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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

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But... your Tumblr... :(


I'm not at all NOT in love with Justin. I really am in love with him. He's great. But most of my life is spent wishing he was here and being all sad and lonely and chances are we won't be living with each other for years.


And then there's just this guy I know I'd be equally happy with, but also not lonely all the time.


But then just I can't imagine ending what I have and making some sad just because I want to have my boyfriend around more than like twice a year if that.

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:( Didn't you say though that the long distance is temporary? One of you will be in the other place at some point? Or is this just a vague plan?


And I know this won't help but I misread the following as saying:


Long distance relationship. Me - UK. Him - Anus.

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:( Didn't you say though that the long distance is temporary? One of you will be in the other place at some point? Or is this just a vague plan?


And I know this won't help but I misread the following as saying:


It's a vague plan. It'll happen one day but I really don't want to live in Australia... but that seems most likely because he has a really, really good job and I doubt he could find better work over here.

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There's a girl in my friend group over here, we both liked each other but one of us always had a partner/ we then went to uni. I'm now very happy with my girlfriend, but I know that feeling of wondering what it would be like and always thinking what if we had given it a go.


Although, I'm sure my girlfriend> her. So unlike Hamish it isn't that bad. As for advice, well you're both in relationships so breaking them both seems a bit far if you're still happy in your current relationship I think.

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It's a vague plan. It'll happen one day but I really don't want to live in Australia... but that seems most likely because he has a really, really good job and I doubt he could find better work over here.


There will always be a what if, but are you willing to let your boyfriend go and spoil what you have when you're together over a boy just because you like him over here?


If so, go for it! But if you're really happy with your boyfriend and it's just the distance thing, don't!

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It's a vague plan. It'll happen one day but I really don't want to live in Australia... but that seems most likely because he has a really, really good job and I doubt he could find better work over here.

Australia doesn't seem like such a bad place to live once you get over how the wildlife wants to kill you.

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To be honest I am really happy with Justin I just kind of what a British boyfriend. I think I just want more male friends and I'm not really used to having gay friends. I think this guy is really good looking and really funny and we have a lot in common... but that's fine for friends to be like that. I just miss Justin really.

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I ain't that happy right now actually.


Here's the deal -


Long distance relationship. Me - UK. Him - Aus. So happy when we're together, makes me laugh. Great guy.

He's a bit older than me, kinda buys my love a bit but I know it's genuine that he just likes spoiling people.


But I think I'm falling in love with someone new. UK, lives close. My age. But he's in a relationship too. Both our relationships have these big problems though... and this guy in the UK is just so perfect. And I can tell he likes me too.


I just have this sinking feeling that we'll just be friends forever and always feel like we missed something amazing.


I'm honestly happy with my current boyfriend but I dunno if I can take and afford the long distance as much as him. And this new guys is just the cutest thing in the world.


Eeeek @ UK - Aus. I'm Ireland (me) - US (him) :( It's working out though, even though I think we're both slowly going crackers from the distance (but in a good way) :D Do you just Skype/phone a lot?


I would say to assess the people rather than the location...you never know. You could both move somewhere else together in the future. The world is big :)

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To be honest I am really happy with Justin I just kind of what a British boyfriend. I think I just want more male friends and I'm not really used to having gay friends. I think this guy is really good looking and really funny and we have a lot in common... but that's fine for friends to be like that. I just miss Justin really.


I believe you answered your own thing here, you miss him, so your looking for someone else who can take his place.


Don't sweat it too much, sure he's a long way away, but you two are great together right? :awesome:

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Really, that's the main reason I couldn't do long-distance. I'd miss the person too much.


Yeah, they sound quite nasty...I mean, the point of a relationship is being able to spend time together, so long distance ones are really not an option for me either...


So yeah, sending messages and doing more activities...it's interesting how most women on the dating site do not reply at all! Maybe I'm too old for them or smth, who knows! xD Well, at least they could tell me that straight...But anyway, it's interesting that the more you send messages / meet people, the less of an obstacle it becomes. And yes, it can also make you realise how interesting some people you already know actually are...man, there are some awesome chicks around I tell you! :)


Overall, I've just realised how nice it can be to do things with other people, so that's what I'm aiming for, getting company for this and that. I'm just gonna start asking people one by one...

Edited by Ville
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Tonight I met someone AWESOME.


I'm in Dundee for a training course and so took the opportunity to meet up with a mate from uni that I haven't seen for a couple of months. Went out for a few drinks, got quite tipsey, then he got a text from his school friend to go meet them at a pub just down the road.


This friend happens to be female, ridiculously gorgeous, and ruddy awesome.


He described her as his "best friend", that female friend that I think every nerdy guy has that is more like a sister thing. But my immediate impression was that she was exactly my type of person. She just had the kinda chat that I immediatley click with. She's starting up at the same uni as the two of us this September, and we made this kind of "bet / deal" thing that basically involved us meeting up once she moves to Glasgow. I got the impression that I had a real shout, as she seemed like she had just the same enthusiasm for the idea as me. We bailed early as I have stuff to do tomorrow morning that requires me not to be stinking of booze, but as we left she insisted that I added her on Facebook and that we would chat and so on.


My only slight concern is that from the chat I had with my friend it seems as if he is describing it as a "sister" thing just because thats how she sees it, and that actually he really likes her - and I know that feeling, cause I have a girl just like that back home too. So I don't wanna step on his toes.


Basically I'll see what happens in the next few days with whether she starts chatting to me on Facebook or not and evaluate whats going to happen, and if something seems on the cards I'll talk to him about it first. I don't wanna be that guy who takes girls over his mates...I've done something similar-ish (but not really) recently where a misunderstanding caused a rift between me and a good friend because of a girl, and I don't wanna risk that happening again here. So I'm gonna be sensible about it but in my fairly drunken state I'm basically seeing something potentially good on the horizon (even despite the fact that I'd decided I wanted to be single for a while and enjoy myself...as usual, when its not wanted, it creeps up on you!).


So I just needed to vent it somewhere, outside of my friends who might know him! So thanks, N-E.





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So yeah, sending messages and doing more activities...it's interesting how most women on the dating site do not reply at all! Maybe I'm too old for them or smth, who knows!


You're not too old (Girls love older guys and hate guys their own age/younger) - women just seem to be insanely picky bitches anyway... S'not hard when they've got their pick everywhere between horny old men to horny young studs...




Anyway - I'm getting my hair cut this week; I'll get it cut a bit shorter than usual.

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srsly wise up would you, your ATTITUDE is why no girl will talk to you. You're so miserable and only willing to blame it on everyone else but the cause of it, which is YOU. Chill out and actually enjoy life, rather than worrying about why you can't seem to find a girl at this moment in time.

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