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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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Verrrry difficult for me to choose my favourite animal villager, as I love so many of 'em. :D

If I had to pick one though, it'd probably be Mitzi:





She's been a neighbour in my village on every single AC game so far! :hehe:

Love her phrase too, "Mew". :heh:

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My favourite villager who I never had was Nosegay from the GC version. Must have imported the game with 5 mates from USA, none of us ever had him in our village, but the fact he existed as almost this mythological character was enough!

My GF asked me what I wanted for my birthday today, I glibly replied a 3DS XL...she put it straight in the amazon shopping basket! Boom! Now got to convince her to let me have it a month early for AC...:D

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Alright let's turn up the heat: Who was your favourite villager in past iterations?


Rolf from Wild world



Why? He looked cool, but that back-fired when I met him. Talk about rude! However this did improve over time.

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Don't really have any fond memories of any of the townsfolk in any of the AC games, at least that I can remember properly. Think I spent most of my time pushing the townsfolk on to pitfalls and laughing as they struggled to get out :laughing:


Really do need to pick up a 3DS again as I wouldn't mind playing this. Although I do wish they would have gone back to the grid based towns as I loved going to the notice board in the Gamecube one and seeing the little hidden treasure messages where you had to go find it in the specific area. Doesn't work the same with how open it is now. I mean, it's obviously better having less screen shifts and easier to keep track of townsfolk and what not but I do miss the aforementioned treasure hunts.

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Been a while since I last chronicled my New Leaf adventures, so here's a selection of pictures from the past week or so:










And finally, a motto we can all live by...



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I know this is kinda dumb...but can you spoiler tag pictures! Or maybe I should just avoid the thread.


In other news...my SD card has started playing up. Says the write protection is on when it clearly isn't. Did the sellotape trick and it still pops up saying unable to load when I fire up the odd game. Going to see if I can find a deal on a bigger one somewhere.

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