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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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I think if someone tried the whole romcommy romantic picnic bullshit it would be a sign its not meant to be. Just so un-me that it would make me question if they really knew me. I'd be happy with someone doing something thoughtful and surprising, but I'd like something more catered to my personal interests, not something out of the Ted Mosby Book of Romancing.


Each their own though. I'm sure it would make some people tremble with happiness.

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I'm at that stage of 'do I send him a message, I want to speak to him, but what if he's busy, because of work and stuff.' Sigh, I feel like I'm in school again.




In the same boat sister. I just want to talk to the guy but have nothing in particular I want to talk about. And those are the types of texts I hate getting so I'm not sending that shit.

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Now comes the anguishing over whether or not to text her.


I hear that's the hard part.


The hard part is after meeting as you want to keep the main conversation for face to face interactions. At the start when you're getting to know each other to see if you want to meet up then you can text fine, there's no feelings attached to it anyway.

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Taking a girl I meet a couple of weeks back out for dinner and drinks tomorrow night and then potentially out for more drinks and a bit of dancing to a club where they exclusively play cheesy 80s and 90s stuff on a Saturday, as she doesn't seem to be a big fan of the typical club music (and to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of being bombarded with tripe like Avicii all night) and it's always a good laugh going to this place. And then she's staying the night up at mine :D


A little nervous as it's been a while since I've organised and done a proper date thing like this and even more nervous we won't hit it off (we're definitely physically compatible if our initial meeting was anything to go by ;)) but I'm going in open minded about the whole thing and generally just hope it's a good night regardless of whether we click in a meaningful way or not.


I'm also glad that I'm actively putting myself out there as I've tended to shy away from relationships over the passed few years for a variety of reasons but feel that nothing is going to change unless I do so why the hell not take a chance.


So yeah, nervous but looking forward to it. Hopefully the frantic cleaning of the flat tomorrow will settle me a bit. If not, I'll just Irish up my morning coffee :laughing:

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My IRL dating is as none existent as always but that's partly my fault for being so sociable one minute and then the ultimate introvert the next. I really cba, I'd rather just play Donkey Kong in by myself.


BUT i may have had a bit to drink this evening so I decided to get back in touch with old Edson/Mexican boy/burrito boy. I asked him why on earth we don't talk anymore and that I miss his stories. He tells me he misses me too and he's just been SUPER busy (though he didn;t use caps) with work and stuff.


Sure I thought, so mega busy with work for 3 weeks he couldn't use his fingers to text once a day. I didn't text that him though, that wouldn't help matters. I did though, tell him that I am Chuck Bass and he is Blaire. He knows his place now. And he said he loves Chuck Bass and his messed up ways.


I told him, chuck bass is just half as messed up as me. He watches Gossip Girl so he'll understand. But yeah. He's as exictable and eager as he ever was even after our 3-4 weeks of barely any speaking. Almost makes me wonder if it's all a bit fake...


...Then I remember that our whole thing is over text and we met via Instagram and I suddenly realise I shouldn't really take it so seriously anyway :p


But still



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You're drunken rambling is always welcome here Josh, you know that!


I had my second 'date' with the boy today. It was really fun and we spoke a lot about why I'd been single for so long. He's got to be the first person who's been so understanding.





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I got a message from some bird today and by the second one she's admitted to lying about her location... This will be interesting. (read: more like a waste of time).


Follow up, apparently she lied because she didn't want people to find out she was on the site... Anyway we've since exchanged a few messages, and now she saying she's done with the website but wouldn't mind exchanging numbers or skype (people actually use skype?).




Not sure how to play this one. I'm sceptical and I don't hand out my digits easily. Oh yeah, I don't even know her name....

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I had my second 'date' with the boy today. It was really fun and we spoke a lot about why I'd been single for so long. He's got to be the first person who's been so understanding.






Is that a good sigh? Should we be glad? Should we be happy for you? I'm confused.

In case it is a bad sigh: What is wrong with you?


Please love me. What?






Not sure how to play this one. I'm sceptical and I don't hand out my digits easily. Oh yeah, I don't even know her name....



Get her number, call her, have dinner.

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Follow up, apparently she lied because she didn't want people to find out she was on the site... Anyway we've since exchanged a few messages, and now she saying she's done with the website but wouldn't mind exchanging numbers or skype (people actually use skype?).




Not sure how to play this one. I'm sceptical and I don't hand out my digits easily. Oh yeah, I don't even know her name....


I use Skype everyday. Although only for the group IM conversation functionality.


Just give her your number, why not?

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