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Guarantee that when I do this, after you guys all succeed, I'll end up with a drink thrown at me and/or a failure lol


Then if you do have a laugh about it and buy a kebab, nights out are one of the times where you should just not care about anything.


Don't take the parts of life seriously that you don't have too.

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Then if you do have a laugh about it and buy a kebab, nights out are one of the times where you should just not care about anything.


Don't take the parts of life seriously that you don't have too.

Eww, kebabs :(


But yeah, don't worry...next night out, I shall attempt it, no matter how hard it is for me to pluck up the courage to speak to someone

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Guarantee that when I do this, after you guys all succeed, I'll end up with a drink thrown at me and/or a failure lol


So you just get back on the horse and do it again, @Serebii. Didn't someone here say they failed? I doubt they'd give up on it though! You don't think any one of us has failed before? Even though I'm supersexyfoxyawesomehot, I've still failed a couple of times. I'm not going to lie, some girls may not like the fact you run one of the biggest Pokemon sites ever just like some girls may not like fat men (that one was about me and my weight, by the way) but you just ignore those and tell yourself she's either a lesbian or you're too hot for her anyway! :p;)


I lost all of my confidence when I put all my weight back on but now I'm starting to lose it, I'm starting to gain confidence bit by bit and the people on here helped with their stories too.


Some girls may not like you but don't rule out the girls that do because there are billions out there. Be yourself and just go with the flow and have fun with it. That's something I've started to learn again and as I mentioned before, you're a sound guy, and one day, a girl will see that if you let them.


lol, #MissionSerebii.


Here's my advice.


Go for it, you got nothing to lose and all to gain.


Exactly! I think it's time you try #MissionSerebii for yourself. I have a feeling you'll get yourself a girl some time this year if you try it out and not give in. I have every confidence in you. We all do. Anything we can do, you could do better and who can be you better than you?

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I would like to take this moment to apologise to all viewers of this thread over the past week. I have been unable to implement MissionSerebii due to the girl I'm seeing coming out last night. I will make amends next weekend.

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I would like to take this moment to apologise to all viewers of this thread over the past week. I have been unable to implement MissionSerebii due to the girl I'm seeing coming out last night. I will make amends next weekend.

The point has been proven anyway :p

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Serebii are you coming to the meet up? I will get you some poon tang, don't you worry. Me and bard are the pimps, yo.


I don't know. The one time Bard tried to get a lady when I was with him we ended up spooning at mine.


I'm blaming him for that, obviously.



Got a missed call from my ex-housemate today. I'm sure its entirely coincidental that it happened to be the day her boyfriend was denied entry to the country on visa issues... Its not like the last time we spoke was only because she was bored on a train, he was at work and it ended with "oh he's calling, bye". Oh wait, yes it did.


Sigh. I don't mind that people get all coupley, but live separate lives for Pete's sake!


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Got a missed call from my ex-housemate today. I'm sure its entirely coincidental that it happened to be the day her boyfriend was denied entry to the country on visa issues... Its not like the last time we spoke was only because she was bored on a train, he was at work and it ended with "oh he's calling, bye". Oh wait, yes it did.


Sigh. I don't mind that people get all coupley, but live separate lives for Pete's sake!


Personally with people like that I just let them piss off into their couple world and leave them there when it all goes tits up and they try to come back.

There's a few minor exceptions to the rule; but if you're gonna be that person then no, no thank you ever.

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I might actually have to be that guy for a bit. Met a girl on the bank holiday weekend at a wedding - I'd had a bit more to drink than I probably should have but I think I presented better on the outside than the inside. Turns out I'd half forgotten that I already knew her and had her on facebook until I saw her there, mistook her for someone else, and someone reminded me who she was. All of which was carefully styled that she never had a clue. I think I casually threw away a 'we should go for a drink sometime' at the end of the night, to an agreement with no real plans so I sent a conversationally boring and safe message on fb about the journey home the next day. She actually gave me her number in a fb message citing that she isn't on there much and we've been chatting a bit more, but I have not had any time to ask her out like at all(not not had time to ask, but not had time to actually go out). Being twas my birthday this week I decided to create a few drinks event on fb last week and invited her, I think she's coming - however now I feel in a rather ambiguous sitaution of not knowing exactly where I stand. The drinks are tomorrow, and whilst they were originally going to be a bit smaller they seem to have grown in size to quite a few folk. Also deftly worried of making an arse of myself at my birthday drinks. She's a mutual friend of a couple of my very good friends, but I can't broach it with them at all. [drama]Plus I'm secretly in love with one of them anyway(the main mutual link) though it'll probably never happen and that's a hurdle I'll cross later.[/drama]

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A girl you sort of like is coming to our birthday drinks? What's the problem?


If loads of people show up it looks like you're really popular.


If not many people show up then it looks like you care about her enough to invite her out with your close friends.

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