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Tales of Xillia

Emerald Emblem

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I...don't even..






In other news, I just remembered that I should switch out Jude's Artes. Been fighting with the lower level stuff (Demon Fist, Cerberus Strike, etc) for 25 hours now.

Need to get used to the stronger Artes, but freaking hell they are strong!

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Finished Jude's side today. With 10exp I got lv 99 with all characters for the most by just beating the bosses as I went along with the story. Didn't pick anything in the grade shop that kept the shop levels or gear, and since I didn't fight ordinary enemies for the most part, I couldn't buy anything(aside from exp food) let alone levelling up the shops and had to use the starting gear for the entire game. Even on easy and being at lv 99 the final boss was insanely difficult :p Using the powered up fell arms were the only thing that kept me alive for the last third of the game.


All that is missing is to grind the rare monster trophy. Ended with 62 hours, with Jude's side taking around 7 hours.


@drahkon , I pretty much spammed Milla's wind lance the entire game. Last time I checked I had used it over 8500 times :p

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So I started playing this today. Liking it! What I particularly like is how if you backstep in time to dodge (at least with Jude), you appear behind the enemy. It gives you that cool feeling, like you're some kind of ninja.


Also like the plethora of chests/ pick ups and upgrading the shop. Some nice improvements overall.


Also, 'Jude Mathis'. With a name like that, how could I not pick him?

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So I started playing this today. Liking it! What I particularly like is how if you backstep in time to dodge (at least with Jude), you appear behind the enemy. It gives you that cool feeling, like you're some kind of ninja.

Although that was cool, I prefer the hardcore sidestrafe Asbel did. :( doesn't seem to do it in this game.

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Nabbed the Platinum Trophy last night.





The second playthrough with Milla was stupidly easy. I took over my characters levels (which were 99), my fell arms and all of monster materials. This allowed me to upgrade my armour shops to the max, sell all the rest of the mats I didn't need and nab the best armour I could buy. This gave me level 99 characters with fell arm weapons and great armour right from the start.


I had to grind a few trophies at the end though. Jude's Restore, 400 Auto Items and the Rare Monster ones needed doing, despite going through the game twice.


Bring on the sequel.

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Think I might be burning out on this after not too long. The voice acting is pretty bad (characters sounding either overly enthusiastic or borderline autistic) and the story is a bit crappy. I don't know, while the gameplay might be good and they've brought in some new features, I still think the Tales series can massively improve its presentation on many fronts.

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Yeah exactly! That seems to be every single Tales game these days. There's almost always some scene where your party is exiled and on the run from a country's troops. They've also got one sort of theme/setting (at least in the recent games) running through the games. Maybe I'm just burned out on the series.

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Two/three kingdoms on verge of war.

Mysterious girl.

Crazy girl.

Man with hidden past/reputation known to others but not really to the player (at least for most of the game)

Starts off with mythical monsters but always descends into mechanical robots at the end.


That's not to say that other RPG's aren't as predictable.

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I never got Vesperia since it was on the 360 and went rare. When it went on the marketplace I didn't bother with it.


However...Symphonia was pretty damn rad and is usually considered to be the best one (not just because the gamecube had a game drought...it really was sweet). The story isn't as good as Symphonia (but I'm guessing you don't play these games for story). The characters aren't as cool, but there's some neat stuff like scouring maps for every bit of treasure (of which there is lots), and upgrading the shops. The shop features works such that every town has the same shops and the stuff they sell is dictated by your individual store levels for each one (weapons, armour, etc).


There's also a great deal of frustration negated by the ability to fast travel (just clicking R3) from the very beginning of the game, minimal loading times, a good battle system, sphere grid-like levelling system (which I think is pretty cool), and your subquests are recorded in a menu.


Overall many Tales games are quite similar, so those small features do help. All in all though, I'm finding the story / cutscenes / characters a bit tedious. Probably because I grew up. :p

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I never got Vesperia since it was on the 360 and went rare. When it went on the marketplace I didn't bother with it.


However...Symphonia was pretty damn rad and is usually considered to be the best one (not just because the gamecube had a game drought...it really was sweet). The story isn't as good as Symphonia (but I'm guessing you don't play these games for story). The characters aren't as cool, but there's some neat stuff like scouring maps for every bit of treasure (of which there is lots), and upgrading the shops. The shop features works such that every town has the same shops and the stuff they sell is dictated by your individual store levels for each one (weapons, armour, etc).


There's also a great deal of frustration negated by the ability to fast travel (just clicking R3) from the very beginning of the game, minimal loading times, a good battle system, sphere grid-like levelling system (which I think is pretty cool), and your subquests are recorded in a menu.


Overall many Tales games are quite similar, so those small features do help. All in all though, I'm finding the story / cutscenes / characters a bit tedious. Probably because I grew up. :p


I thought Symphonia was supposed to be the king, too, the only reason I suddenly became interested in Vesperia a year or so ago was because I stumbled upon a Tales thread on Gaf and Vesperia was sort of unanimously the best, apparently. Google ended up agreeing, most results name Vesperia as the best, too, although Symphonia is indeed the second most common. It's weird how Vesperia flew so under the radar considering the JRPG drought this gen. You should give Vesperia a spin, if you find it for cheap, I wouldn't say it's much better than Symphonia but it's at least just as good and imo a tiny little bit better.


But they're so "samey" that I'm slightly reticent to pick Xillia up. Maybe in a year or so... I still have Ni No Kuni to look forward to in the meantime...


And yeah, the stories are always kind of just there, I get your frustration with the game perfectly, lol...

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Probably hype of the time (best games ever lists always seem to feature a lot of modern games). Not that I bear it much mind, but gauging critic opinion Symphonia has 86%, Vesperia 79%. To be honest I don't think that many people got Vesperia relative to Symphonia outside of Japan because it was on the wrong console for the audience. Might get it one day.


By the way did you ever get Lost Odyssey on 360? Loved that game.

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I was bored out of my mind with this after an hour. Don't even feel like continuing. What happened to me? I used to love these games so much. Pretty sure there are posts of me getting super excited for Xillia in this same thread.

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I was bored out of my mind with this after an hour. Don't even feel like continuing. What happened to me? I used to love these games so much. Pretty sure there are posts of me getting super excited for Xillia in this same thread.


I don't think it's entirely your fault...they're too conservative with this series and I don't think they put much effort into the story/characters in this game.

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I think I found your Floodmeadow Gentlemen. Had some awesome experience going but thought I'd get cocky with "one last fight" and got killed. So I left it and went to the Hollow as I was supposed to. But now that's done I'm gonna go back. Before I start the beatdown I thought I'd run through the place just to see what was on the other side, found the badass wandtail kitty who handed my arse to me (dynamite quick save there) and found myself in Nia Khera. On my way out of the inn I get Milla saying "I don't recognise any of the landmarks here, are we lost?" WE'RE IN THE FUCKING PLACE YOU GREW UP.

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