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Cringe-worthy words or phrases


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I'm surprised I don't find the slang of the Internet as annoying as most. I deal with it.

That's because you're too young to remember the blissful days before internet memes. Don't worry, though - you'll hate the Zenon-like slang of the next generation of kids. :heh:

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I mainly meant words and phrases but sure, we can turn this into a what annoys you thread if people would like.


I must apologise to Happenstance because I call my girlfriend babe. I'm from Essex, deal with it :p


Also, I was on the same train of thought thinking 'you jelly meant 'you're silly' at first.

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Most of the time, it's not the words, it's the person saying it.


I agree with many things mentioned, but at the same time, when one of my bests says something awful, it's the best, because it feels perverse.


Oh yeah, add "bests" to the list.

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Thankfully I'm spared most of the time but ... if people use the word "ream" in my vicinity I shall have to take them to a lathe and show them how ream their face can get.


Also on the cringe-worthy note... heard someone use the term "dot com" the other day. Painfully showing their age.

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Banter hasn't seem to hit the US yet, so I hardly see the big deal with it.


I don't know what Crimbo is, but just saying it and typing it I've decided I'm not fond.


Foreign Car, being in a part of the US where most people are batshit crazy that they need to support the US by being American made cars, I cringe when I hear foreign car because the only cars made in the US now are over seas companies. Off the point, it's a free fucking market, if the US automakers can't provide what we want they don't get the business. More to the point, US companies try to sell overseas as well.....meaning they're the foreign company. Urgh.


"An" when used incorrectly. I won't proclaim myself to have never made a mistake, but some people consistently misuse 'a' and 'an'. One fellow I know never ever uses 'a' he always uses 'an' in every situation. I'd rather see it the opposite where "a" was used constantly. I could at least pretend the "n" key was broken or something then.


I must profess my friends and I do use some of the words and phrases in here (including u jelly) but only with each other and in a semi-ironic fashion. We all know they're bad words that we generally wouldn't use which is part of what makes it funny.

Edited by Nolan
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I actually wasn't referring to people in this thread at all but it seemed like a suitable thread to post it in.


I do think people can be far too volatile to people who don't use flawless English, though.


I wasn't referring to anyone in here, either. :)


Oh, I agree. I never actually comment on it unless I know the person can take it and should know better than to make a grammatical mistake around me. :heh:


I mean when they just say "Either or".


"Is the red or blue on better?"

"Either or" (Or some better example).


Oh, okay. My bad. :)


But it doesn't say that. It would make more sense that way if it was the other way around:


"You can't eat your cake and (still) have it."


I honestly don't see the difference. It's a metaphor consisting of two options which are mutually exclusive. Methinks you're just being picky. :heh:




I'm a bit surprised by what words annoy people. I'm rarely if ever bothered by particular words or phrases, whereas bad grammar is what really drives me up the wall. Like chairdriver, I think it's all about who says it and what connotations it holds.


For instance, gangsta speak annoys me when spoken by a gangsta, but that's because I dislike the gangsta culture and mentality. On the other hand, my best friend and I often speak gangsta to each other, but we do it exactly because we know perfectly well how un-gangsta we both are.

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I can't stand people saying 'banter' (I usually imagine some chav or 'hardnut' saying it for some reason) or the word 'epic'.


"Epic" always reminds me of this:



"I turned round and said..." What? Did you actually turn around? I think not.


That could be metaphorical. They could have turned the conversation around. Perhaps.


The only one I can really think of is the phrase "you're listening to Talk Sport radio". Makes me want to Hulk Smash.

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It makes my insides twist up a bit when people use "making love"/"make love"/"made love." It's sex, let's just call it that.


What do you think of it when someone says "I pumped her last night"? That's a rather common expression up these parts. "Shagged" is also quite popular.

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I like hearing all slang/words i'd never use myself. Makes my daily auditory experience more interesting.


I also like the meme culture. It's a huge characteristic of the internet! I has takun over ur interwebz!


But there are a few words that are sheer abominations.


Like snog, totty (too posh), fab (sometimes i say it and instantly hate myself). Basically any of those Bridget Jones type words.


Also, the already mentioned crimbo (can only ever sound remotely good if said by an Aussie), tuneage (anything "age"), and overuse of the words "epic", "evil", "random" and "awkward". Wtf is that about. Especially awkward. As someone who knows the true meaning of awkward well, this is annoying to hear the word of my whole life abused like this!

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Yeah, I don't get awkward turtle. It's like "...what...why..? I. No words." I don't know how to express my feelings about it, or why it annoys me and feels wrong. It feels like people WANT to do it. Or something. I can't comprehend.

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