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(sorry for long thread. I have words I need to let out.)


I embrace anything you have to say.


Well some people think I'm a happy, bubbly, sunny guy, considered even the younger brother of the group. Other's think I'm a blunt, cold, robotic mass.


But I'm sure other people would come up with different things.


I think you're the guy at my funeral sniggering in the back row.


That's generally how I feel.


I hate even having a trace.


I can't have Facebook for a similar reason.


Or Tweet.


Especially because they involve "real" friends.


Why don't you create a facebook account and just add NE people. Or a fake one, with like...a Malaysian person's face. I created a great alter ego on FB. It is nice to impersonate people with severe lack of grasp on reality.


One of my favourite images ever. I love how his facial expression could be from an early 00s pop single cover, like Britney Spears trying to be sexy / Victoria Beckham trying to pull of future:scifichic, vacant stare. Yes. Yessaid.




If I ever think of anything and I am with people, (friends, or in a social environment) then I would say that I come out with it 95% of the time. The other 5% is probably a racist/sexist/paedophile joke that is pushing it too far (intended to be funny still obviously, I'm not actually racist or sexist in real life) and so I just refrain from saying it.

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One of my favourite images ever. I love how his facial expression could be from an early 00s pop single cover, like Britney Spears trying to be sexy / Victoria Beckham trying to pull of future:scifichic, vacant stare. Yes. Yessaid.


Don't give him ideas!!!! :o

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Why don't you create a facebook account and just add NE people. Or a fake one, with like...a Malaysian person's face. I created a great alter ego on FB. It is nice to impersonate people with severe lack of grasp on reality.


That could be fun.


Although the time spent should be used for work really...


I dunno.


I hate thinking about this sort stuff.


Leave me alone (lol).

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I lol'ed at "I'm not actually racist or sexist in real life", implications being that you're a paedophile.


That's a given though.


I'm not 100% what this thread is all about to be honest, what you are notable for looks like it might be it though, so I'm that weirdo in the wheelchair, as that's how most people see me.

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I often get the whole write a lot of stuff and then delete it all because I've lost my own point/people won't care what I have to say. :)


Coolness, I would want to hear/read/see anything that leaves your physical body. And I think I speak for basically everyone here when I say that.

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What are you trying to say here? Because if you were trying to insult me, surely "Strikes you as an idiot" would have been the way to go?

No the way he phrased it just seemed like a euphemism for idiot. And yeah I wrote that and thought 'wait, what'. Was gon' change but it's been picked up on now and belongs to the irretrievable past.

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Sometimes I wish that I might one day be big and notable for something cool and awesome.


But then sometimes I realise that maybe I don't need to leave a mark, and that I already am.


I'm notable to all you guys, aren't I? I know there's people here that I hope/don't think I'll ever forget, and sometimes...isn't that enough?

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and belongs to the irretrievable past.


{ This is my favourite concept btw. It's the reason I can't go back when I'm skipping through my iTunes on shuffle really quickly, even if I liked the song I just passed - I hate knowing what is to come and would rather just stop trying to mess with what is now and always be in the past. }


*walks back out of the thread*

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My legacy seems to be that of shirtless Facebook pics. In the last week or so I've had 3 people (that I hadn't seen for a while) comment on my regular lack of clothing.


Apart from that I'm not entirely bothered about a large, lasting legacy. As long as theres a few people who's lives I've touched (a best friend, a wife, a child) I'll feel its been successful. As far as ego goes, as a Physicis student I'd quite like for there to be some law/quantity/theory named after me, but I very much doubt I'll ever make a particularly lasting contribution given how competitive the field is. Plus I'm not even sure research is something I want to pursue...

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I think I've got a reputation as "most likely to be a producer" in the studio as I'm the fucker that organises everything. Pretty much fine with me, producers tend to be the top of the rung even if everyone hates them.

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