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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2


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Part of the problem Dazz. Part of the problem.


I'll be seeing it in 2D in the cinemas as well, lmao. I'll probably do what I did with James Cameron's Avatar and watch it twice in a row, lol. I could watch it once in 2D and once in 3D.



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I'll watch this film (in 2D) but I doubt I'll enjoy it. I'm too much of a fan of the books to let myself enjoy the films. It pisses me off that they'll cut significant things from the books but then stick in other things that didn't even happen (example from the trailer where Harry says to Voldemort 'let's finish this the way we started it - together" then they fall over a ledge - wtf is that shit? Fuck off plz).


Yes the film is obviously going to differ from the books but I don't have to enjoy it :p


There are some things the films do really well (trying to make this balanced so we don't end up with a debate over films vs books) but I just can't let myself get past the changes.


I won't go into the book vs. film debate, but I'll never get why people can't enjoy the films because they differ from the books.


I'm pretty sure Rowling has signed away an awful lot of the Potter universe to other companies, especially for merchandise - it may be they're allowed to do what they want with regards to films.


Right, what I meant was there won't be any more officially Rowling-approved films. Unless she chooses to approve films she hasn't written, but I doubt that.

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With how much control Rowling has had in the Films, I very much doubt she's signed off all control of what happens with the franchise. Anyway, no way they'd make any more films without her consent, the fans wouldn't have it.

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I've never seen a Harry Potter movie before (or read any of the books) will I be able to enjoy this?


Probably not, though I can't be sure. Well, you could probably enjoy the film, but much of it won't make sense. It'd be like watching Return Of The Jedi without ever having heard of the Star Wars universe before, only probably more complicated.

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AMAZING! It was absolutely amazing! Epic in the most literal sense of the word! A brilliant adaption! :D


YOU'VE SEEN IT?! 2D or 3D? What was the acting like? How long's the battle? Tell me everything! I need to see this movie right this second! :cry:


It's good to know it's amazing though :)

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YOU'VE SEEN IT?! 2D or 3D? What was the acting like? How long's the battle? Tell me everything! I need to see this movie right this second! :cry:


It's good to know it's amazing though :)


2D. The acting was great, and it's filled with action. The battle takes up a good chunk of the film, and the build-up is absolutely epic - like, goosebumps-inducingly epic! :o Epic is actually the best word to describe the entire film with. And dramatic; the tone is really dark, without a doubt the darkest of all the films.


I know you'll love it, Dazz! :D Even the more critical people seem to agree it's great - "Better than the book!" a Danish reviewer wrote.

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If it's referring to the much-debated epilogue, I'd say it works a lot better in the film than in the book as it doesn't feel as mushy and fanfic-y, which is what the haters disliked.


I won't read the spoiler but I meant the battle between Harry and Voldemort. Just say yes or no or the same with the battle! I just need to know, haha.

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I won't read the spoiler but I meant the battle between Harry and Voldemort. Just say yes or no or the same with the battle! I just need to know, haha.


There's nothing really spoilery about it if you've read the book. :heh:


Hmmm, the battle between Harry and Voldemort ... yes, I'd actually say it's more epic than in the book. ;) Like the rest of the battle! :D Big battles are just made for the film medium. :)

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There's no 'try' for me. I WILL see this tomorrow either with or without someone! I've been waiting too long! :D


Molly Weasley vs. Bellatrix Lestrange. I mean, I do love Bellatrix as a villain but Molly just earns kick-ass points for that part. I also want to play the game because you can actually play as Molly Weasley, I expect that'd be fun, haha.


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Well I'm seeing this tomorrow as well. Sadly I had to go for 3D - when I bought the tickets I asked what 2D showings there were and the guy basically said 'they're in the small screens'. The small screens in that cinema are literally shit and genuinely ruin the enjoyment of a film for me, so I had to go for 3D.


I don't mind 3D apart from when it genuinely ruins a film. I know a lot of people (like Rez) will say it ALWAYS ruins a film, but films like Thor it was just there, it didn't ruin the film for me but didn't add anything either. The one film I've seen that was genuinely ruined by 3D is Pirates 4 as it was so fucking dark anyway, and then they basically gave you sunglasses. I was actually excited when it turned into daytime in that film as it meant I could see.


Hopefully that won't be the case in this one. I've also read a few things that say the 3D is okay, so as long as the film is still watchable I don't mind.


Getting quite excited about it though, I've only heard good things :-)

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