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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Srsly though, it's so much easier for me to hook up with a trampolining girl than anyone else. It actually works, so long as they understand it :p


Good luck Ganepark, let us all know how it goes!


Any hotties in the trampoline club? I'm sure I could manage to pretend to be a world class trampolinist for a night... :hug:

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Any hotties in the trampoline club? I'm sure I could manage to pretend to be a world class trampolinist for a night... :hug:


Haha, only works if they've seen you up there :P The Elite level guys at student competitions are apparently some kind of "celebrities" amongst everyone else, in as much as everybody knows who we are, even if we don't know them. So if one of us chooses to come and talk to you, it's cool for them. Or something.


This is all according to a friend of mine who's been on the scene alot longer than me.


Edit: For some kind of context to all this, my last 2 serious girlfriends have been from student trampolining.

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I saw my boyfriend/guy for 5 minutes today - he's had to go home to Brighton as his grandma/family matriarch is on the verge of death and his mum also just found out some sort of bad news medically, and I haven't seen him since he had to leave abruptly on friday. So he came back to pick up some clothes today and we briefly saw each other. I'll be in Brighton on friday for NUS student pride so will see him then. It's a bit strange to try and console someone going through something like this - though he is really un-needy (thank god, I hate neediness) - just a sad situation.

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Don’t know if this is the place to be asking for advice ,but will do me good to get it out as I don’t have many close friends I would talk to about this stuff.


Anyway I met this stunning girl at the start of the year, she had such a lovely personality not shallow at all, we talked every day about everything and anything, we finally met after a few weeks talking, everything went perfect she said she could not wait to see me again and she never wanted to lose me and that I made her feel more happy than she had been in a long time, she said she was treated like crap by previous by’s . I was nothing but a gentleman honestly I don’t think I could have been any nicer to her. we met up about 6 times after that. we even talked about the future and all the nice things we wanted to do together. She ticked every single box of what I have dreamt my ideal girl would be I made an extra effort to buy her flowers, I wrote her a nice letter which she said she loved. Only problem is I am shy and I said at the beginning I would need some time to get over my shyness before I talked to her as much as i do online she said she was cool with it and would never mind if i like this forever. so maybe i came on a little to strong with all the flowers and stuff but i have never felt this way before

Then suddenly the next day she went really off the radar, i tried to text ask if everything was ok she said she was busy. I then left it a day and by accident i noticed she had posted on her face book that she had signed up to a dating site. I never confronted her about it im not a stalker type, then i text her the next day saying sorry i have been so shy and distant and would love to meet her in a week for a drink or cinema to make it up to her. I then got the ive been really busy with work texts.


I tried posting a joke on her facebook page she deleted it i knew something was up then. Day later she text me saying this is not what she wanted and she liked me at the start and thought it would go somewhere and had been wanting to tell me but didn’t want to hurt me.


I tried to ask her by text and facebook for a second chance and that i would give her space if she needed it ect got no reply.


Basically i was fine before i met her being single, the time we were together i have never been happier, now all my dreams have been ripped out of my heart i feel like crap. I cant sleep , eat much or get my mind of it all, really is the worst feeling ever.



So i then sent her a message saying goodbye and that i would like to be friends and that I wanted her to know there was no ill feeling towards her on my part and I simple asked if she could let me know she read it but got no reply, I would rather she said Thanks and goodbye or get lost leave me alone. But no reply at all just makes me wonder what the hells going on.


I know you think 2 months is nothing, but i feel like i had met the one and now she has gone i feel so hurt, and that she led me on and if she had just spoken to me we could have tried to fix any issue , but she just suddenly dumped me with no warning and me doing nothing wrong but be too nice maybe. I cant even play games or anything im so down. I cant sleep much, I wake up with all these thoughts on my mind. I have had to force myself many times to stop from trying to call or text her since I don’t want to make things any worse.



I think I basically have 3 option

1. I know I will never find someone as perfect as her again should I swallow my pride and try again ask for another chance now, as I know I can give her what she wants its just I was so shy I didn’t have enough time.

I worry I might start to look like im a stalker or something if I try now but I don’t want to leave it too late and find she met someone else .


2 get on with my own life and hope that she might ask for me back, and try and remain friends, it might dig up all the feelings again and give me false hope.


