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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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So, social media is fucked up when you break up with people these days. Never had FB when I've broken up with someone before.

Just had a massive clear out of people this morning. Kinda fucked up how many of my friends were her friends too and how everyone panders to the 'victim' and is happy to slag me off in a public forum. Also, hate cryptic messages that are obviously placed just for someone to read.

So yeah, massive clear out. Tempted to just come off it but then it's like being cut off from your social circle (which you need when bouncing back Partridge style).

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I'm going to go cringe with pain over there *points* :shakehead


Yeah it really was. Way to lose my virginity as well lol XD


He was a sex maniac, as am I, we had sex pretty much as often as we could... I definitely gave him everything he wanted sexually. I enjoyed his kinks, and accepted that he was different in his lifestyle (crossdressing).


The last time I stayed over with him he told me all the abuse stuff and he couldn't hold my hand or even tolerate sitting beside me. And told me so, as well as admitting that he had no notion for sex or anything.


But then later on he stood up, I was sitting on the sofa, and he told me to stand up and he looked at me VERY intently, almost studying my face. Then he said something along the lines of, "no just forget everything I said, I'm kidding" and he pretty much forced himself on me. And we had the most emotionless sex possible.


The only thing I can think of is... a train wreck like he is thrives on disaster. I was secure, loving, everything he needed, supported him no matter what, and loved him like no one else ever had. Think he simply got bored... maybe? Now he's back with his skank druggie ex girlfriend (with no morals) and he's welcome to her to be honest!

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So, social media is fucked up when you break up with people these days. Never had FB when I've broken up with someone before.

Just had a massive clear out of people this morning. Kinda fucked up how many of my friends were her friends too and how everyone panders to the 'victim' and is happy to slag me off in a public forum. Also, hate cryptic messages that are obviously placed just for someone to read.

So yeah, massive clear out. Tempted to just come off it but then it's like being cut off from your social circle (which you need when bouncing back Partridge style).


Sounds shitty - were they originally your friends or hers? I've always wondered what'd happen in that situation as I'm a fairly social guy, but thankfully most of my friends are either too useless to end up in a proper relationship or otherwise still together/quite sensible about it afterwards. I'm actually better friends with my mate's ex now, though I worried for a while if that was a bit weird for him. There's been a couple small world encounters where people I know end up with other people I know, but those have been fairly all right too. Then the obvious ones where one party just removes themselves from everything, which is a shame cos it's people I don't know/see anymore, but sometimes you kinda wonder why they pull away so hard. I think anyone you 'lose' as part of all this is probably worth losing - did you actually do anything worse than just break up with her?

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Sounds shitty - were they originally your friends or hers? I've always wondered what'd happen in that situation as I'm a fairly social guy, but thankfully most of my friends are either too useless to end up in a proper relationship or otherwise still together/quite sensible about it afterwards. I'm actually better friends with my mate's ex now, though I worried for a while if that was a bit weird for him. There's been a couple small world encounters where people I know end up with other people I know, but those have been fairly all right too. Then the obvious ones where one party just removes themselves from everything, which is a shame cos it's people I don't know/see anymore, but sometimes you kinda wonder why they pull away so hard. I think anyone you 'lose' as part of all this is probably worth losing - did you actually do anything worse than just break up with her?


My old flatmate cheated on his girlfriend with a girl we both lived with in first year of uni (halls). My other flatmate was at that point going out with the original girlfriends mate from school, and had already become good friends with the cheaters boyfriend, so when we had a flat party it was the two we didn't live with that were invited. They promptly then got together. It was magical.

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My old flatmate cheated on his girlfriend with a girl we both lived with in first year of uni (halls). My other flatmate was at that point going out with the original girlfriends mate from school, and had already become good friends with the cheaters boyfriend, so when we had a flat party it was the two we didn't live with that were invited. They promptly then got together. It was magical.


...what? I thought I followed it, but then wasn't sure and now I don't, now I'm super confused.


If I'm right - the girl from halls' boyfriend got together with the original girlfriend who was cheated on at the party? That is pretty brilliant.

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Ok so we've got;


4 flatmates (me, A, L, N) (lived in halls, then a private flat, for 3 years. after 3, N was replaced by D, just because N had left uni)

1 other girl we lived with in 1st year (P)

1 girlfriend of N (J)

1 boyfriend of P (V)

1 girlfriend of L ®


N, D, J, R all went to high school together.


