu weapons have gone through the roof on Amazon!



According to BBC news just now, the jails in London are full to the gunnels and people are being transferred out of the city. Hopefully last night was the worst of it but then again it might not be.

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You know, I really do wonder what it would be like to be as massively stupid and ill-informed as you.


Mass immigration has had a huge negative impact on society, as has the removal of order and discipline.


The problem with debating immigration with the ultra liberal is the same as the debating problem with the neo-facist - everything is black and white.


Whilst the neo-facist will claim every immigrant is the bad guy and thus all immigration and all immigrants = bad. The ultra liberal or Marxist will argue the opposite, that all immigrants are hard working decent chaps who have a bad deal in life and are 'oppressed' by the system.


In contrast the issue is not 'black and white' - it's like most issues, a shade of grey. Some immigrants have come here and made a positive contribution to British society, have made an effort to fit in and have acted in civilised manner. Some have not. They have refused to learn our language, refused to fit in with our culture and have perpetuated criminality in the areas they have settled.


This doesn't mean all immigrants are bad, or all immigrants are good. It means unchecked mass immigration has the potential to cause problems by creating pockets of people who are disrespectful to their new home which creates tension between their 'communities' and the one in which they new live.


Equally, this shade of grey does not absolve people of native British descent carrying otu acts of thugery or mindless violence. As it is not a 'black and white' issue it certainly does not mean all 'whites' are good and all 'immigrants' are bad, as this is certainly not the case.


Also, to suggest there has not been a gradual eroding of discipline in schools and institutions over the past 50 years is utter nonsense. In the schools the teacher used to hand out the lessons - in every respect. The pupils used to listen and obey. Now teachers cower in fear as little yobs run rampant in the classroom and threaten them with physical violence.


This lack of order sends a message from a very early age that behaving like a yob is infact tolerated. What's more the police have perpetuated this. In these riots there has been an awfully soft approach, which far from detering copycat incidents has actually given yobs elsewhere the nerve to do exactly the same thing.


I'm afraid it is you and people like you who are living in an ill-informed utopia if you think unchecked immigration, a lack of order and discipline and a police force with no real powers is a reciepe for success. It's actually a reciepe for what you see now: chaos.


I wish Zechs would stop saying 'cracking skulls'.


As much as I'd love to see it happen, it's the wrong thing.


I will now rephrase this to 'massaging craniums with police issue authority sticks'. I hope that pleases you! :)

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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Mass immigration has had a huge nagative impact on society, as has the removal of order and discipline.


The problem with debating immigration with the ultra liberal is the same as the debating problem with the neo-facist - everything is black and white.


Absolutely wonderful. What a joyously stupid comment.

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So once all the people are arrested, that's easily probably going to stretch into the thousands, which already over crowded jails are we going to put them in?


Does it matter? I don't care if the prison guards have to compress them down with their feet before they can close the door to the cell.

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I imagine there will be alot of rumours that it's going to hit certain places. All horse shit I imagine, or I hope so!!


funny when Manchester Police said the violence in Salford was pretty much your average night there.

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