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The new anime and manga thread! [Use Spoiler Tags!]


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No Dragon Box movies, just yet another re-release of the series. :rolleyes:




In the past Funimation releases 9 DBZ sets that were of a poor quality but were still cheap and convient to buy and ultimately sold well. Then around 2008/2009 as the last season set was coming out they announced the Dragon Boxes which were of a much better quality. Now just as the last Dragon Box is due for realease soon they decide to remaster the whole series again in Blu - Ray and with less episodes in the set so that they can make more money. (sigh)


I've pretty much given up on collecting remasterred DBZ sets now. Once all of the Kai volumes and the Movie box comes out thats it.

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In the past Funimation releases 9 DBZ sets that were of a poor quality but were still cheap and convient to buy and ultimately sold well. Then around 2008/2009 as the last season set was coming out they announced the Dragon Boxes which were of a much better quality. Now just as the last Dragon Box is due for realease soon they decide to remaster the whole series again in Blu - Ray and with less episodes in the set so that they can make more money. (sigh)


I've pretty much given up on collecting remasterred DBZ sets now. Once all of the Kai volumes and the Movie box comes out thats it.


Yeah, I started buying the Ultimate Uncut editions, bought one and the series got cancelled.


Bought a couple of the "Orange Brick" sets and then they announced the Dragon Boxes, glad I only bought 2 of those sets.


Picked up 2 or 3 of the Dragon Ball season sets (Blue Bricks) but decided to wait for the Dragon Box version.


Also bought a few of the movie double features, but waiting for the Dragon Box movies of those now which they said they had.


Oh well, once the Dragon Box sets are out I won't need to buy any more sets.

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The new Naruto manga chapter is fantastic! It's about time too as the recent chapters have been boring as hell.


It's great seeing Itachi fighting again although I don't understand why he can hold his own against a 9 tailed Naruto. Maybe Naruto is holding back a little so he can get some answers. I'm glad we are finally getting to see what the crow was all about. It's been AGES since that was given to Naruto. Many are spectulating that it's a defense much like Sasuke had when Madara was telling him about Itachi.



I can't wait for next weeks offering.

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The new Naruto manga chapter is fantastic! It's about time too as the recent chapters have been boring as hell.


It's great seeing Itachi fighting again although I don't understand why he can hold his own against a 9 tailed Naruto. Maybe Naruto is holding back a little so he can get some answers. I'm glad we are finally getting to see what the crow was all about. It's been AGES since that was given to Naruto. Many are spectulating that it's a defense much like Sasuke had when Madara was telling him about Itachi.



I can't wait for next weeks offering.


I can't wait either :)


Itachi is definitely the best character imo so it is great to see him back in action. He never fought all out against anyone and was supposed to be pretty much unbeatable, so I'm not surprised Itachi is doing well. In fact Naruto and Bee need all the help they can get, since Itachi and Pain are telling them what to look out for and how to survive.


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Woo the new chapter is out! http://mangastream.com/read/naruto/65686308/1


Itachi beasting, that would have sorted everything out if it had hit Sasuke. The manga is getting great again



Agreed. This whole arc has been on a downer for a while but now it's just skyrocketed.


Seeing Itachi in action again has been great and the fact that he broke away from Kabuto was even better.


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So I finished watching Puella Magi: Madoka Magica last night...really not what I was expecting tbh. Was thinking I was gonna get a happy little magical girl anime and I ended up getting a strangely deep drama where they killed off a main character three episodes in. Then the rest of them started dropping around episode seven, really not what i was expecting.

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Are you talking about the anime or the manga? I thought Bleach manga 459 was awesome.

It is good, I just think so little happens between each one at the moment.


EDIT: Having just read 459, I take it back. Took me a while to realise the last bit with the stabbing but niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :p

Edited by Ellmeister
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Properly started getting into the subbed version of Pokemon Best Wishes now. Out of all of the other Pokemon seasons it's by far my favorite. It seems to be more truthful to the videogame. One of the best things I like about the series is Team Rocket. They no longer seem like over the top idiots that have no idea what they are doing, but serious and talented Criminals,and they actualy do a much better Job when they don't constantly go after Pikachu. :)

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Over the last 4 or 5 days I've read and caught up to the latest release of Vagabond.