Shortly after N moved out for unrelated reasons, it emerged that N and P had been having an affair for some time. Due to L&Rs relationship, and L and V being good friends, we kinda cut off N and P for a while because they were the guilty parties.


We then had a flat party for L's birthday to which V and J were both invited (they had never met each other before, except for V messaging J on Facebook to let her know of his discovery)


V and J had sex on our couch


N and P have ended up getting together properly now too


Essentially they swapped. Also hilariously, 3 of them moved cities recently and its ended up that N and J both live in Dundee and V and P both live in Edinburgh. I've suggested they could carpool or share train tickets for visiting each other but it seems unlikely.


Follow that? :p



TLDR: Two couples swapped.

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Fucking hell, you make a simple story sound like a passage from Ulysses.


Essentially you had two friends who were dipping in stinky pink outside of their relationships but at some point the two who were being cheated on got together on your couch so as to complete this unseemly circle jerk.


I don't understand why J was invited though seeing as from what I can tell, you guys only knew him as your ex-flatmate's presumably ex-boyfriend.


Edit: They went to school together, great. Where did they grow up, Dawson's fucking Creek?

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Well the complication was in L's girlfriend R, who was best mates with J (who introduced them in the first place).


It's more the hilariously webbed mesh of people. We keep threatening to get drunk and draw Venn diagrams and shit to try and explain it better. Without explaining all the various links you don't get the full appreciation of how messy it was.

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Sounds shitty - were they originally your friends or hers? I've always wondered what'd happen in that situation as I'm a fairly social guy, but thankfully most of my friends are either too useless to end up in a proper relationship or otherwise still together/quite sensible about it afterwards. I'm actually better friends with my mate's ex now, though I worried for a while if that was a bit weird for him. There's been a couple small world encounters where people I know end up with other people I know, but those have been fairly all right too. Then the obvious ones where one party just removes themselves from everything, which is a shame cos it's people I don't know/see anymore, but sometimes you kinda wonder why they pull away so hard. I think anyone you 'lose' as part of all this is probably worth losing - did you actually do anything worse than just break up with her?


Mutual friends but mostly girls. I find that girls rally round each other more than lads do. And the lads who were mates always had a bit of a crush on her and are single so it makes sense they would side with her.

It was definitely the right decision to 'lose' her though. We just weren't meant to be. I just needed a place to vent.

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Update time I guess... :indeed:


Dating site - the woman who I was interested in hasn't been on the site since I last reported here so I'm going to assume that things went well on her second meeting/date with that other guy. There's no one else on the site that I'm currently genuinely interested in.


Work - I think I've just been asked out indirectly for drinks a week tomorrow by a work colleague, she was working on the till opposite me, unlocked my security detagger before she finished her shift which I thought was kind, then it seems she did some shopping as she came to my till so we got talking and it seems she gets Fridays off - I don't as I work until after 9PM - and that her birthday is a week on Friday.


So she mentioned that she'd probably be going for drinks in town and that I'd be welcome to come along, I said that I'm working until late but that I might come along - basically we'll see - I mentioned that I hadn't been out in the town for a long time - as it's not really my thing - but I'm thinking maybe it could be good? ::shrug:


I mean I have work on the Saturday as well at midday, the last bus home would be midnight so I could 'make the effort' and go down town for a couple of hours maybe? See how things go... maybe she's just being nice I don't know but I get the impression that she might actually want me to go, its just kind of thrown me in a good way because I didn't expect it as she's presumably a few years younger than me though a lot of people at work have said that I do look a lot younger than 29 so perhaps its finally working in my favour, I don't know... all I know is that I kind of blushed when she asked me. :blush:


Anyway, forget this incoherent rambling, what do you think N-E? :)

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Anyway, forget this incoherent rambling, what do you think N-E? :)


Honestly, S.C.G., you genuinely sound so much like me in your personal life. Well, I don't really get the offers any more, but I did when I was your age.


Regarding the girl, I'm sure she would like you to go. I don't think there's much doubt about that, as she actually brought the subject up with you (instead of multiple mates asking you to tag along). I do sympathise with it not really being your sort of thing (as it's never been mine either), but personally my rule is to stick to pubs/bars, and not nightclubs that would deafen me (I really hate that!)


Definitely don't worry about the age gap though, because at your age I reckon you could still go as low as 17-ish if you wanted! Young women may be young, but they're still women (words of wisdom)!

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Thanks for the advice guys. :)


Honestly, S.C.G., you genuinely sound so much like me in your personal life. Well, I don't really get the offers any more, but I did when I was your age.


