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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Managed to talk to her today, although very briefly. Was probably a little awkward. Or very. She was laughing a bit but it was probably a "who is this guy and why is he stalking me" nervous laugh.


Never seeing her again. :heh:

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She gets the same bus as me, she also gets off at the same stop. So I caught up with her after we got off the bus, which I'm not sure was the best idea to be honest, said hi and good morning and asked if she was going to work or something. She said yeah and asked me the same so I said yeah and indicated the direction I was going, think I mentioned something about trying to cross the road but can't remember. I think that's what she was laughing at since I didn't think I said anything funny.


After that she just said:


"well have fun" < thinking about it now, I'm not sure how to take that

"yeah you too" < lame response


Then one of use said "cya later" since we were at the end of the path, but I can't remember who said it first.


I had it planned out better but I got nervous I guess, also had less time than thought.


We've interacted before a couple of times, just letting each go first in the bus queue. The last time we did that I insisted she went first after she offered me to go first and she laughed about it so she's seen me around before.


Even if nothing end up happening, I'm glad I did it anyway.

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I'd say it's still well salvagable - next time you see her just cut straight to the chase - ask her if she wants to go for a drink/coffee some time. She either says yes or she says no. The former is good, the latter leaves things exactly the same and you'll be better off for it down the line imo. I know it might feel a bit weird kinda asking a stranger out; but that's the point of going out - you get to know each other better. The longer you dither, the worse it'll be.

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Why does it need salvaging? Did I mess up?


Oh, no! I thought you thought you might have! I did think when I typed it I shouldn't use the word salvage; I read it like you'd given up a bit. I still say cut straight to the point!

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Oh, no! I thought you thought you might have! I did think when I typed it I shouldn't use the word salvage; I read it like you'd given up a bit. I still say cut straight to the point!


I haven't given up, no. I'm just unsure on how it went. I was planning on asking her out next time.

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If it was me I'd just continue to interact with her and see if anything came of it. I'd not push for a date as she might be a bit freaked out... and then you've made all your mornings awkward forever! But then I'm not really that impulsive.

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Pfft jay, you dissappoint me! What'll you get from continuing to interact mildy forever apart from a bizzarre illusion in your mind of someone you barely know? Asking someone out really doesn't ruin that much, especially when you aren't all that close when you do! A few of my very good friends now are actually people I asked out when I first met them - sure I got turned down or it didn't work out but I've also got some good friends from it! The issue is leaving it so long that it never becomes a barrier to be jumped, and it'll make it always a wonder once you've accidentally become friends.

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Well I mean I see it as more of a long game. Why ask a girl out you don't know when you know you have umpteen million more interactions with her? You may not be close but if there's a chance to get to know her a bit first then why not take it? I mean if you're seeing her every morning then you can at least find out if she has a boyfriend. Perfect chance is on a friday ask if she has any weekend plans, or on mondays ask if she had a nice weekend. Use the chance to give a brief joke-ish anecdote about your own weekend. Do that a few weeks in a row (I.E. get her laughing) and you'll either know she's taken (and have a new friend) or know she likes you. this way you don't scare her off and lose the potential friend/gf.


If it's just some random then sure, go for it. That's how I see it. You don't need to waste the opportunity, sure. But make sure you correctly identify the opportunity!

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It's a fair point. For some though, it becomes and infatuation and fantasy that leads to this strange build-up of a fictitious image of the person. You end up pedastalling them and it can make it so much harder. The rejection if it comes can then hit harder. I guess I just prefer to get it out of the way early on, also helps you both know where you stand.

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If it was me I'd just continue to interact with her and see if anything came of it. I'd not push for a date as she might be a bit freaked out... and then you've made all your mornings awkward forever! But then I'm not really that impulsive.


Things shouldn't be awkward if you ask someone out unless you make them so. The girl should take it as a compliment and regardless of what she says you should carry on acting the same way.

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