I've really enjoyed it so far and highly recommend it to anyone who likes a story based around Samurai. 300 chapters in a few days really shows how much I've enjoyed it!


Can't wait for the next chapter!

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Pet peeve though: when mangas have "two full colour pages!", and those two pages are 90% white clouds and black clothes.

As someone who doesn't read manga, I find the fact that having two full-color pages is considered something worth bragging about hilarious. :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another good Naruto chapter this week.


It's about time someone put Naruto in his place, he was becoming far too arrrogant with his new abilities. I can't wait for Itachi to face off against Kabuto. I wonder if Oro will make a full come back through Kabuto's body?


I had a laughing fit near the end where the alliance was tring to take out the clam. Fantastic. :D




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  • 1 month later...

Spent the last few days watching all of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.


Bloody brilliant as expected. I loved the first anime show but never read the manga. I'd heard the manga was very different from the first anime but I never anticipated just how different it actually was.


First 14eps it was of course very similar to the first anime but there were small differences it felt like, I was starting to think I knew what was coming, then from ep15 onwards it was totally different.


Loved watching Brotherhood, don't know if I could say it was better than FMA or if FMA was better than FMAB. I guess it's kinda like trying to compare Ocarina or Time and Majoras Mask, their both just too good in their own ways.


Though there are some differences where I find I prefered the FMA version over the FMAB and vice versa.


For example I think the reasons for the creations of the Humculi was better in FMA, which of course lead to a difference in some Humculi such as Wrath, Sloth and Envy.


But I loved how the Greed character evolved and changed in FMAB and I think I prefered Gluttony in FMAB over FMA, and actually felt sorry for him in the end, Greed too.


The revelation of the identity of Pride in FMAB was really shocking too, massive surprise.


I think I prefered how FMA linked Amestris to our own real world and was actually expecting something similar to still happen in FMAB but it didn't. Which I found weird as I thought that things like the similar year/dates and use of terms like the "Fuhrer" were there to hint towards that link. So I wonder why they were used in the manga in the first place?


But FMAB showed a whole lot more of Ed's world and different countries outside of Amestris, don't think there was any or much mention of other countries in FMA.


Ending wise but were awesome, FMAB certainly had the more happier ending of the two but I did find FMA's ending very fitting and when you include the film "Conqurer of Shambala" into it it becomes a slightly happier ending overall.


How Ed got Al's body back in FMAB was pretty cool, giving up his own Gate. I always wondered why when he went back to the gate after escaping from Gluttony there were two gates.


And the reaction from God/Truth was pretty cool too.


But FMA's version was also great with Ed giving up pretty much everything so that Al could live on.


Also it was odd how Ed in FMAB managed to refrain from ever killing anyone, always showing some mercy. Even when dealling with Homuculi, especially Pride. Where as in FMA Ed learned that sometimes you just have to take a life and personally killed some of the Homuculi.





FMAB's build up to its conclusion probably felt a bit more epic too what with it being 64 eps long versus FMA's 51 eps and it felt like ep 50 I think in FMAB things were near the end. Though this may have been articfically been created in my mind as I mistakenly thought FMAB had only 52 eps, haha. But the last 12 eps took place all in the same day in the narrative which was weird. So it starts on ep 51 or 52 "Today is the Day of Reckoning" or whatever so you think, damn shows almost over... but it (thankfully :D) keeps going, haha.


After going through all of Brotherhood in the last 4 days I'm fully in an FMA loving mood again, haha. Might dig up my collection of the first FMA anime and rewatch that soon.

And it's even rekindled my desire to want a tattoo of a Transmutation circle again... though I never could settle on one design for one :heh:


And I still have the film "The Sacred Star of Milos" to look forward too. Anyone have any idea when that is expected to get a DVD/BluRay release over here?

Edited by Mokong
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