3 Get on with my own life cut all ties, buy Mario party 9 , live with what me thinking what ifs forever that I didn’t try to get another chance




The only thing i have to my advantage is that i left one of my dvds around her house i could in time try and get it back , use that as an excuse to meet her and play that card but i feel i should bide my time on that one.

Feels good to write all this down, don’t feel you need to read or reply it but any advise would be welcome .

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Definitely number 3. If she says she's not feeling it anymore then there's nothing you can do. My friends were sort of in the same situation and all the letters and calls etc. that he sent her after she broke up with him, they all just annoyed her more.


So yeah. Cut all ties. Wounds will heal eventually. There is no "the one". You'll find someone else.

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There is no "the one". You'll find someone else.


Exactly. The concept of "the one" is ridiculous.


Also, while you may have seemed to come on a bit strong, she certainly seemed to reciprocate in the beginning, so it's hard to tell what went wrong exactly. But like the others say, it doesn't seem like there's much you can do, so it's better to just try to move on. Don't worry, there are countless people out there who'll be great matches. Never give up! :)

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Thanks for the advice, i agree my brain tells me the same but my heart to keep trying. One moment i feel fine the next it all comes flooding back, feel not only have i lost my gf i have lost my friend too Never felt this way before kind of messed me up haha.Whats annoying is this all could have been avoided with a talk about what we both wanted, things got a bit fast too soon from both parties and i thought things should slow down too. Now it seems impossible to turn back the clock and try again slowly even tho infact we both wanted the same seems sucha pity.


If only i had a time machine, sigh

Week before we broke up she shared some deep stuff with me like how when her brother was killed she had a crap year one thing led to another and she took an overdose about 5 years ago and she said when she met me it was the first time she had been truely happy since and wished her brother was still alive to see how happy she. dont think it was fair sharing somthing like and making plans for the future with me saying she never wanted to lose me if she had doubts, then suddenly to end things was a big shock and just by text, feel that she led me on a bit.




Oh well gave it a go normally way to shy to ask out a girl as attractive. feel i have learned from my mistakes ,all i can do is be a nice guy about it not pester her anymore give her time to think and if she does want to chat its up to her now. If that ever happens( big if ) I will have a serious think about things and see if i would want to take the risk with her again, im too sad right now i dont ever want to feel this way again. I guess everyone needs an experience like this to learn from and move on in life stronger.


Anyway i can finnaly put my 100% back into the mario kart league, my form has been off because of all this, watch out ;)

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Yeh i plan to, think its damage limitation at this point :( will try and say hi in a few weeks, got that excuse of the dvd i left at hers to get in contact again, will just let things calm down for a bit untill then. Know you guys dont know all the facts but it is some comfort just typing all this.

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Yeh i plan to, think its damage limitation at this point :( will try and say hi in a few weeks, got that excuse of the dvd i left at hers to get in contact again, will just let things calm down for a bit untill then. Know you guys dont know all the facts but it is some comfort just typing all this.


Unless the DVD is a really, really good one, don't ask to go and get it from her. What you need at this point is to stay away and no contact.


If you do see her all your feelings will come flooding back to you.


Although if she gets in touch with you and asks you to come and get it from her that's totally different, especially if there's a winky smiley at the end of the message. ;)


Winky smileys, making guys take things out of context since forever.

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Well it was a complete family guy season dvd set i want it back :p do i push to get it back or wait and hope she might notice it there oneday think of me and try to get in contact.


I dont want to unfriend her, but everytime i see stuff posted on facebook or if she is on chat i feel awful inside. I know if i could have 1 more chat with her i could say stuff and maybe make things right, but run the risk of losing all contact all together or looking like a complete stalker which im not, thinking should i act now before its too late or wait at least a month or so give her space and time think.

Or just cut all contact all together and wonder what if i tried harder when i look back on my life.


Gah nothing is worse than having all your dreams come true then have them suddenly crushed, wish i could go back to the way i was before when i was single,

if only men in black mind eraser existed :( but then i think I have learned from my mistakes i relaise i came on a bit strong but i meant everthing nice i said to her and she must have been saying stuff to me to lead me on a bit and not mean it.




To make matters worse im injured for a few months at the moment, I cant play basketball football or do anything active that i love. So just at home resting with all this crap inside, too much time to think i can hardly even play video games thats how dead i am inside.



sorry to have a moan about it all on here, but it does offer me some comfort.

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