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Norway Madness


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Again, this just reiterates my extreme belief that the purchase of any weapons shouldn't be allowed by law in any circumstance whatsoever. 86 lives would've been spared in this situation.




Bullshit P1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCXtfR0_roE

Bullshit P2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtqufzEFCzw&feature=related

Bullshit P3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoIKlO20RqM&feature=related[/YOUTUBE]




So, you advocate the banning of:


Plastic Bags

Sports Equipment









Building Equipment





All while leaving powerful, greedy and criminal with all they need?



Lives would have been spared if the Get Them While They're Young Camp had guns themselves.

Edited by Kurtle Squad
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I wonder how many more would have been killed by guns elsewhere though. I wish someone backed up claims like that with stats how many lives have been saved because the victim had a gun. And then put them up against deaths by guns that were purchased, discounting illeagally obtained, police, army and hunting weapons. I hate the argument about guns don't kill, people do. Maybe true, but as this massacre showed us, it gets a hell of a lot easier.


The guns was obtained illeagally anyway. doctors say the ammo was highly advanced and probably is used only by special forces in some countries. Norway has very strict weapon laws, like GB, even normal police can't have guns.


I think it was pointless and needless to attack Norway's democratic system. There's nothing wrong with getting young people involved in politics. The more that are involved in the democratic process, and across ethnic groups, the less nutheads like the ABB we get.

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Yes. This is exactly what he said. :blank:


Yeah; your sarcasm is correct. I missed out the "purchase" part of his point; which would mean that by law one would be able to have a weapon as long as it's not bought. And of course, people don't buy fire. Silly me :rolleyes:

I left out that par because it has an even larger amount of holes in it than the rest of the statement; and which I didn't feel reaslly needed going in to. Either way, it's no wonder the world's such a mess if such beliefs are so awfully thought through.


I wonder how many more would have been killed by guns elsewhere though. I wish someone backed up claims like that with stats how many lives have been saved because the victim had a gun. And then put them up against deaths by guns that were purchased, discounting illeagally obtained, police, army and hunting weapons. I hate the argument about guns don't kill, people do. Maybe true, but as this massacre showed us, it gets a hell of a lot easier.
I wish someone backed up claims like that...





There's nothing wrong with getting young people involved in politics. The more that are involved in the democratic process, and across ethnic groups, the less nutheads like the ABB we get.
I wish someone backed up claims like that...


The fact you felt you had to mention "ethnic groups" really speaks volumes.

Edited by Kurtle Squad
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Bullshit P1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCXtfR0_roE

Bullshit P2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtqufzEFCzw&feature=related

Bullshit P3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoIKlO20RqM&feature=related[/YOUTUBE]




So, you advocate the banning of:


Plastic Bags

Sports Equipment









Building Equipment





All while leaving powerful, greedy and criminal with all they need?



Lives would have been spared if the Get Them While They're Young Camp had guns themselves.


What exactly are you trying to say here? There is no purpose for a gun other than for it to do harm to something/someone, no one is going to fire a plastic bag at someone.

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The guns was obtained illeagally anyway. doctors say the ammo was highly advanced and probably is used only by special forces in some countries. Norway has very strict weapon laws, like GB, even normal police can't have guns.


Unless I've missed something, he obtained the guns legally. He had a Ruger Mini-14 which he obtained with a hunting license and a Glock obtained with a firearms license. I'm not sure where he got the ammo from, but he injected it with Nicotine himself.


Even so, ban the guns and he still could have killed those people. He confessed to going to Prague to buy firearms (and failing) and he also demonstrated skill at bomb-making. He was never going to have any trouble killing a large number of people.

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Yeah; your sarcasm is correct. I missed out the "purchase" part of his point; which would mean that by law one would be able to have a weapon as long as it's not bought. And of course, people don't buy fire. Silly me :rolleyes:

I left out that par because it has an even larger amount of holes in it than the rest of the statement; and which I didn't feel reaslly needed going in to. Either way, it's no wonder the world's such a mess if such beliefs are so awfully thought through.


1. For a good listener, half a word should suffice. In other words, Oxi_Waste was referring to guns and firearms, not anything that could potentially be considered a weapon.


2. Every single one of the items you posted would fail to kill/injure those 90+ people in such a short time. If you need me to back this up, you lack common sense.


3. That said, I do think guns should not be entirely banned, only be reserved for those who pass a thorough psychological test. I suppose this fucker would've passed, but he is in the vast, vast minority.


4. The pro-gun argument you made about how if one of the youngsters had a gun, this could've been avoided... Who would shoot a policeman offering help? Even if he wasn't dressed as such, why would any of those youngsters bring a gun to such an event, even if they had one?


The fact you felt you had to mention "ethnic groups" really speaks volumes.


..."Ethnic groups" are kinda the whole reason the killer made the attacks. I'm not sure I follow what you are saying.

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I won't go into the gun debate (not even sure where I stand on that myself), but I really hate it when people start making the youth camp out to be something bad. Glenn Beck even compared it to Hitler-Jugend, which isn't just completely and wholly inaccurate, but fucking disgusting as well. Youth parties, which are common in Scandinavia, are a great way for young people to get into politics and learn about democracy, and many of them have summer camps. Some people make it out to seem like the youngsters are being brainwashed or something, which is quite frankly ridiculous.

