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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

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@drahkon How close are you and your friend? Might be worth having a chat with him about things if it starts going places. Awkward situation to be in.


@MoogleViper I'd bin off Mrs K. Without knowing the whole situation, the picking sides thing sounds pathetic. A girl saying something like that, in my opinion isn't worth the hassle. Especially if she wants you to pick between her and your friends.


I know the bus driver was trying to be helpful but he messed everything up, lol


I apologise up front if this sounds too harsh and I'm guessing the above quote is tongue in cheek. You've only got yourself to blame, seriously should have just introduced yourself by now.




Why the hell am I handing out advice all of a sudden...

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@drahkon How close are you and your friend? Might be worth having a chat with him about things if it starts going places. Awkward situation to be in.


We've known each other since last October but I guess we're quite close. I mean, we talked about his relationship with the lady and also when she broke up with him.


I also considered talking to him. Will be unpleasant, but I guess it has to be done.

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@MoogleViper I'd bin off Mrs K. Without knowing the whole situation, the picking sides thing sounds pathetic. A girl saying something like that, in my opinion isn't worth the hassle. Especially if she wants you to pick between her and your friends.


Yeah, I don't really have feelings for her any more. I'm still friends with her, but I'm not going to stop being friends with other people on her account, just because they had a silly tiff.

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Just glossing over everyone's last few posts as I can't read much whilst I'm at work -


Does anyone know anywhere good for nerdy/geeky/awesome valentines cards? Maybe even on the high street(lolnope)? Probably something gaming related, methinks.




Not valentines, but found this in there the other day: http://instagram.com/p/jj5pDxSguA/

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Not sure how to take it to the next level, I feel that we should message each other more first, but I'm worried that I'll leave it too late and it'll become stale. Well time will tell.


Back when I was on POF and OKC, I think I left it about a week before asking someone out for a drink (or whatever idea I came up with for a date), depending on how often we messaged. Basically ask as soon as you feel you've established that there's enough in common and that neither of you are mental or just looking for sex. There were loads of people on there who I got on really well with, but conversation died out before I asked to meet them. Ask whilst conversation is still interesting and regular.


It's much easier to find out if there's something between you in person. It's what you're both on there for, unless she isn't in which case you'll find out earlier if you're wasting your time.


Just as I'm about to sign up for one of these sites, I notice someone I know has recently signed up. It's kinda off-putting :heh:


I know. I mean, even if you search for women, there's still that ever so slight chance that Moogle will show up.


Or worse, he'll show up wearing a wig, fake tits and if you're lucky, a smile.

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Not valentines, but found this in there the other day: http://instagram.com/p/jj5pDxSguA/


Thanks, all a bit too formal(preferably no L bombs) and not nerdy enough for what I want! I could do with a bad taste valentine, and/or maybe a geeky/gaming one(as I might a totally suaaave motherfucker and give out two*)


*reality may end up being I give out none, and spend valentines day at home with a cocktail of rum and tears of self-pity


It's all kicking off in Moogle-Town.




Nothing will come of this, but it's nice knowing that I'm not a complete write-off with the ladies.


Does the K stand for Mrs KRAZY, cos that bitch cray cray. Well, really not all THAT bad - but I'd totes come to the same conclusion as you; she'd be a hassle and maybe a bit mental in a relationship. Also why are all these ladies Mrseses, and not Misseseses?

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MISSplaced emphasis
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Yeah, I was gonna say, Mrs K sounds like she's quite the drama queen.




On the topic of the two girls I've been chatting to, the conversations seem to keep fizzling out. I've tried a couple of times to start them up again, but it seems to keep happening. They both have yet to initiate conversations again themselves. I'm not really sure what to think; the pessimistic side of me is saying none of them are that interested and that I should just forget about it while the optimistic side is scoffing at the idea of thinking that lowly of myself and giving up that easily.


My friend is reading a book called "The Rules of Dating" and in it says that girls should never initiate conversation, it's always the guys job, because if he really likes the girl he'll keep wanting to talk to her.


While I don't particularly think it's great advice it might be that they are just waiting to you to ask them out.

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Thanks, all a bit too formal(preferably no L bombs) and not nerdy enough for what I want! I could do with a bad taste valentine, and/or maybe a geeky/gaming one(as I might a totally suaaave motherfucker and give out two*)


*reality may end up being I give out none, and spend valentines day at home with a cocktail of rum and tears of self-pity


Maybe try RedBubble?



