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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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7 weeks later I think the break up is starting to hit me a bit. Gone from feeling like I have space to feeling like the space is kinda empty.


:hmm: For me, that always has been the worst time.

I don't need to tell you: It'll get better.


Try not to let it get to you too much (duh).





How are peoples feelings towards simply saying "I have a crush on you" to someone?

In particular to a person you haven't spent time alone with and you only know for a week?

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I think you are better to strike while the iron is hot. Don't leave it until you get to be really good friends, (which makes you like them more) and by which time you have probably become friend-zoned. Not saying that friends to romance doesn't work out... but in my experience, getting to know someone BECAUSE you could see a future with them is a bad move.


So in other words I say GOOO FOOORRR EEEEET.

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Contrary to what I said earlier, think I may just try and have casual fun for a while. I feel like I'm taking life too fucking seriously lately.


Just need to overcome that whole psychological issue that crops up whenever I try this and job's a goodun. Oh to be 19 again...


(Also kind of had a date earlier, but let's ignore that because it's going nowhere)

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How are peoples feelings towards simply saying "I have a crush on you" to someone?

In particular to a person you haven't spent time alone with and you only know for a week?


I'd second Charlie's post. Met a lady recently who I kinda suspected was into someone else from a conversation she was having with her friend, but I thought fuck it and asked her out for dinner anyway; half to just get it out of the way now. She was actually quite honest in telling me she really likes some other dude now, though I've still persuaded her to dinner so now I think most of the awkwardness can be easily cut out/avoided. You'll both know where you stand, I guess.

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Of course...maybe give it a go and let us know? :p


Not going to happen :p


Nothing's going to happen for that matter.

The crush I had. It's gone. ::shrug:


No idea what happened.




Anybody remember the lady who I asked if she wanted to sleep with me? She came over last Saturday.

And nothing happened. Well, we watched a movie and cuddled, which was really nice. We also talked and laughed a lot.

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Haha, oh you crazy kids.


Ah joy, going on holiday with my bestie tomorrow (I'm so excited and nervous - WHAT IF I FORGET SOMETHING?!) and everyone thinks we're going to have a 'romantic get away'.


How about this.


None of you fucks wanted to come with me when I said I wanted to go to Thailand. Nobody would raise an eye if I went with a girl.


Shut the fuck up and sit down before you ruined a great friendship with the one person who has shown me kindness since I came to Cambridge.


Jealous assholes.




In all seriousness, romance is not on the cards. But I do wonder how easy it would all be, I mean, we're best friends already and it'd be so easy to become more than that.


But its such a trap haha.

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I swear I'm my own worst enemy. Whilst I'm far from a Casanova (as anybody who visits the forum user photos will attest), I don't do too badly. I've had a few girls like me, but they're not usually girls that I like (I'm also terrible at doing something about it, but that's a separate issue).


However there's a girl in the office that I like, and she likes me. It's gotten to the point now where I could take the next step.


The problem? She's here temporarily, and will be going back to India in two weeks. Fuck.



I know there's the option of a long-distance relationship. But 6000 miles between us, when we'd have only been dating for around a week, isn't exactly a recipe for success. (There's also the issue of me taking way longer than two weeks to actually do something.)


Anyway that's my dose of self-commiserating crap. As you were.

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