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Wii U secondary display: GO!


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We've seen the tech demo's from Nintendo hinting at what 'that' controller can do and as gamers we're primarily leaning into the controller screen being used as a visual, always accessible inventory.

It makes sense. Not only does this feature fit into most (if not all) genres and existing games, it also frees up the primary screen allowing those HD graphics to fill the screen in all their glory.




It's the Nintendo difference that will hopefully excite and engage old and new consumers. So what would you like the controller to be used for?



Here are some of my ideas:


Virtual worlds in the controller screen, where gyro controls can be used. The inventory would be on the TV and the game world in 360 degrees on the Wii U screen. This could make a great horror or on-rails shooter game meaning you would have to turn around or 'look' to see the world around you.


The ability to hold the controller at the screen to 'see' things. This would be good for items in a puzzle game like the eye of truth in Zelda or allowing extra accuracy when firing a weapon. Short bursts would be needed though to combat arm fatigue.


When Nintendo showed that you could draw items onto the TV from the controller this made me think of games with drawing involved. Something like Pictionary could be cool but it's top tier titles from the DS that appeal here. Professor Layton, Elite Beat Agents, Nintendogs or a more advanced Art Academy? This would give the casual games out there a shot in the arm and a wider audience.


In-game video/voice chat out of the box. All online-enabled games should have this feature as all Wii U players will own a video/audio device. How about the screen shows 8 player video streams and you can tap which one's you want to hear?

The controller should enable all gamers to communicate like never before.


These are some of the things that excite me about the new controller and how that secondary display could be used.



Any further ideas? Thoughts as ever. : peace:

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I am hoping for a return of simulations. Usually they require lots of buttons for all the specific things and the touchscreen should be able to provide them.


If the camera in the controller could do headtracking it would also be possible to look around the game world for instance in racing games - looking into the side-mirror by turning the head would be nice and have the touchscreen as a dashboard or whatever.

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The ability to hold the controller at the screen to 'see' things. This would be good for items in a puzzle game like the eye of truth in Zelda or allowing extra accuracy when firing a weapon. Short bursts would be needed though to combat arm fatigue.


I also thought of this, only I applied it to Samus's visor system.


  • With racing games, using some part of the screen to see what's going on behind you, and other parts for communicating, numbers, etc..
  • I'm hoping NINTENDO will take Little King's Story's formations a step further with Pikmin. By this I mean that you can draw on the tablet the formations in which the Pikmin should follow you.
  • The uPad could give you another perspective. Just thought of you being able to see what Lakitu is filming during Mario Kart, but we wouldn't want Lakitu in the skies anymore! COME AND JOIN THE FUN!!!!!
  • This screen could also do wonders for the Mario&Luigi series; having them hop from one screen to another or what have you...
  • I would be most pleased if you could put the uPad close to yourself in order to see a top-down view of the online playing field with all the stats and such, whilst kicking ass with the Wii-mote. I'm hoping this will become optional, because going back from 'motion-pointing' to 2 analogue sticks just doesn't feel right to me.
  • This thing will probably generate a lot of coins for Warioware Inc.


After playing Smash Bros. this afternoon with Captain Falcon and Dud it suddenly hit me: Super Smash Brothers in HD, with so much more everything and even more innovation on top of that. AND NOT ONLY THAT, but we'll probably get something veeerrryy interesting on the 3DS. I've got my fingers crossed for an RPG kind of story mode to complement some other mode, BUT DAMN! I'm longing for cross-overs in other genres!


I serisouly hope the economic system hasn't collapsed by then, because I want to play that game.


Still, tough times ahead makes me a saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad panda :(

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Is this thread pretty much this thread:




I only mention this as I can't be bothered typing stuff up again as I'm using my phone to post. lol


Nice find! There are some really good ideas on there too.

It seems though - from the general interest in the controller at least, that people don't seem particularly interested in what this new controller can do?


It is generally 'too' quiet on the Wii U front. Did Nintendo unveil it too early without any real games to discuss or are gamers just jaded at the moment?