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Yeeeeeeeeeahhh. Had a quick look and noticed a few interesting ones, will give it more of a look tomorrow(as well as posting up a whole woe is me post maybe).


Still open to further suggestions of places for cards! I'm sure I saw some hilarious bad taste ones somewhere before, but all I could think of was Cyanide and Happiness and they didn't seem to have much when I tried to find them, so I can't quite remember where I saw them(or more likely they don't have them up anymore).

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My friend is reading a book called "The Rules of Dating" and in it says that girls should never initiate conversation, it's always the guys job, because if he really likes the girl he'll keep wanting to talk to her.


While I don't particularly think it's great advice it might be that they are just waiting to you to ask them out.


Oh, I know; could also be they're just shy themselves. What bothers me is how the conversations don't seem to flow; as I said, they sort of fizzle out. I dunno ... while I normally consider myself good at conversations, it might be that the nature of the situation is messing with me somewhat.


Right, I refuse to give up that easily! I'd decided I was going to be more confident and assertive, and I'll be damned if I'm going to go back on that decision!

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My friend is reading a book called "The Rules of Dating" and in it says that girls should never initiate conversation, it's always the guys job, because if he really likes the girl he'll keep wanting to talk to her.


This always sounded like a dumb "rule" to me. If they're interested won't they initiate as well?

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...and I like that guy previously mentioned before.


I'm trying not to like him, he's a fantastic guy, really sweet and obviously seems to like me that way too. But with work hammering on at me working 6 days a week, him living at home and an just over an hour on the train (if I drove it'd be quicker, but fuck that).




How do people cope, how do you date someone, anyone, when you're working so many hours?

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Me and Edson (Mexican boy) have pretty much fizzed out, I think. The last week or so trying to create conversation with him was always like pulling teeth, as he suddenly just started taking hours to reply with really short responses.


So I've thought I won't keep flogging a dead horse, I'll wait and see if he contacts me instead, and if he doesn't then hey, it was a fun dream while it lasted :p


My balls are in his court.

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Good work Moogle.


My OKC report. I have a crazy stalking me. It started with her viewing my profile every few hours (seriously), I blocked her, I wasn't interested. This weekend she creates a new account, almost identical username and same pictures and starts it all over again. Second block.


The bird who messaged me earlier on hasn't been on in ages, and I didn't want to double message to kickstart the conversation. It's been long enough now that if I message random shit out the blue it might look a bit weird. What say you NE?


Think it's time I started doing the initiating. Just need to think of stuff to say...

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The bird who messaged me earlier on hasn't been on in ages, and I didn't want to double message to kickstart the conversation. It's been long enough now that if I message random shit out the blue it might look a bit weird. What say you NE?


Think it's time I started doing the initiating. Just need to think of stuff to say...


Message her again, what have you got to lose?


I just choose something from their profile. Make sure you ask a question about it as well. The easier you make it for her to reply, the more likely she will. It also shows you've taken an interest, and not one of the hundreds of guys who are just sending bulk messages.

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Asked her out, she said yes.


Asked if she wanted to go to a comedy club on saturday (great idea @Charlie). She even asked whether we should go for drinks/coffee first.


*"play it cool, moogle, play it cool"*


Good choice - keep us updated. I'm actually going to the comedy club tonight with my girlfriend.


Great minds.

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Asked her out, she said yes.


Asked if she wanted to go to a comedy club on saturday (great idea @Charlie). She even asked whether we should go for drinks/coffee first.


*"play it cool, moogle, play it cool"*


Wait I'm lost, asked who out? Nonetheless well done - no messing about!

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Wait I'm lost, asked who out? Nonetheless well done - no messing about!


Don't worry, it's not Krazy Miss K.


A girl from OKCupid I've been messaging. (see below)


The other week I signed up to OKCupid. So far it seems far superior to POF. I've had as many views in the short space of time as I did with POF the whole time. I saw a girl's profile who mentioned LOTR, GoT and SG1, so I decided to message her. We've had a few messages back and forth (mainly about sci-fi, med fantasy and the like). Just about every show that's been mentioned has been watched by us both; and she seems really nice as well (starting to get quite infatuated). Not sure how to take it to the next level, I feel that we should message each other more first, but I'm worried that I'll leave it too late and it'll become stale. Well time will tell.
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