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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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Have you both got SpotPass actually turned on in Animal Crossing (not just the 3DS in general)? It's a bit confusing as you activate StreetPass and SpotPass from completely different places, even though the aim of both is to get a new house in the Happy Room Academy.


StreetPass - speak to Digby in your high street

SpotPass - activate on menu before you start game


Sorry if you've both done that, it's just all I can think of.


Yup, yup and yup. Thanks though.

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Thanks for that explanation.



I am annoyed. I got up in time to go buy turnips from Joan, only to run around for half an hour without finding her at all. I did bump into Katie, which makes me think that because of her, Joan isn't there. Grrrrr.

I have no luck at all with this turnip business. =(

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Thanks for that explanation.



I am annoyed. I got up in time to go buy turnips from Joan, only to run around for half an hour without finding her at all. I did bump into Katie, which makes me think that because of her, Joan isn't there. Grrrrr.

I have no luck at all with this turnip business. =(


Exactly the same! I received Katie from Gentleben so I had no Joan today. I was travelling on the train so couldn't get on wifi to even see if someone could take my Katie. Really silly that you can't have both Joan and Katie at the same time!

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Exactly the same! I received Katie from Gentleben so I had no Joan today. I was travelling on the train so couldn't get on wifi to even see if someone could take my Katie. Really silly that you can't have both Joan and Katie at the same time!



Oops Sorry about that, hate that Katie that cat.


I did see Joan today, but because I was too busy playing for medals last night I never bothered to beetle hunt for cash. So I could only buy 150,000 worth of Turnips this morning.

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Didn't know that Katie causes you to miss Joan! Well stupid, shoulda made it the other way round/made it so that Katie appears on the monday or after 12 instead. Silly Nintendo.


Anyhow has everyone got the fireworks event this evening? Mine started at 7, I've been assuming it's a universal dated event? I like it!

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Yeah, everyone has fireworks tonight - it's every Sunday in August. Spent about 18,000 Bells to get all the possible gifts from Redd, along with a lot of extras in case anyone wants to trade / buy.


I also spent the most I ever have on turnips today - 180,000 Bells. I know that's not a lot by many people's standards, but I've never really tried them before! Here's hoping for a tidy profit...

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Fuuuuuuuuuuck. My game has been 'saving' for about 2 minutes. I'm now quite worried. What do I do?! It says not to touch power! I can't can't can't stand to lose RoseHall :(


Panicked too soon. It finally gave in and saved. How peculiar though.

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I found the endless waffle from Redd every time you want to buy a cookie too tedious to last longer than 4 or 5 buys.


I got 1,200,000 worth of turnips today, fingers crossed.


I know, that dialogue was taking the piss. Endless amounts of waffle from NPCs is one of my biggest gripes with the game. You couldn't even sell off your dud tickets at re-tail either. :(

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How many prizes were there to win at Redd's store? I bought 2 tickets, got 2 duds, and just stopped. Wasn't aware of what potential prizes there were.


I assume he'll be there next Sunday for the next firework display?




Anyone manage to catch a turtle yet? Spent hours fishing yesterday, made a few 100k bell from river fishing but with no joy on the turtle front.

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These are Redd's prizes:


Boxed Figurine

Love tester

Lovely phone

Miniature car

Ten Billion Barrel

Ultra Hand

Ultra Machine

Ultra Scope


So mostly retro Nintendo toys, which is pretty cool. Also the lovely phone gives you your fortune every day.

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When reading about certain fish, it says their available in Lakes. I'm guessing this is the part nearest the waterfall in your town? I need a Gar and apparently they are available in the lake.


Also need a Coelacanth, but honestly I've yet to encounter rain in my game.

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Returned to harvesting my 156,000 bells worth of fruit i have growing in town. Paid off my 2nd fountain and heading towards paying off the next slab of the mortgage. I'm still trying to catch a tarantula/scorpion. Everytime i get close, i unleash the net and they attack.


And @Eenuh, you're not alone. Joan wasn't in my town yesterday either. I had the bells to make a huge investment as well.

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When reading about certain fish, it says their available in Lakes. I'm guessing this is the part nearest the waterfall in your town? I need a Gar and apparently they are available in the lake.


Also need a Coelacanth, but honestly I've yet to encounter rain in my game.