I'm genuinely intrigued by the controller yet feel that with the HD ports incoming the machine may not appeal to the 'hardcore' crowd as much as Nintendo hope. I think they will have one eye on the next 360/PS3 and will be quite happy with their current purchases. (Especially if they have a library of software already built up, have invested into an online account or have bought the numerous peripherals for their respective console). There is also the question of 'will Nintendo better the online setups that exist already?'


Testing times for the big N who may or may not be able to rely on their own core sect of gamers for sales as big as other 'core' machines. The balance will need to be better than it was on Wii - which may mean Nintendo mimic their Wii releases (casual/core) whilst third parties hammer home with more core games. Ideal? Perhaps so.



Hopefully the likes of Wii Fit/Just Dance see HD releases on Wii U alongside the core gamer genres to appeal and attract casual gamers once again. (And with Wii remotes supported again this may drive folk to update.)

Edited by tapedeck
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[*]I would be most pleased if you could put the uPad close to yourself in order to see a top-down view of the online playing field with all the stats and such, whilst kicking ass with the Wii-mote. I'm hoping this will become optional, because going back from 'motion-pointing' to 2 analogue sticks just doesn't feel right to me.




Going back to the dual-analogue is something that would make me consider buying the system!

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  • 1 month later...

I was just reading about Killer Freaks and had an idea. You're creeping around the streets, it's nice and quiet and you start to hear some rustling and growling.


Suddenly on your Umote display a new point of view pops up, showing you in the center of the screen. Hang on? Who's watching me? Oh that's right... it's POV of the monster that's waiting to jump you but you only get a second before he snarls and your little clue gets it's feed cut.


How would that be for a suspense builder?

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I'm very interested in the screen on the controller - the majority of games should utilise it properly (rather than just streaming like NSMBM).


Anything that requires pausing the gameplay could be transferred to the controller:


- Inventory screens

- Map screens

- Hacking mini-games. Using the screen to solve a hacking puzzle while also in a firefight would be immense.

- Other gadgets and stuff (and in-game computers) can work really well on the screen.

- Formations/substitutions in sports games can be done on-the-fly.

- Call of Duty Killstreaks and related stuff could be done on the screen do you can still see your player.

- Puzzles that require drawing.


Other uses is to clear the main screen.


- RPGs and RTS games like Final Fantasy and Advance Wars: All the stats and controls can be on the controller. The TV screen would be for showing glorious battles with no HUD or anything.

- Online player lists in online games, perhaps with communication features.


And alternate views:

- Sniper rifles. So you can see up ahead and up close.

- Rear-view/TV-view camera in racing games.

- All the complex car stuff in racing simulations.

- Lens of Truth-type things (Think Super Paper Mario and The Conduit) and scanners (Metroid Prime) can work without interrupting gameplay.

- Your hand/chips in card/poker games. You can place a bet by throwing the chips off the screen and onto the TV (this would be especially awesome if they could get local multiplayer working).

Edit: I suppose this could always be done via pass-and-play.

- Picture-in-picture cut-scenes could be moved to the controller.


Another thing could be for extra controls/special moves and stuff. A flight/train/tank/unicorn/whatever simulator could have all the complex controls on the screen.

Edited by Cube
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Looking at the stack of games I have in the old backlog, I had a thought: wouldn't it be good on the Wii U to be able to play stuff like Muramasa and Wario Land as handheld games. Stick the disc in the Wii U, stream the game to the controller, kick back and enjoy.


If Sam & Max and Secret Files could be streamed and played as touch screen games instead of pointer it could be a fun way to get through some older games, no?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Maybe it's because I've been talking to td.... but I've got thinking about this again.


Let's watch that Street Demo Video again shall we?



Now imagine that you are playing a game in which you get to move around, possibly Animal Crossing. There's not a whole bunch of action going on but you really want to look around the place. Just as in Phantom Hourglass you use the touchscreen to make a path, allowing you to move around the environment. Whilst walking around you can look around properly by panning around with the Umote to say hi to KK Slider or look for bugs.


Frankly I just want someone to stick the Street Demo camera control onto a game that is a combat sim-type game. Like Road Rash, but on a Motorbike, with an Uzi that you can aim behind or to the side of you by looking. Or possibly a Bi-plane dogfighting type game where you have to look around to find out where the enemy is.

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