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I remember seeing DateaGamer somewhere and instantly I fell back into the "dating websites are for losers" mentality (despite being on one myself). Something about a dating site specifically for gamers just seems sad. I don't know why, it's a modern world and all that, but I just can't get past that image.


That said, in the world of awkward nerdlingers, the socially average guy is king.

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I remember seeing DateaGamer somewhere and instantly I fell back into the "dating websites are for losers" mentality (despite being on one myself). Something about a dating site specifically for gamers just seems sad. I don't know why, it's a modern world and all that, but I just can't get past that image.


That said, in the world of awkward nerdlingers, the socially average guy is king.


To me, it sounds totally the opposite! The problem with normal dating sites is that a lot of the women seem pretty snooty to me. "Gaming" is not something these women mention as their interests, or if they do, it's in the "I dislike" section. Not exactly very encouraging...Also, many of the profiles are "ok", but they really lack any sort of special interest factor. Yeah, you like this and that, but can you ever understand that I like gaming a lot? That sometimes, when a really good game come out, I like to spend hours and hours exploring it? Are you ok with that? Also, do we have any special common interest that we can naturally talk about for hours? If not, what's the point?


So yeah, to me a service like that sounds just perfect. I mean, I've been checking out normal dating sites, and it's mostly just blah. Where are all the funny and intelligent gamer chicks? I know they exist, so stop hiding, goddamnit : D

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Yeah I know, it's all good really. I just can't get past the stereotypes. At least from the male side of things, I imagine the girl side of things are more like "I played Zelda once, I'm a gamer lol" etc.


I dunno, may have a look. Like you say, at least the girls would be less judgmental. I'm not really a proper gamer anymore though.

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The fact you're making the effort is a great start. You don't need to drink you just need to join in!


I want to join a new sport when I have enough time, I don't exactly need new friends but it'd be nice to have some sporty friends in my home area. Anyone recommend some social sports easy enough to pick up?


Try squash! It is fantastic exercise and great fun. There are loads of squash social clubs too.

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Try squash! It is fantastic exercise and great fun. There are loads of squash social clubs too.


Squash is great if you can find a club. The only one I could find (and contact) required me to play on a Tuesday and I'd get home after 11PM (after having no food since lunch).

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Well I signed up...doubt anything will come of it as my disdain for dating sites still exists, but meh...I'm not getting any younger...will be getting my pension soon enough


Fucking hell, Serebii. If you don't cheer the hell up soon, I'll sleep with you.


I'll take give one for the team. Somebody has to do it.

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I dunno, may have a look. Like you say, at least the girls would be less judgmental. I'm not really a proper gamer anymore though.


Yeah, I don't play games nearly as much as I used to either, but I'd still say it's a big part of "me". I still enjoy playing games, and when an especially good one comes along, I have no trouble sinking a lot of time to it. In a way, it's a lot like playing a musical instrument or physical exercise in terms of focus: you nail your attention on a certain single goal, and then just keep at it until you get the desired results.


So yeah, I'd definitely want to find someone who understands and accepts this side of me. Should they play games themself...even better! ; D


Well, just like a friend of mine, who plays Diablo 3 together with his gf...nice!

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I dunno why it would matter if your girlfriend likes games or not. I've never had a relationship get in the way of my gaming time. I have loads of time left over, and I'm not some sort of obsessed maniac that has to play a game as soon as it comes out even though my partner wants to go out to dinner or something. I don't understand the problem.

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I dunno why it would matter if your girlfriend likes games or not. I've never had a relationship get in the way of my gaming time. I have loads of time left over, and I'm not some sort of obsessed maniac that has to play a game as soon as it comes out even though my partner wants to go out to dinner or something. I don't understand the problem.

For me, a girl has to like games else they won't accept my hobby.

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Why? I've yet to play a game with or around my girlfriend, and I've been gaming more recently than I have in the last year or two. You don't have to talk to them about it.


"Dear girlfriend, I have some hobbies...that I just do not want to talk about. EVER. Hope you understand, kthxbai ^^




And btw, did I mention that you cannot ever visit my flat? Because, you know, stuff."

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I'm with Diageo, I don't spend every single waking minute with my girlfriend so I have my own time to chill and play games when I want.


If you obviously can't do what you want, you're so under the thumb it is unbelievable.


Also, I see @Serebii in the near future breaking down after failing with online dating and begging for Flinky, just like he's broken down on the online dating. It is just a matter of time.

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Well I'll talk to her about it if she wants, but she obviously doesn't really. There's plenty of hobbies we both have that we don't have extensive conversations about. I don't talk to her about programming and website creation because she wouldn't be interested. And she doesn't talk to me about her make up, shoe shopping and whatever else the fuck she likes because I don't care either. I don't hide my games from her. But it doesn't get in the way.



AH! Why can't I thank this post? I haven't used my thanks in months...

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Yeah yeah, that's definitely the main motivation for anyone to find a gf, to play games 24/7 xD "Oh dear, you are so beautiful, fancy a round of...Soul Calibur?"


The point I was trying to make is that when browsing for example dating sites, some women make it rather clear that they don't like guys who play games at all. Because, you know, it's such a wussy thing to do. Also, you don't really see "gaming" listed as a hobby either. This makes me wonder...how many women really think gaming is "unmanly" and whatever bullshit? I mean, it's a hobby just like reading books, watching movies, listening to movies etc, and also globally on the rise, so it's rather perplexing to read these kinds of statements. Also, the responses in this thread pretty much indicate that people are somewhat ashamed of being a "gamer". Why is there such a stigma? It's fucking stupid.

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For me it'd be a matter of sharing interests (to a degree, of course). I'd quickly tire of a relationship where we didn't have a lot of common interests to talk about and engross ourselves in together.


Yeah yeah, that's definitely the main motivation for anyone to find a gf, to play games 24/7 xD "Oh dear, you are so beautiful, fancy a round of...Soul Calibur?"


The point I was trying to make is that when browsing for example dating sites, some women make it rather clear that they don't like guys who play games at all. Because, you know, it's such a wussy thing to do. Also, you don't really see "gaming" listed as a hobby either. This makes me wonder...how many women really think gaming is "unmanly" and whatever bullshit? I mean, it's a hobby just like reading books, watching movies, listening to movies etc, and also globally on the rise, so it's rather perplexing to read these kinds of statements. Also, the responses in this thread pretty much indicate that people are somewhat ashamed of being a "gamer". Why is there such a stigma? It's fucking stupid.


Is there really such a stigma? I can't say I've really noticed it. In fact I see more and more people recognise the benefits of gaming.


Could be I simply stick to my own circles. :heh:

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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For me it'd be a matter of sharing interests (to a degree, of course). I'd quickly tire of a relationship where we didn't have a lot of common interests to talk about and engross ourselves in together.


Exactly, there is nothing wrong in looking for someone with similar interests to your own.

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