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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Thanks for the words of encouragement guys... I think. :indeed:


Anyway best to not be too hasty as I think I most likely have just misread things somewhat...


It appears that she's already in a relationship so I'm just going to put all this down to me having practically zero social skills - really I feel socially inept at times :heh: - so it would seem that she's just being nice probably even though I thought there was something there which might be the case but I'm not about to attempt to do anything that would jeopardise someone's existing relationship as that's not me at all. :shakehead


However the positive side of this is that now that I've let someone from work in this could actually be good for improving my social situation at least or to put it another way... a lack of a conventional social life. :heh:


So I'm still going to go along for a few drinks because I've still been invited after all which I'm really pleased about :) and I'm actually kind of starting to look forward to which is odd for me but I think this could be a step in the right direction by instead embracing having a work/social life integration that a lot of people seem to have but take for granted.


We'll see what happens in any case as it will be interesting to see how I get on being that I've not done this sort of thing with anyone from work for some time. : peace:

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My (now probably former) friends-with-benefits has a date tonight.


I hate to admit that it bothers me. Apparently I have some kind of feelings for her...:blank:


She told me she'd blow it off if I said something, but that would probably mean we'd eventually end up in a serious relationship. And if that happens...I'm sure I'll (don't know if it's the right word) resent her very soon as certain traits of her annoy me to no end.


I guess I'll just have to suck it up.



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Hmm, so it looks like @S\.C\.G (you know I don't mean this in a bad way or take any joy out of it happening as its always a bummer when it does, so I'm sorry to hear man);


...Zechs has said similar things to me before, it's like a gentle reminder that things can happen where the date may fall through so don't build up hopes too much as you'd not want to feel down after. It's put in the football terminology to make it relatable without having to say directly so that it's seen in a friendly manner...



Of course though with it being Zechs a lot of you guys overreact and then mock, like @The Bard above... your post looks a little silly now though mate.

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...and this is how I mean that @S\.C\.G (you know I don't mean this in a bad way or take any joy out of it happening as its always a bummer when it does, so I'm sorry to hear man);


It's a fair point, I try not to build my hopes up too much about anything these days, I always try to keep my expectations of people in check but sometimes it's easy to mis-read things but in my case at least this is an opportunity to get out there a bit and socialise for once rather than just remaining locked away all the time which I've tended to lean towards. :indeed:


I'm actually looking forward to going out for a couple of hours after work, I know that I'm going to look a bit silly and out of place being that it's the first time in ages that I've actually properly been out so I'll barely have a clue but at least I'll be turning up which has got to stand for something, plus there will be people there who I know at least from work so it shouldn't be that bad at all. : peace:


It might even be dare I say it... fun but I'm going to keep my expectations very low indeed so that it'll be a pleasant surprise if it doesn't turn into a total disaster. :heh:

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Yes because why be pleased at improving your social skills and confidence with women if you haven't banged them senseless.


Yes, because again you're choosing to ignore what I posted and posting something to make out I'm suggesting something else entirely. Well done you!


Do you even bother reading or interpreting our posts or just post to be an ass? You've done this in this thread with me before which of course turned into turmoil as a result.

I'd not mind so much if you didn't just blatantly ignore what I said and instead made up your own version of events and labelled me because of them... such a dick move.


It's a fair point, I try not to build my hopes up too much about anything these days, I always try to keep my expectations of people in check but sometimes it's easy to mis-read things but in my case at least this is an opportunity to get out there a bit and socialise for once rather than just remaining locked away all the time which I've tended to lean towards. :indeed:


I'm actually looking forward to going out for a couple of hours after work, I know that I'm going to look a bit silly and out of place being that it's the first time in ages that I've actually properly been out so I'll barely have a clue but at least I'll be turning up which has got to stand for something, plus there will be people there who I know at least from work so it shouldn't be that bad at all. : peace:


It might even be dare I say it... fun but I'm going to keep my expectations very low indeed so that it'll be a pleasant surprise if it doesn't turn into a total disaster. :heh:


That's great, it's good that you're getting out there and feeling better about these things. I'd not try and take away from that at all (contrary to what others decide is what I mean, as seen above).


Have a top time! :D

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Yes because why be pleased at improving your social skills and confidence with women if you haven't banged them senseless.


