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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

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A romantic evening picnic in a park or go for a drive into the countryside a little and have a picnic under the stars.


Edit: Didn't see London there. Try that in London and you'd probably get stabbed :p


Picnic in February?


Give some details. What are her likes, interests, beverages of choice?


Southbank is always reliable.


She doesn't have that many hobbies, so I'm really not sure. I was thinking something fun, that's probably new to her.


She drinks wine.


I'm not very good at this, I know.

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She doesn't have that many hobbies, so I'm really not sure. I was thinking something fun, that's probably new to her.


She drinks wine.


I'm not very good at this, I know.


As Elliot said, comedy club if you think that would go down well. Gordon's has a nice vibe and is quite central.


You could eat on Southbank, stroll over the bridge, go to Gordon's and head up to the comedy club.

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A romantic evening picnic in a park or go for a drive into the countryside a little and have a picnic under the stars.


Edit: Didn't see London there. Try that in London and you'd probably get stabbed :p


I tried the under the stars idea once and it was hands down the worst fucking idea that anyone has ever had.


- Driving around Newport (an old Industrial town/soon to be city) expecting to find enough clear sky for stars.


- Nowhere to park.


- The places where you could park were busy residential locations.


- Even if you could park somewhere, there was no chance of seeing a single star due to the cloud/pollution, etc.


- Entire evening spent driving from one location to another hoping to find somewhere decent.


- Getting pissed off, mood ruined.


- Even if you could find somewhere, it's cold as it's Wales and the UK has shit weather for about 95% of the year.


- You'll probably get mugged, stabbed and then mugged again as it's Newport.

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Yeah I don't think that's ever happened outside of a Romcom.

Not with that attitude. :p


I tried the under the stars idea once and it was hands down the worst fucking idea that anyone has ever had.


- Driving around Newport (an old Industrial town/soon to be city) expecting to find enough clear sky for stars.


- Nowhere to park.


- The places where you could park were busy residential locations.


- Even if you could park somewhere, there was no chance of seeing a single star due to the cloud/pollution, etc.


- Entire evening spent driving from one location to another hoping to find somewhere decent.


- Getting pissed off, mood ruined.


- Even if you could find somewhere, it's cold as it's Wales and the UK has shit weather for about 95% of the year.


- You'll probably get mugged, stabbed and then mugged again as it's Newport.

Well that's Newport. Down here is better :p


Meyrick Park is somewhat good for it, or just drive up beyond Three Legged Cross and around there, there's a few public places you can stop and do it.


But true I guess. It's extremely situational, works better in summer.

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It's just such a hackneyed unoriginal idea. I'd end up rolling my eyes so much my ocular muscles would be permanently damaged if someone tried that.


Yeah fucking right @Ashley. If it was some pretty boy, this would be you:




I'm at that stage of 'do I send him a message, I want to speak to him, but what if he's busy, because of work and stuff.' Sigh, I feel like I'm in school again.



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I don't think I could fall into a serious relationship.


The thing is I know if I sent him a message everything would be fine. But given he's working 6 days in a row this week, I don't want to pester him.


Bleh, maybe its better off being single. ><

Start building a robot army. That's what I'm doing :) Much better than trying to find a date.

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Well, it's a commonly held belief that once you're in a relationship, you suddenly become much more romantically popular. Whether it's purely a mental confidence thing or there are some pheromones involved or it's complete bullcrap, I have no idea.


I think this is because you're emitting of an aura of confidence because you've found someone that you like and they like you back, you probably act more blasé towards the opposite (or same) sex which people seem to be attracted to.

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Re the 'rom com' stuff. Someone made me a 'romantic dinner' once, literally made a makeshift table with a white table cloth and candles. It's uncanny and weird and all I could do was laugh at how violently corny it was (obviously I passed it off as surprise...but no, it was derision).

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I don't think I could fall into a serious relationship.


The thing is I know if I sent him a message everything would be fine. But given he's working 6 days in a row this week, I don't want to pester him.


Bleh, maybe its better off being single. ><


No! Bad Nightwolf! Totally message him! Have you ever thought that a message from you might actually cheer him up after working six days solid? I know that if a woman messaged me after working, I'd be fucking delirious! I'd imagine it'd go something like:


Her: "Hey. How are you? x"

Me: "My body is ready x"


Well, it wouldn't but you get the idea! Bow-chicka-wow-wow ;)

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