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The Future of MotionPlus


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The Ucontroller is exciting and its great to see Nintendo trying to move the industry forward with that idea.


However, I still feel that there is still life left in MotionPlus. There's plenty of unexplored ground.


Do you think Nintendo should continue to explore this avenue, or should they rely on The Ucontroller as the primary method of control for the console?


Personally, I think the WiiMotion+ should be bundled in with the console and Ucontroller, and maybe even a classic controller pro as well. Except, possibly a wireless version. 3 different methods of control.


What do you think?

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No doubt the Wiimotes marketed with the Wii-U will be Wiimote+, but I wonder how many more games will truly take advantage of the added sensibility it provides. I'm no longer considering buying a Motion+, which is why I'll leave Skyward Sword for much later (maybe after I eventually buy an Wii U)

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Wiimotes are dirt cheap to make, they only cost so much because thats what Nintendo/retailers charge for them.


They could easily bundle a wiimote+ with the WiiU without raising costs by all that much. But either way I'm not bothered the only time I've enjoyed pointer control in an FPS is with the Metroid Prime games and maybe Red Steel 2 so I'm not fussed what they do with it.


I'd rather they bundle a wireless classic controller pro (with left analogue in the right place this time) with the WiiU and just keep selling the Wiimote stuff on their own.

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I can draw quite a few paralels between the WM+ and the N64 expansion pack.


The N64's main sale argument during the first years was graphics. After a few years, the graphics weren't that remarkable, so Nintendo launched the expansion pack. While it didn't help the console reclaim the graphical throne (the Dreamcast was still more powerful), it did give nice results.



The Wiis main sale argument was the motion controler. Nintendo launched the WM+ to improve on that.


What else do these two have in common? Well, fairly few people have them and few games actually use the peripheral, as developers fear they'll alienate potential audience.


I don't think Nintendo will bundle wiimotes with the Wii U. And because of that, I believe that few games will support it.

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Wiimotes will still have a place with the WiiU, the footage they showed at E3 shows it can still have a purpose. After all the effort Nintendo have taken to get the Wiimote+ out, i doubt they will drop it immediatly. Probably create a new design for the WiiU, who knows.

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I don't think Nintendo will bundle wiimotes with the Wii U. And because of that, I believe that few games will support it.


^ Wii U Games have to support Wii-motes as the control options for players 2-4 for many games! And surely all future Wii-motes that come with any games in the will be Wii-Motion+


Motion+ will be the standard Wii-mote on Wii U.


Sony are still continuing with MOVE, and Motion+ is best equiped controller to bring MOVE games to the Wii U. So I see the controller continuing.

Edited by Retro_Link
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That's not true. It was in iwata asks, they just said wiimotionplus is the desired method. It will definitely be a major control scheme on the wii u, and I think that is great. I love wiimotion plus, and by the sounds of Zelda, it's going to be incredible so I'm desperate for it to continue. There are certain games i simply don't want to swap back to a traditional method. Choice should always be king! But I think we won't have to worry!

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I'm no longer considering buying a Motion+, which is why I'll leave Skyward Sword for much later


Hmm, didn't they mention (around the time SS got announced) that the game comes bundled with a Motion+? Of course, at the time the Wiimote+ wasn't released yet, though I can't see them bundle that...would raise the price too much. SS isn't exactly a WiiPlay type of game.

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I'm all for supporting the Wiimote+ throughout the WiiU's life span. It feels like aside from a handful of sports games, Zelda Skyward Sword will be the first ever showcase what WM+ can bring to traditional games. The loss of the pointer would be a sour one, especially if the WiiU is going to be overrun by the 3rd party shooter wave.


And lets face it: Wiimotes or different attachments are at the current point THE ONLY way to play local multiplayer games on the WiiU. Unless Nintendo decides to support two WiiTabs, but it appears they are "considering" this at best.


The options then are: Either make the Wimote(+) the standard secondary controller for the WiiU or introduce something new. Given that the Wiimote was an unparalleled success story for Nintendo, the WiiU is marketed heavily a the same audience (the name and the E3 conference are enough confirmation for that) and there are millions upon millions of Wiimotes out there, they'll always support Wiimotes with the WiiU. There is even some official press image out there with three Wiimotes alongside the WiiTab.


Personally, I think the WiiMotion+ should be bundled in with the console and Ucontroller, and maybe even a classic controller pro as well. Except, possibly a wireless version. 3 different methods of control.


What do you think?

I've already said the same thing in the "WiiU general discussion" and I agree (minus classic controller ;) ). For the sake of people that are new to the console and for the sake of ensuring continued 3rd party support, they should bundle a Wiimote+ & Nunchuck with every WiiU. If the Wiimote+ is not a controller every WiiU owner is guaranteed to have available, single player support for it will most likely die.


As for discontinuing support for standard Wiimotes, I wouldn't do that if I were Nintendo. Not too many games need Motion+ and it would be essentially asking people with old Wiimotes to upgrade, which is unnecessary when you look at, lets say New Super Mario Brothers Wii. Having a full multiplayer setup available can even be an incentive for people to upgrade to the WiiU. ;)

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there is absolutely a future for motionplus! I believe the wii-motes will still be in FULL use when the Wii-U comes out. Why ignore all the customers that bought it..


Also by the time the Wii-U comes out. The regular wii-motes probably won't even be sold anymore.

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To me the only 2 current options for FPS control are mouse & keyboard or wiimote+ & nunchuck. Don't want dual analog.


The WiiU controller seems to uncomfortable to hold with 1 hand.. So WiiU controller & wiimote+ isn't likely to be an option. I still want it somewhere near me, for an handy map and a few touchbuttons, because it would be a waste not to use the controller, but the pure movement should be done with the wiimote+ & nunchuck combo. I won't settle for anything less for my WiiU FPS exclusives.


For other genres / games, well it depends. Options are endless now.

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As long as Treyarch puts motion control in their COD games as an optional scheme I'm happy :)


It's not so much the motion control but the Wiimote pointer functionality that I hope they keep in!

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I thought Motion+ was dead until this years E3 but now it makes sense why Nintendo are still pushing it. Developers might still be wary because of the lack of people with Motion+ but when you consider it's being bundled with every Wii console, by the time the Wii U is out there will surely be a huge user base. I'm guessing that the Wii Remote Plus will be the standard 2nd player controller for the Wii U and is what most games will support along with the Wii U tablet.

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I'd rather they bundle a wireless classic controller pro (with left analogue in the right place this time) with the WiiU and just keep selling the Wiimote stuff on their own.


Indeed! The PS version of positoning shoved onto the Classic Controller made certain games unplayable.

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Basically, if they want Wii U owners to have Motion Plus, I think they should make Wii Sports 2 for the new console and bundle a Wii Remote Plus with it (the game, not the console). People used to think peripherals couldn't sell, but look at Wii Fit and the Balance Board.

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I'd say I have to agree with Fierce's suggestion; the bundling of a Wiimote+ (+Nunchuck) with the console at least.


The average consumer may be confused if there's no Wiimote included aswell: it makes the suggestion that Wiimotes are the historic form of play, rather than still a current form.

It also makes things simpler for those who never picked up a Wii: a full back library of Wii games available with the controllers required to play almost all of them straight out of the box.

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I've not even bought a MotionPlus controller. What games actually use them and use them well?
Wii Sports Resort


Red Steel 2


Think that's it! All those games could probably improve with regards to Motion+ controls.


Skyward Sword will presumably be the game to showcase it at its best.

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