Regarding the girl, I'm sure she would like you to go. I don't think there's much doubt about that, as she actually brought the subject up with you (instead of multiple mates asking you to tag along). I do sympathise with it not really being your sort of thing (as it's never been mine either), but personally my rule is to stick to pubs/bars, and not nightclubs that would deafen me (I really hate that!)


Definitely don't worry about the age gap though, because at your age I reckon you could still go as low as 17-ish if you wanted! Young women may be young, but they're still women (words of wisdom)!


I'm not sure if it would be just us two, there will probably be others there too but still she did bring it up in conversation so you may be right, it's not for a week though so I will see how things go over the next few days, will try talking with her if I get the chance, besides the fact that I'm not even too familiar with her name because I'm better with faces :blush: but she really does seem nice though, she's quite new there too and because its work we usually have name badges but I don't think she has one yet.


Definitely would just stick to the pubs I think, clubs aren't my scene at all, far too loud and the music is always abysmal. :indeed:


Not too concerned about the age gap though I did try and ascertain how old she was as I was going to ask if it was a milestone - the birthday - thinking maybe 21st? But in any case we shall see, I'd be a little apprehensive about going out as I know a lot of other people from work will probably be doing the same but it is the way of things I suppose and it might do me good as in the nearly 9 years that I've been working there I've never actually been out on the town with anyone from work... ever, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to be a bit more sociable for me even if it's not my thing. : peace:


She might be open to doing something else for her birthday, it didn't sound like these plans were set in stone, I wouldn't be sure what to suggest though so will just play this by ear. :)

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I'm not sure if it would be just us two, there will probably be others there too but still she did bring it up in conversation so you may be right, it's not for a week though so I will see how things go over the next few days, will try talking with her if I get the chance, besides the fact that I'm not even too familiar with her name because I'm better with faces :blush: but she really does seem nice though, she's quite new there too and because its work we usually have name badges but I don't think she has one yet.


Oh yeah, definitely, but that's quite normal when a girl wants to get to know you. Girls have even asked me this when they still had boyfriends, but - trust me - they were interested!


It's also very normal not to know people's names in big workplaces. : peace:


Definitely would just stick to the pubs I think, clubs aren't my scene at all, far too loud and the music is always abysmal. :indeed:


Beginning to think we're clones or something. :heh:


But in any case we shall see, I'd be a little apprehensive about going out as I know a lot of other people from work will probably be doing the same but it is the way of things I suppose and it might do me good as in the nearly 9 years that I've been working there I've never actually been out on the town with anyone from work... ever, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to be a bit more sociable for me even if it's not my thing. : peace:


If I'm honest I gave up going out with 'the lads' as I didn't get much out of it. It's worth putting in more effort when there's a particular girl you're interested in. Then again, presumably you'll be getting to know her a lot anyway, so I think you've still got plenty of chances to see how you get on with her.

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So it would seem that some progress was made today...


I was at work on my usual shift, I saw the lovely lady in question on my way back from my break, as she was on self service and I was on the main tills so we smile and greet each other in passing.


Later on I get moved down to the basket till facing self-service so we get to make eye contact and speak to each other occasionally but not much until after she finishes her shift and comes to my till again! :D


Turns out that she's buying stuff for her birthday so I find out when that is again - on the Wednesday - and I ask if she's still going for a drink on the Friday, she is - by this point I'm helping her pack her shopping and we both seem a little flustered - also on the subject of her birthday I ask if it's a milestone and she asks me to guess her age so I kind of say 'I don't know... I wouldn't like to say but...' then she tells me and it turns out that she's only a few years younger than me, I really thought she was a few years younger than that which I tell her, she seems pleased.


Anyway things are winding up as she tells me specifics of where she'll be drinking, seems to be close to when I finish in any case so I say that I could come along for a couple of hours but again that it's been a while so I kind of verbally collapse at this point saying stuff like 'I could... give you my number, except I don't know it off-hand but' she replies 'do you have facebook?' I do so I say so but that I don't really use it much - I really don't - then she says 'send me a request on there' so I get a piece of till roll and she gives me her name/number... she gets her stuff, leaves and I wish her a good evening.


So err yeah... I was pretty elated for the rest of my shift and I still am now as things like this don't usually go very well at all for me so I was pretty pleased even though I was so nervous, really, really nervous but I'm just happy at the moment but we'll see how things go. : peace:


I've sent her a friend request so the waiting game begins. :)

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