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As I'm nearing my 28th birthday, I figure I may as well try to rewrite my profiles on dating sites to see if that garners any success.


Fingers crossed.


Probably pointless anyway as I have to disappear in early November until January, but never know...could find someone accepting of that.

Edited by Serebii
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As I'm nearing my 28th birthday, I figure I may as well try to rewrite my profiles on dating sites to see if that garners any success.


Fingers crossed.


Probably pointless anyway as I have to disappear in early November until January, but never know...could find someone accepting of that.


Where you disappearing too?

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You can date, see friends, sleep and eat aswell.

You forget who I am. When a new game comes out, I have to go into seclusion. Barely enough time to eat, and I typically do that while playing/documenting/coding.


I run the world's most popular Pokémon site. It is important that I do it all fast like that, and that involves shutting down my social life for a few weeks

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You forget who I am. When a new game comes out, I have to go into seclusion. Barely enough time to eat, and I typically do that while playing/documenting/coding.


I run the world's most popular Pokémon site. It is important that I do it all fast like that, and that involves shutting down my social life for a few weeks


Surely though if you meet a girl online you can keep in touch and see her for an hour or two per week.

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It is important that I do it all fast like that, and that involves shutting down my social life for a few weeks


It is not important at all that you do it all fast like that. Someone has to do it, sure, but it doesn't need to be you.


With a team at your disposal (I'm sure there would be plenty of volunteers if you asked), you can have a site that is updated quickly and have time for a social life.


The sooner you let other people start doing more on your site, the more experienced they will be when the time comes for you to choose someone over Pokémon.

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I just don't think it's healthy...shutting yourself away. I get its a new pokemon game and you want to be the first site to release information etc but really mate there is more to life than pokemon.


You should always make time for close friends and family no matter what is going on in your life. Also there's always time for having a couple of dates.

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I've said it before and I've said it again. @Serebii, you will never find anyone to be with until you move on from your website. It takes up a huge amount of your time and the amount of time you invest into it (and reading forums and posting on GAF every time someone criticises Nintendo) has completely runied your ability to actually, you know, meet people and live a life? I mentioned this to you before and you completely agreed with me, so why you're worrying about finding someone when you've practically given up your life for Nintendo is beyond me.


My advice? Like all great leaders and managers, learn how to delegate. Get others to run the site during those busy peak times because the fact that you, as the bloody website owners, is doing it is beyond ridiculous. If you were ever want to sort your life out you need to actually make a change to it. It doesn't happen itself.


Case in point. A guy I know used to be in the same boat as you. Single until he was 29 and basically lived behind a computer. One day he woke up and realised he had wasted so much of his life, so he delegated his website to some paid staff and sorted his life out. He now has a beautiful wife (fit as fuck brah) and 3 kids. He's never been happier. Don't get me wrong, he was passionate about his site and he still misses that old life every now and then, but he's much more complete now. It was the best decision he ever made.


td;lr- You've chosen to put Nintendo and your website ahead of meeting people, socialising and finding love. You're stuck in a vicious cycle and you only have to read through this thread to see that. It's up to you to sort it out.

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You clearly do not understand why my site is so successful. It does have to be me.


I don't need to drop it, or to delegate. It's no different to a lawyer having to do overtime and throw himself into a case, or a deadline for developing a game or writing a magazine. I also don't put it ahead of socialising, except in times of new games. Every other time, I'm social, I go out, I have fun.


I'd like it if you guys didn't try to diminish my work.

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You forget who I am. When a new game comes out, I have to go into seclusion. Barely enough time to eat, and I typically do that while playing/documenting/coding.


I run the world's most popular Pokémon site. It is important that I do it all fast like that, and that involves shutting down my social life for a few weeks


Sounds like this obsession is basically ruining your life! If you're doing something that is stopping you from pursuing a relationship that you want then maybe you should give it up?

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You clearly do not understand why my site is so successful. It does have to be me.


I don't need to drop it, or to delegate. It's no different to a lawyer having to do overtime and throw himself into a case, or a deadline for developing a game or writing a magazine. I also don't put it ahead of socialising, except in times of new games. Every other time, I'm social, I go out, I have fun.


I'd like it if you guys didn't try to diminish my work.


Don't take this the wrong way but your head is way too far up your own ass.


I visit your site..others on here do too, and I'll put this blunty:


I would go on your site regardless of how much or little you contributed to it. In fact, if you disappeared from it completely it wouldn't change a thing. Literally zero. It's a website; it's text and information. There is NO human element to it and there never will be.


Go out and talk to a 100 people who visit your site and ask them whether they'd visit it if someone else did a write up and they'd yes. I don't know where you go this 'it does have to me' idea because that is laughable and incredible deluded. It's completely backs up my point that you're stuck in a cycle.

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The site is as fast and as good because of me. Look at the other big sites, they were still adding X & Y content in April.


It doesn't take over my life, except for a small period once in a blue moon. I still go out, I still socialise. It is nowhere near the problem you seem to be implying.

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The site is as fast and as good because of me. Look at the other big sites, they were still adding X & Y content in April.


All you need is three shmucks instead of you. They live normal lives, but still do more than you because there's 3 of them.


It doesn't take over my life, except for a small period once in a blue moon. I still go out, I still socialise. It is nowhere near the problem you seem to be implying.


You said you would shut yourself away for a bit, so that'd almost certainly ruin your relationship. So yeah, it's ruining your life.

Edited by Sheikah
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The site is as fast and as good because of me. Look at the other big sites, they were still adding X & Y content in April.


It doesn't take over my life, except for a small period once in a blue moon. I still go out, I still socialise. It is nowhere near the problem you seem to be implying.


'I need to disappear from November to January'.


There is no girl in the world that would put up with that brah. And you still haven't explained why someone else couldn't do that. You could easily get someone to do that. It's not like it requires a skillset that only you conveniently possess. Again, to the end user, it doesn't matter who does it, it could be a dog for all I care.


Out of interest, do you have a job? And is it easy to socialise through it (i.e. do you work with a lot of people in your age group on a regular basis)?

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I do freelance work at home, so no I don't work with people in my age group on a regular basis.


Also, after 2 weeks, I may be able to spend some time periodically, but I work extremely hard whenever I can, it's just easier to not socialise until I'm done

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I do freelance work at home, so no I don't work with people in my age group on a regular basis.


Also, after 2 weeks, I may be able to spend some time periodically, but I work extremely hard whenever I can, it's just easier to not socialise until I'm done


But during the, say, 1-2 months when you shut yourself away when a Pokeyman game releases, you're working on getting the info out and not on a freelance/paying job, right?

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I do freelance work at home, so no I don't work with people in my age group on a regular basis.


Also, after 2 weeks, I may be able to spend some time periodically, but I work extremely hard whenever I can, it's just easier to not socialise until I'm done


That, right there, is the problem.


You're intelligent enough and you're decent hearted enough. Get a job in an organisation with like minded people and you'll find someone easily. You might have social skills from being with your friends but those skills develop significantly more when you're working with people on a day to day basis. You've missed out on all of that :(

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@Serebii: If you're happy with your job, social life and you're still regularly participating in close encounters with the opposite sex, then all is good. I'd be getting worried though if I was continuing with this particular lifestyle and I wasn't getting anywhere close to the last on that list. For a prolonged amount of time.
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