Yes, because again you're choosing to ignore what I posted and posting something to make out I'm suggesting something else entirely. Well done you!


I took The Peeps comment to be more towards the '#smashingnicelookingbirds' stuff rather than a general attack - I think? - it's all meant in generally good fun/spirits anyway so it's fine. : peace:


Honestly I'm just happy to get any reasonable advice about socialising that I can, sometimes that means filtering through the odd jibe or two which is fine, it's a small price to pay plus we've all got to have a bit of a laugh at certain aspects of life, it would be truly miserable otherwise. :heh:


#Life'sAGamePlayItOrBePLayedByIt *sigh* everyone happy now? :indeed:


That's great, it's good that you're getting out there and feeling better about these things. I'd not try and take away from that at all (contrary to what others decide is what I mean, as seen above).


Have a top time! :D


Cheers Kav! :D


I'll try my best.

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Yes, because again you're choosing to ignore what I posted and posting something to make out I'm suggesting something else entirely. Well done you!


Do you even bother reading or interpreting our posts or just post to be an ass? You've done this in this thread with me before which of course turned into turmoil as a result.

I'd not mind so much if you didn't just blatantly ignore what I said and instead made up your own version of events and labelled me because of them... such a dick move.


You are a joke.

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Points made. Please leave it there. That goes to anyone else considering pitching in too.


I agree. I'm chocolatey awesomeness so let us all focus on this from now on.


Girls are chatting me up at work today. I officially have a new effect that Lynx don't have. Let us call it the Animal effect! They all want a piece of this magnificent chocolate beast! RAWR!

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Girls are chatting me up at work today. I officially have a new effect that Lynx don't have. Let us call it the Animal effect! They all want a piece of this magnificent chocolate beast! RAWR!


You're awesome :D I want to meet you someday, drink lots of beer and talk about all the women :laughing:



I met a girl last Sunday (it was my roommates birthday, and that girl was one of her friends). She's very pretty and kinda cool :D


She lives a 3 hour train ride away, though. That's just my luck.


However, she'll come over to my place in the first week of October and I'll have to make dinner for her. : peace: Looking forward to seeing her again.

I might also take a train to her hometown a week later and spent time with her there.

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I agree. I'm chocolatey awesomeness so let us all focus on this from now on.


Girls are chatting me up at work today. I officially have a new effect that Lynx don't have. Let us call it the Animal effect! They all want a piece of this magnificent chocolate beast! RAWR!


What's happening with your lady friend?



Hypothetically, has anyone found themselves in that situation of ending up liking a good friend? Or even being liked by a good friend? Did you/they do anything about it, and how did it go if so?

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Hypothetically, has anyone found themselves in that situation of ending up liking a good friend? [...] Did you/they do anything about it, and how did it go if so?


Yes, it sucked. I told her and she broke up our friendship. Haven't heard from her since. :blank:


But, I will always tell a good friend if I end up liking her. No use in just dragging it around with you and not do anything about it.

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Hypothetically, has anyone found themselves in that situation of ending up liking a good friend? Or even being liked by a good friend? Did you/they do anything about it, and how did it go if so?


I recently found out that one of my close female friends really wanted me.


I was oblivious, shockingly. She told a friend of mine a few months ago about it. This was a few years back, though. Apparently there was an instance where she was likely to make a move, when we were all at a pub. She suggested me and her going to the bar, and I obliviously declined because, and to be fair, it was my friend's round :p


She's engaged now and since she got engaged, she seldom speaks to me.

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I recently found out that one of my close female friends really wanted me.


I was oblivious, shockingly. She told a friend of mine a few months ago about it. This was a few years back, though. Apparently there was an instance where she was likely to make a move, when we were all at a pub. She suggested me and her going to the bar, and I obliviously declined because, and to be fair, it was my friend's round :p


She's engaged now and since she got engaged, she seldom speaks to me.


Lesson learned: if a woman asks you to go somewhere with her, you go with her.

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Lesson learned: if a woman asks you to go somewhere with her, you go with her.

Indeed. Irony is that I sort of had a thing for her at the time, too.


Recently, she only really messaged and met up when things weren't so great too.


I'm more oblivious than a Numel

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