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I won't go into the gun debate (not even sure where I stand on that myself), but I really hate it when people start making the youth camp out to be something bad. Glenn Beck even compared it to Hitler-Jugend, which isn't just completely and wholly inaccurate, but fucking disgusting as well. Youth parties, which are common in Scandinavia, are a great way for young people to get into politics and learn about democracy, and many of them have summer camps. Some people make it out to seem like the youngsters are being brainwashed or something, which is quite frankly ridiculous.


I think you're forgetting that Glenn Beck is a fucking idiot, and you should never, ever take anything he says seriously.

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Morrissey: 'McDonald's, KFC worse than Norway massacre'


Morrissey has suggested that the actions of the fast food industry are worse than the recent massacre in Norway.


The ex-Smiths frontman compared the behaviour of McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken to that of Anders Behring Breivik, who killed at least 76 people in two terrorist attacks at the weekend, The Mirror reports.


Before playing 'Meat Is Murder' at the Stodola Club in Warsaw, Poland, Morrissey said: "We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 dead.


"Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald's and Kentucky Fried S**t every day."


A spokesperson later added: "Morrissey has decided not to comment any further as he believes his statement speaks for itself."


Earlier this year, Belgian festival Lokerse Feesten became a meat-free zone to secure Morissey's appearance.


The singer-songwriter had previously walked off stage because of the smell of cooking meat at the Coachella festival.





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What exactly are you trying to say here? There is no purpose for a gun other than for it to do harm to something/someone, no one is going to fire a plastic bag at someone.


Except target shooting and biathlon. Even then, there's nothing wrong with owning a gun for hunting or for your own defense if you're constantly put int situations where you might need to defend yourself.

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What's he saying exactly?


That the deaths of thousands and thousands of chicken and cows are worse than that of 70 or something humans? I can understand why someone would say that.


Sure, I can, too, but he's saying it with about as much delicacy as a brick to the face. None of the political parties in the Scandinavian countries have had the audacity to attempt to turn this tragedy into a political debate - because they respect those who have been affected by it too much. For instance, you should have seen the shitstorm that hit a Danish lifestyle icon when he suggested that the victims should have tried defending themselves against the killer.


While there are naturally loads of topics that can be discussed in relation to this, there's a time and place for eveything, and right now is a time for mourning, not for provocative statements attempting to stir up a heated debate.

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I won't go into the gun debate (not even sure where I stand on that myself), but I really hate it when people start making the youth camp out to be something bad. Glenn Beck even compared it to Hitler-Jugend, which isn't just completely and wholly inaccurate, but fucking disgusting as well. Youth parties, which are common in Scandinavia, are a great way for young people to get into politics and learn about democracy, and many of them have summer camps. Some people make it out to seem like the youngsters are being brainwashed or something, which is quite frankly ridiculous.


Then why is it specifically a Labour Youth camp?

I don't get how the reinforcement of one way of thinking helps expand the thinking of anyone.

Seems dodgy to me.



Sure, I can, too, but he's saying it with about as much delicacy as a brick to the face. None of the political parties in the Scandinavian countries have had the audacity to attempt to turn this tragedy into a political debate - because they respect those who have been affected by it too much.


They haven't tried making a debate; there have been a few underhanded comments though*.



*No citations; sorry.

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All parties have a youth division. And it's not like they were forced into spesific parties at birth. At one point they chose, be it at 16, 24 or 38 years old. They're not sheep factories, more like a stepping stone for a career in politics. Everyone on the island were already members(I assume, but I would be surprised otherwise) and believed in the party's visions, it's not an recruitment camp and is not the purpose of the youth divions. You sign up if you want to.


Lol at your no citations remark. Weren't you funny with quotes a few posts up?


Kurtle, stop being right wing, and you'd definitely be more likely to pull girls.


Haha ::laughing:

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Kurtle, stop being right wing, and you'd definitely be more likely to pull girls.


I'm not after loose far-left weirdos.

And I'm not right wing; I'm a metronome.

I'm just more vocally anti-far-left/anti-hypocrisy. Anti-right sentiment is overdone as it is, and for some reason, far-left seems to be more socially acceptable.



All parties have a youth division. And it's not like they were forced into spesific parties at birth. At one point they chose, be it at 16, 24 or 38 years old. They're not sheep factories, more like a stepping stone for a career in politics. Everyone on the island were already members(I assume, but I would be surprised otherwise) and believed in the party's visions, it's not an recruitment camp and is not the purpose of the youth divions. You sign up if you want to.


Okay. Then please tell the media to stop refering to members as childeren.



Lol at your no citations remark. Weren't you funny with quotes a few posts up?


No - I was being pedantic.

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Political parties have youth divisions here too. Seems pretty normal to me. It's to get the youth more involved in politics. There's no brainwashing or anything, it's just youth participating, doing something good for their community through the party.

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Political parties have youth divisions here too. Seems pretty normal to me. It's to get the youth more involved in politics. There's no brainwashing or anything, it's just youth participating, doing something good for their community through the party.


Is that why Belgium is at each others throats?:hmm:

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