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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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One of my swimming teacher friends told me today that he's going out on a date with a hot lifeguard from one of his other jobs who's only 18. He's 31.


Jammy bastard. I need to get in on this action!


You're what, 22 or so? You can't go that young :heh:


Although I see you more as a cougar's plaything tbf.

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I went out with a super cute Chinese girl a couple of days ago. Stunningly good looking, really really nice person. Works as an artist at a games company, and trying to get into book illustration. Not too sure what she thought of me but she agreed to a second date. Fingers crossed.

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Yeah that is a bit weird. Also pretty much what Facebook was invented for :heh:


also, like Paj said, there's dozens of identifiably single girls on the web actively looking for men. Get proactive if all you're doing is meeting girls with boyfriends


I hear that. But she has that used up by being 'married' to one of her best friends ::shrug:


You recommend online dating Dan? Never would have guessed. :bouncy:

But yeah idk. Don't feel like being too pro active about it quite yet. Maybe I'm less bothered about this than I sometimes think I am.

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Hmm, been texting and talking with this one girl, overall vibe still positive :) Talked about going for a walk today and she was open to that despite all her stress and school work. Agreed on that she'd think about it...but come today, no confirmation at all, i.e. yes or no. Well shit, next time I'll confirm it myself! xD "You coming or not womaaaaan, tell meeeeee!" It's so weird because I can totally see PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF myself in her...i.e. overly bothered by school work and having hard time actually leaving the house to do anything! Well, a little more activation then...


Btw, the thread name is fucking depressing, who came up with that shit? Might as well call it the Woe-is-me-and-I'm-never-gonna-find-anyone-who-loves-me -thread! xD Come on now people...a little more hope into this! So something a bit more positive or at least neutral would be nice...like:


-Dating and relationships

-Teh Dating Thread of Awesome!

-Them Sexy Chicks and Stallions of N-E


Edit: Now how's that for an unambiguous clarification! ;D

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Hoh, boy, did I misinterpret that! XD


Oh boy xD Well you know how the human mind works, all kinds of thoughts floating around... ;D Although, a bit too soon for that anyway, let's first see how this works out and what her real interests are...


Good idea with the thread name change, by the way. :)


Thanks :)


Hope this thread title is less depressing and more n-e-focused for ya.


Well quick work, thanks mate! :) I mean these things can be depressing enough themselves, so I thought that why reinforce it with the thread title as well...

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