Yeah, the lake is where the river widens into a pond shape. In my town it is a part between to parts of river. Haven't encountered a gar yet, though I have caught my first few arowanas and an arapaima yesterday during the fireworks. A few days ago I caught a coelacanth when there was lightning. It was in the sea, bit shaped like a sea bass only slightly larger.

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Anyone manage to catch a turtle yet? Spent hours fishing yesterday, made a few 100k bell from river fishing but with no joy on the turtle front.


Yes, a few - fairly late at night and in a normal bit of river. Their shadows are quite small, so if you try and catch everything smaller than a bass you should eventually get one.


When reading about certain fish, it says their available in Lakes. I'm guessing this is the part nearest the waterfall in your town? I need a Gar and apparently they are available in the lake.


No, it's the bit where the river widens greatly. It's not near the waterfall in my town. I'm not sure there are any special catches at the inland waterfall, actually (the Char is at the ocean waterfall).


I'm still trying to catch a tarantula/scorpion. Everytime i get close, i unleash the net and they attack.


The thing is, you can actually get extremely near them as long as you don't run and don't have your net out. Just get your net out when they're facing away from you and enter stealth mode (hold down "A") as soon as possible (one tip is to not have many tools on you, so you can access it quickly). They might still turn around and warn you, but they won't attack if you stand still. Then you simply have to follow it when it walks away from you and swing your net when you're close enough.

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Yes, a few - fairly late at night and in a normal bit of river. Their shadows are quite small, so if you try and catch everything smaller than a bass you should eventually get one.


No, it's the bit where the river widens greatly. It's not near the waterfall in my town. I'm not sure there are any special catches at the inland waterfall, actually (the Char is at the ocean waterfall).



The thing is, you can actually get extremely near them as long as you don't run and don't have your net out. Just get your net out when they're facing away from you and enter stealth mode (hold down "A") as soon as possible (one tip is to not have many tools on you, so you can access it quickly). They might still turn around and warn you, but they won't attack if you stand still. Then you simply have to follow it when it walks away from you and swing your net when you're close enough.



Seems the place comes to life more in the hours of 11pm onwards, which is a bit of a problem for me as I'm a diva and like to be asleep by 11. Up at 6am Ideally I like 7 hours. Maybe I'll have to be hardcore and push the bed time to midnight :o


And Cheers I now know what part of my village is considered the 'lake' it's really not that large, but it's noticeable I guess. Assume it's the case that it's another fish that appears more later on in the night, even though it says available from 4pm, expect you wont see it till gone 11pm.


Caught a scorpion and bee (the ones that drop from a hive) last night, so pretty chuffed with that. Tarantula left, but I've only ever encountered one of them so far. Sad times.

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How does one get perfect fruit?


You know, i havn't received "Perfect Fruit" since day 1. I think it's random, and a rare occurance. Don't quote me on that, but that's my belief.


The thing is, you can actually get extremely near them as long as you don't run and don't have your net out. Just get your net out when they're facing away from you and enter stealth mode (hold down "A") as soon as possible (one tip is to not have many tools on you, so you can access it quickly). They might still turn around and warn you, but they won't attack if you stand still. Then you simply have to follow it when it walks away from you and swing your net when you're close enough.


I'll try and remember that, someone said with the Scorpion that it jumps. That is the chance to catch it whilst it's in mid-air. That didn't work either.

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How does one get perfect fruit?


As Jimbob says, it's an apparently random occurrence on a native fruit tree. You obv have one at the start of the game, but after that if you didn't plant it and grow it you just have to hope it appears on a native tree. Because of that I cut down all my foreign fruit trees and replaced with my native peaches(you're a cherry town iirc?) so that I might hopefully get one to plant. I did eventually, but it was after a friend donated me 3 perfect peaches which have now turned into about 20-30 perfect peach trees for me. A few for Eenuh too I think. Your best bet is finding someone to donate to you, even if it's just one as you can grow at an exponential rate of 3s.

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Excellent evening. Got a Gar, turtle and tarantula tonight which I needed.

If I could get some rain then all I need is Coelacanth and I've got all I can get till September.


Ah, well done. I've just got the Petaltail Dragonfly to go. I've caught them on Island tours, but not seen one in my town.

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