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Football Season 2011/2012


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Brendan Rodgers? Eh, pass. Get rid of Kenny Dalglish to bring in a manager who's had one season in the PL? No thanks! Where's the experience? I think this will end badly. Benitez would have been alot better. Been there, done that. Knows the players, knows the ropes. Alot safer pair of hands. Well I've a feeling there'll be a vacancy next summer and he'll get the job then, if not sooner. I could be wrong. :shakehead

Edited by Wii
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There is just no point taking him really. Who is he going to play ahead of? I can't forsee him starting or any situations where we would need him to come off the bench to change the game. He probably won't even make the bench, well he shouldn't make the bench. Might aswell have took another striker.


Free holiday for the lad and some good experience being with the team at tournament I guess.

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I actually hope Henderson gets a chance at Euro 2012 at some point and makes everyone eat their words.. and also that Brendan Rodgers plays him centrally for Liverpool, with Lucas, where he'll probably be better suited than being shoved out on the right and allow the rest of the midfield to join the attack :smile:

Edited by nekunando
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People are moaning, yet I haven't seen someone come up with one player who is better in his position.


That's a sad state of affairs if one of England's best midfielders is a youth player who a pretty poor start to his Liverpool career.


I would personally take Carrick over him although I know Carrick doesn't want to be a bit-part player.


Paul Scholes? (retired from International)

Jack Wilshere (injured)

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Exactly. So why are people bashing Henderson? He's never going to say no.


People should be bashing Carrick for not wanting to play. It should be an honour to even be called into the squad regardless of whether you play or not.


I think people are bashing Henderson because he's nowhere near good enough to be in the England squad but because of injuries and players not wanting to play they have no other choice.


Personally, I'm delighted that you have Henderson and Lennon in the squad. That's a dangerous midfield you have right there. :laughing:

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Righty it is June 1st and a week till Euro 2012 kicks off.


I am finally opening the Euro 2012 board I have set up like we've had in previous Euro and World Cup tournaments


You'll find it here



I've just copied over the recent England team talk into the England Team thread in that board and I also copied the Racism in Poland/Ukraine football into it's own theard.


Please take time to read the boards "Welcome thread" too.


As with previous tournaments only mods/admins will be able to create new threads to avoid duplicates during the tournament please use the welcome thread to suggest new thread you feel should be created.


This thread will remain open for club transfer discussion and non-Euro football talk.

But I suspect we'll start a new Season 2012/2013 thread after Euro 2012 once next seasons fixtures are announced

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I watched the press conference this morning and was very impressed by the way Brendan Rodgers spoke and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens over the next few months :hehe:


It also took me a little by surprise on LFC.tv that they spoke to Arthur McClean over the phone, a man I know from my days of playing at Star United U14 and U16, where Brendan Rodgers used to play.. I thought that was pretty cool :heh:

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It's a covering thought that Liverpool players make up more of the England squad than just about any other team. Especially when you consider Johnson aside, the rest were well below average.

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Yes. Because Gerrard is below average.


Read the post again, i was referring to their season not their potential or past ability. If you think Gerrard gad a good season, you're seriously deluded.

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So it is official @Wii is a liverpool supporter. I should have known.


Also, with Henderson's addition to the squad, Liverpool are now the most represented premier league team in the England squad. We.Are.Fucked.


How can a team that has had such a poor season be consisting the most of teh England squad?!


I said it before, as an ex-Liverpool manager it does look a bit biased!

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He had an average season. Nowhere near his best, ofcourse. He's still miles better than any other English midfielder.


Absolutely although he's never been able to replicate his club form for country. That's not exclusive to Gerrard, seems to be a lot of players who can't do it for England like they do for their club.

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So it is official @Wii is a liverpool supporter. I should have known.


Also, with Henderson's addition to the squad, Liverpool are now the most represented premier league team in the England squad. We.Are.Fucked.


How can a team that has had such a poor season be consisting the most of teh England squad?!


I said it before, as an ex-Liverpool manager it does look a bit biased!


Because we have no players better than them. Other than Adam Johnson, who is better than Downing.


Shut up you pansy. :p

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